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Let me get this straight

Oh this is great!......
John Kerry Says Fired Energy Workers Can Simply ‘Go Make Solar Panels’
That's your opinion. I survived Bush and Trump, you survived Obama. You'll do fine under Biden as well.
Not even two weeks, jobs lost biggly, Indians jerked off, radical moves all across the government.......I don't think the American people are going to agree down the line.
They are going to ram through unpopular edicts, all the while knowing it will cost them the house and possibly the senate. These actions won't be what the American people voted for, guarantee ya.

Why are the dems so intent from stopping Trump from running again? Because they know there will be consequences for their upcoming actions.

As an American i and all of my people i know and around do not feel lost
Coming from you, not surprising at all.

Hey bucko, fuel prices are going to sky rocket.....real cool for an aviation industry getting by serving take out.
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Not even two weeks, jobs lost biggly, Indians jerked off, radical moves all across the government.......I don't think the American people are going to agree down the line.
They are going to ram through unpopular edicts, all the while knowing it will cost them the house and possibly the senate. These actions won't be what the American people voted for, guarantee ya.

Why are the dems so intent from stopping Trump from running again? Because they know there will be consequences for their upcoming actions.

Coming from you, not surprising at all.

Hey bucko, fuel prices are going to sky rocket.....real cool for an aviation industry getting by serving take out.
Hey bucko...fuel price here near me has been btween 2.25.and 3.10 since summer of lasted year. Aviation fuel even lower. Your response typical far right winger. Not surprisingly nor shocking
Hey bucko...fuel price here near me has been btween 2.25.and 3.10 since summer of lasted year. Aviation fuel even lower. Your response typical far right winger. Not surprisingly nor shocking

Hey bucko, fuel prices are going to sky rocket.....real cool for an aviation industry getting by serving take out.

Now it's reading comprehension?

Not for long there, bucko......times, they are a changin'

Who and how is this climate change justice going to be paid for?

Airlines surviving on take out are in for much higher expenses which will trickle down to the unions.

'Farce majeure'
Already seen that under last admin when few my coworkers were furlough bucko
Tens of thousands of voters drop Republican affiliation after Capitol riot
Already seen that under last admin when few my coworkers were furlough bucko
Not from skyrocketing fuel prices,.......try collapsing economy due to a pandemic

Tens of thousands of voters drop Republican affiliation after Capitol riot
Oooh....they went Indie like tens of thousands dems have done too.
Not from skyrocketing fuel prices,.......try collapsing economy due to a pandemic


That pandemic was also the reason that oil was selling for negative dollars per barrel. I guess we should credit Trump with that as well.
Trump already had collapsed the economy by his total epic failure to listen to scientists who were n still are learning more bout the virus
That pandemic was also the reason that oil was selling for negative dollars per barrel. I guess we should credit Trump with that as well.
A part of the reason.....get all the facts first.

  • A historic drop occurred on April 20, when the price of West Texas Intermediate crude dropped by almost 300%, trading at around negative $37 per barrel.
  • The crash in demand that followed the spread of Covid-19, along with a price war between oil giants Saudi Arabia and Russia in early March spurred the move into negative prices.
  • As the delivery date for WTI grew near, investors began a massive sell-off to take the contract off their hands.
  • The price of oil has steadily recovered, jumping nearly 90% in May and registering the best month on record for WTI.
  • https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/16/how-negative-oil-prices-revealed-the-dangers-of-futures-trading.html
Nice to see He still occupies your head, rent free.
Trump already had collapsed the economy by his total epic failure to listen to scientists who were n still are learning more bout the virus

Epic failure supported by Fauci?

Dr. Anthony Fauci said in an interview released Thursday that President Donald Trump took the coronavirus threat seriously “from the beginning” of the pandemic.

“I think he always understood the seriousness of it. Right now as the numbers are becoming crystal clear, he himself is articulating an awareness of that seriousness,” Fauci said in an interview on “The Daily,” a New York Times podcast.

“But from the beginning, he always took it seriously.”

“The President has his own style, that’s obvious to the American public. When I speak to him about issues that are substantive he listens.”

Check that date on that video bec Fauci is man enough to admit he was wrong shortly after that. Nice try
Check that date on that video bec Fauci is man enough to admit he was wrong shortly after that. Nice try
Same Fauci who admitted lying about the need for masks in March? Wonder how many deaths were contributed to his lies?
Trump put his name on the virus. Maybe the only thing left with his name on it in a few years.

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