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LGA and DCA flight cuts due to slot sale

Art I would think may be an e 190 might work if the traffic is there btwn clt n isp? Given the population in isp and long island id imagine as the dashes are being timed out that may be the crj 200 or even 700 might do isp phl run maybe?

ISP-PHL was split between the Dash8-300 and the CRJ for quite a while, but when DCA started last year I think shortly after that PHL went all Dash, and perhaps back to the short body. One hopes the CRJs will go away as well, but perhaps a 175 or 190 would serve ISP-CLT well in the current environment.
Art at ISP said:
Thanks Dash,

Since WN got LGA they have expanded there and reduced ISP accordingly. I'd assume this logic is also at play with US dropping ISP-DCA as they probably want to force people to use The shuttle, but I'm not sure that will work.

In any event WN is down to less than half the flights they had at their peak, and even dropped ISP-MDW which was a popular route. I think an E175 to ORD or CLT would work now, as there really needs to be a legacy operating out of ISP. The airport is like a ghost town lately.

Hope you are well.
If the service to/from ISP were profitable, then AA, US and WN would probably still be there at their previous levels.  WN does not walk away from a profitable route, especially now that deregulation is matured and they can no longer pick the low hanging fruit at the expense of the legacy carriers.  From that standpoint, the playing field is pretty much leveled now.
I'm sure ISP is a much easier airport for you and a lot of other people.  Just not enough to support the service which you would like to see.
Art at ISP said:
One hopes the CRJs will go away as well, 
I know I am not addressing the point you were making, but on the topic of service to "smaller" airports, the cascade of losing service has already begun.  It's a trickle right now affecting airports that few people really care about, but I think the industry is now past the brink of the cascade and this will accelerate incredibly over the next few years.
Unless there is a radical shift in the way pilots get trained, the CRJs, and all RJs, will go the way of the dinosaur in remarkably short order.
It has started already: http://www.usatoday.com/story/todayinthesky/2014/01/13/new-rules-make-it-hard-to-find-small-market-pilots/4450437/
It will not be limited to places like Mason City, and North Platte.  If one rides on "little" airliners to get where they need to go, one will be affected.
Just curious, does anyone remember when there was a really large retail knife shop just outside security in the USAir(AL) terminal at LGA?

I found that totally bizarre even before the events of 911.
Looks like American Eagle will be flying it with 50 seaters.  
I know I am not addressing the point you were making, but on the topic of service to "smaller" airports, the cascade of losing service has already begun. It's a trickle right now affecting airports that few people really care about, but I think the industry is now past the brink of the cascade and this will accelerate incredibly over the next few years.
NYCbusdriver, the loss of air service to smaller cities has been going on for many years now.

I hate to date myself, but my first airplane flight was in 1957 from BHM to MEM on Southern Airways (DC-3, of course). The flight took 2.5 hours because we landed at Tuscaloosa, Al, Meridian, MS and Tupelo, MS before getting to MEM. Believe it or not, passengers got off and on at each of those stops. Today, they all have to drive to Birmingham, Jackson, MS, or Memphis to get on a commercial flight.
WestJet has said they bid on the five remaining slot pairs at DCA.
Delta code share I believe......just like the LGA slot pairs that DAL gave up,   to westjet...codeshare
well the most interesting thing now is where will VX fly out of DCA to?  unless they get special exempt to go to SFO from DCA
wt is not going to like the fact DL did not get those slots...
One question here. Why did it take so long for the announcement of the final winner of the airline that won the remaining slots?   I am assuming that VX has been working on getting the approval needed to wave the rules to fly where they want, before announcing that they won the slots.  Again, why the delay in the announcement?  Just curious here, any thoughts?