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Letter from Doug Parker

A comment made here that LCC was number one in on time performance which makes it so much better than B6.

So explain to any of us why B6 is number one in customer satisfaction and LCC is #15 out of 16?

Would you care to explain this?

B6 has a clear policy of not leaving passengers behind. They would prefer to delay the flight and take the hit in on time instead of leaving passengers behind.

Then we can move on to denied boardings and cancellations. Once again B6 is on top and LCC is close to the bottom.

So lets make the comparisons fair.

Of course B6 has made mistakes, flying into ATL only to pull out several months later. Adding so much capacity to Florida blah blah blah.. We all know about it..

LCC has been in busines all of what 9 months.. Should we go back beyond that and look at all of the mistakes US made, AWA made? Business Select!! MetroJet!! INDY mini-hub, project crossroads, MDA, AWA 747's to Hawaii, CMH hub.. The list goes on and on.

Sure after 15 years its nice to have a CEO that stands up for his airline. Good job. But lets keep it all in perspective.. Be fair.
it's our freakin turn now dammit!! we have been bashed and beaten for god knows how long !! fair, fair my ass!! no one was fair to usairways in the past!! so why should we!! US will be a force to reckoned with . everyone thought that US would be gone by know but look , "stiiill going. nothing outlast usairways. they keep going,and going,and going........" and this time we are better than many . not all but many!!! WE ARE BACK!!! AND WE ARE BACK FOR GOOD!!! we have the best employees in the business. THE BEST!!! our customer service is getting better everyday. i am proud to work for this airline. and i am proud to work with such a resiliant group of people. for the proud employees of this airline ,do not let anyone talk bad about your company. be proud that we have a managemnt group that is willing to stand up for the new company and not hide behind the employees and say" there coming to kill us". we can and will be better than b6,wn,dl,nw,aa,nk,f9,co,the list goes on . it takes time but things are changing for the better. remember to please take the culture survey on the hub. lety your voice be heard. the people in tempe are listening i promise you that.
to counter the JetBlue posters, USAirways is about 90% hub and spoke, while JetBlue is about 10% hub and spoke. I would hardly call IAD, JFK, LGB, and FLL "hubs" as not many connect thru there, and JFK is barely a hub at best.

So Jetblue *can* hold flights... if we hold a flight over 15 minutes, there's a chance we'll require 20 flights downline to be held and delay them, and so on. Its a domino effect.

And yes, full flights don't mean profits.
So explain to any of us why B6 is number one in customer satisfaction and LCC is #15 out of 16?

Would you care to explain this?

B6 has a clear policy of not leaving passengers behind. They would prefer to delay the flight and take the hit in on time instead of leaving passengers behind.

Yes I'll take a stab at it! First and foremost this is a laging indicator, probably at least a year behind performance. The number one reason people complain is late flights you cannot be last in OTP and not have that catch up. The are also benefiting from the Wow factor of IFE and all leather seast PAX want to see them succeded, again that won't last forever. As for a CXLD US had 99.5 % completion last month a doubt Jet Blue was any better that whole issue is a minsnomer and 8 or 10 hour late flight has little to no PAX on them anyway as the would have been re-aacomd. In two years I would not be suprised to see US and JBLUE's CS numbers completely fliped!
So explain to any of us why B6 is number one in customer satisfaction and LCC is #15 out of 16?

Would you care to explain this?

B6 has a clear policy of not leaving passengers behind. They would prefer to delay the flight and take the hit in on time instead of leaving passengers behind.
Yes I'll take a stab at it! First and foremost this is a laging indicator, probably at least a year behind performance. The number one reason people complain is late flights you cannot be last in OTP and not have that catch up. The are also benefiting from the Wow factor of IFE and all leather seast PAX want to see them succeded, again that won't last forever. As for a CXLD US had 99.5 % completion last month a doubt Jet Blue was any better that whole issue is a minsnomer and 8 or 10 hour late flight has little to no PAX on them anyway as the would have been re-aacomd. In two years I would not be suprised to see US and JBLUE's CS numbers completely fliped!

You are right on the money! 😉
US never ran NS to FLL out of anywhere in upstate. Saturday only we fly NS BUF to MCO and I assume out of the other 3 as well. When Metrojet was around, we had 2 daily NS to MCO for awhile. Mainline pulled out of the upstate to NY market because fares were low and the a/c could be utilized more profitably elsewhere.

When was the last time LCC or U posted a profit?
It is probably very hard for them to hear that US Airways (who they'd counted on being gone by now) is expecting to be profitable in 2006 (excluding transition related expenses), while they have disclosed that they expect to be unprofitable.

Umm, the entire point of the merger was that it would produce a profitable entity. Parker trying to spin that in such a way with this "excluding merger costs" is a joke. Only in the airline business do people think like this anymore.

So US rentreched, and while B6 was busy adding flights between NY and FLA, US was busy redeploying those aircraft to profitble Carribean Markets where the average fares start at say $600 rt and most more, while B6 gets our old $79 passengers, yeah they really kicked US's butt.

B6 is already in or will be in Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and the Dominican Republic. Airtran goes to the Bahamas. Spirit is all over the Carribbean. The "run and hide" routine that US has resorted to for years will soon be limited to Europe only, as the LCCs seem bound and determined to take the islands and Latin America away.
They fly/will fly three cities in PR and they fly into the Dominican. And they are starting service to BDA. Fly to Nassau also.

Jetblue route map
As Colonel Jessup says "You Can't Handle the Truth!"

The jury is still out on DP and the results of this merger. We have run and hid from B6 but that was when other morons were in charge. Now the "new sheriff" is on duty and we shall see. I, like you and others who have been bitten, are looking at him and this merger with extreme caution and little confidence.

However, his letter is encouraging. We would not have seen that from the U side in the past. People from the West don't understand what we've been through. Therefore when you or I or anyone presents "the truth" they go off. I still think hiring Crelin and keeping Glass is speaks volumes about Parker. But we shall see.

Keep speaking the truth so heads don't go into the sand. We have too much invested here to allow another incompetent CEO to take us down.

And they are starting service to BDA. Fly to Nassau also.

Thats why we pulled out of the LGA / BDA market this year. Inventory told me we actually made money going out with 35% load factors LGA / BDA.

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