Leafletting is not legal without a permit


Sep 4, 2002
And now this:
Just cruising the 2001 annual report of this private corporation who is conducting this unusual vote today.
On page 11 is listed Anne H. McNamara, Sr VP and General Counsel for American Airlines, as a member of the Board of Directors of AAA.
Please refer to AAA website.
First of all, it's internal communications. Nothing illegal there. Secondly, the leaflets only restate what the company has said all along about bankruptcy. The only difference is now the company knows that since the TWU and APA have voted for their T/A's the flight attendants MIGHT, I repeat, MIGHT, feel compelled to change their votes.

It always amazes me that everybody has SPOKEN to an attorney who almost always agrees with their point of view about a critical issue.

Do you not realize AMR has a slew of legal eagles advising them of what thye can and cannot do?
Since when does the government regulate the mode of our internal employee communications? What AA is doing is not solicitation, as your lawyer friend may have misinterpreted.
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I just spoke with an attorney and leafletting at the DFW airport and other locations requires a permit.
If AA did not apply for a permit - they MAY NOT leaflet.
AA is held to the same standards as APFA when it comes to leafletting - there
are restrictions on TIME, PLACE AND MANNER in
which leaflets may be distributed
in this limited public forum.
Please call your airport and request information pertaining to this event.
On 4/16/2003 10:43:40 AM bicaal wrote:

IF it were to be legal, then why has it been temporarily halted in STL by the police until permits are applied for and issued?
Either give me the link, or cover your short. You choose.
Have any of you people actually read what''s being passed out?

All it says is that FA''s MAY revote. There is one line that says the company will file BK if the vote is no. That''s it.

Who really cares? As if this is something that every single FA didn''t know already.
On 4/16/2003 10:12:09 AM Hopeful wrote:

First of all, it''s internal communications. Nothing illegal there. Secondly, the leaflets only restate what the company has said all along about bankruptcy. The only difference is now the company knows that since the TWU and APA have voted for their T/A''s the flight attendants MIGHT, I repeat, MIGHT, feel compelled to change their votes.

It always amazes me that everybody has SPOKEN to an attorney who almost always agrees with their point of view about a critical issue.

Do you not realize AMR has a slew of legal eagles advising them of what thye can and cannot do?


You and I know that APFA is right up there with the RailRoad Unions, and mabey even with the west coast Longshoremans Union, as far as solidarity is concerned.
So mabey they just "MIGHT" change some YES votes, to "NO"

While you and I SUFFER under the boot of the ToTALLY USELESS TWU, at least we(as union men) can take pride in the fact that we can call the MAJORITY of APFA members (union) brother and sister CO-WORKERS !!!!!!!!!!!

GOD BLESS APFA, and THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hopeful, at least, down the road, you AMT''s have a "shot" of getting AMFA in. And as Usual, you could count on me to help carry "your" message !!!!

I think AMFA industry wide is becoming more of a reality since all the major carriers have declared "union busting warfare" against airline workers. AT NWA, AMFA told them to stick their concession you know where and in return, NWA laid off 2000 mechanics. I would still take my chances in BK court. Pay cuts are one thing, even understandable. But to take away sick time, IOD and vacation is simply breaking the unions and retaking evereything given up for the last 50 years.
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IF it were to be legal, then why has it been temporarily halted in STL by the police until permits are applied for and issued?

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