Last nights Tea Party Debate

Why do you say that? I think it goes back much further than that.

Money is money and debt is debt. Doesn't matter one wit if we spent 10 trillion dollars feeding the world or 10 trillion bombing the crap out of third world oil rich countries. The fact remains that my friends grandchildren and her grandchildren will be paying for the actions of the Empty Suit. Taxing the current population at double the rate wouldn't make a dent in the debt because we'd barely balance the budget and with Libtards like Pelosi running amok we'd spend the excess anyway and then some.

If you're really serious about establishing blame start in 1913 with the 16th Amendment and the so called "Temporary" Federal Income Tax to pay for WWI. Then look at the creation of the Federal Reserve. Still not convinced? Check out the League of Nations as well. These three events allowed us to get where we are today. There is a significant body of evidence that the Great Depression was caused by the actions of the Federal Reserve. Every war post WWII has been conducted under UN auspices. Thank the concept of the League of Nations for that. Once the Federal government was able to get into your pocket legally, spending and social programs went through the roof and now here we are trying to kick the camel out of the tent.
No, not quite. Spending money on a flat screen is quite a bit different than spending money on necessities or spending to get an influx of money into the economy.
No, not quite. Spending money on a flat screen is quite a bit different than spending money on necessities or spending to get an influx of money into the economy.

But wait, no less then the Anointed One's very own Secretary of the Treasury stated that, "Keynesian Economics has proved to be a failure"

The so called "stimulus" was a failure just as Ron Paul predicted and S & P agreed later on in the story. Government stimulus and bailouts will continue until we wise up and face the simple fact that one as an individual or government can't spend more than you make over and extended period of time without dire consequences. Think Europe and Greece, Ireland and Portugal in specific. Their Governments screwed then and now their pissed. Sound familiar? It should as it's beginning to happen here and the TP is just the beginning.

As to the flat screen, I'd argue that a private citizen buy one did more for the economy than the entire Empty Suit Brigade
Been searching for a quite a while. I cannot find a clip where he said that. DO you have a link?
The closest thing I saw was him saying that given the current circumstances that a economic something could not be engineered. I do not think that equates with "Keynesian Economics has proved to be a failure" and I never heard that quote come out of his mouth after searching for a bit.
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"Gentlemen, Ladies PLEASE" !! Since I'd like to see a change of party in the WH, AND unless i'm wrong, I sincerely believe that it will take someone other than Perry ,Bachman and Santorum to unseat BO.
And here's the choices that the GOP is left with: Gingrich(and Calista) :unsure: , Herman (I'm lookin' for Muslim's) Cain :unsure: , Ron (I'd like to see it happen, but I doubt it) Paul, Jon( maybe next time) Huntsman and of course Mitt. Seriously, it's not rocket sceince for any of us.

Been searching for a quite a while. I cannot find a clip where he said that. DO you have a link?

Its just like Dave Beers and S&P.....he didn't say it verbatim but its what he said.

Like 777 says "In other words".

You know, the old liberal hair split two step.

Paul Krugman did though....... :lol:

Curious, why does your liberal media read these things from statements all the time and you fail to grasp the message? Duh.....
It is not what he said or implied. He accused both parties of negligence and stupidity. The TP proposal was DOA and everyone knew it except the TP.
It is not what he said or implied. He accused both parties of negligence and stupidity. The TP proposal was DOA and everyone knew it except the TP.

Whether or not the TP thing was dead wasn't was that level of financial action S&P told those 27 Congress members and the rest of the world went with....except you.Thank God we have you.

And Geithner's words were parsed,dissected and analyzed (you know, just like the State Department does) . His claim that they couldn't engineer anything to work is an off hand admittance that the present way (Keynes) isn't therefore it has failed...Duh.

Keep splitting those hairs.

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