Let me get this straight

You do realize that after Plymouth Rock, everyone in the community was supposed to supply this and that to the entire community. It worked until people realized they could get what they needed from others without contributing. It was Americas first experiment in socialism and it was an epic failure.

The people behind Biden, pulling his strings, think they know better.
You fell for all the anti-Trump propaganda for the past 5 years and you ask about someone being miserable?

We fell for " ALL the ORANGE-TURD Propaganda " ???

How so ?

(The) Dog' and (the) BEAR get all their News From outlets that can back up their 'stuff' with F-PROOF. (CNN + NYT anyone) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You FOOLS, on the other hand rely on the Washington Examiner/NY Post and FAUX News '

We fell for " ALL the ORANGE-TURD Propaganda " ???

How so ?

(The) Dog' and (the) BEAR get all their News From outlets that can back up their 'stuff' with F-PROOF. (CNN + NYT anyone) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You FOOLS, on the other hand rely on the Washington Examiner/NY Post and FAUX News '

CNN?? Bwaa ha ha

NYT?? Bwaa Ha ha

Gee whizz, Bear, just about all those stories you people bought into, pushed by the left about Trump, are or have caved in.

In fact, I think it was all those journalists featured on Sean Sannity, who were vindicated. when the truth finally came out

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