Laser Eye Surgery Advancements


Mar 17, 2003
fyi... from today's AVweb's AVflash...

Military Lauds New Laser Eye Surgery
Permitted For Some Pilots...

Gone are the days when laser eye surgery meant an automatic disqualification for would-be military pilots. A more sophisticated version we told you about in May 2003, called wavefront-guided LASIK, is now being used by Air Force doctors as a "performance enhancement" procedure designed as "an improvement to the human weapon system." The Air Force now allows (in fact, seems to encourage) the procedure for pilots who don't fly high-performance or training aircraft, but does not allow it for "those whose aircraft have cabin altitudes potentially above 14,000 feet." The new procedure does a better job of precisely adjusting for the small aberrations on the cornea that can throw off vision. It does so by creating a map of the corneal surface to guide the laser. Conventional LASIK surgery relies on the person's prescription for glasses. Laser surgery was approved by the Air Force for non-flying personnel in 2000 and extended to low-altitude pilots last June.

...And It Works
Col. (Dr.) Robert Smith, the program manager of the Air Force Warfighter Refractive Surgery Program, performed the first laser surgery on a pilot in September. "That aviator now has 20/12 vision (better than 20/20) without glasses and tells me that his night-vision performance has been tremendously improved," Dr. Smith said. He added that the surgery gives military pilots "the competitive edge in their work environment." More improvements are on the way. New technology allows even more customized treatment with the potential for even bigger vision improvements. X-ray vision is next. (OK, maybe not.)
In the past, pilots had to wait several months for their "lasered" eyes to re-adjust before they were given their licence back. Do you know if there is still a delay after this type of surgery ???
Knowing TC I would say yes as they are always behind the technology curve. In PNR it was a 3 month wait when
i had mine Lasiked about 6 years ago and Quebec was 12 month at the same time for the same procedure. I would check with my friendly TC medic to see what today's requrements are form the geniuses
Usless they've changed again, it was 3 mths suspension for one eye and nine mths for two eyes and on both occasions a follow-up thorough eye exam before re-instatement of privilages.
We had a couple of pilots who had both of their eyes done using LASIK last year and they were both cleared to go back flying by TC in less than 3 months. I am not completely sure but I believe one of them had this new wave guided lasik procedure done as well.
Had mine done 5½ years ago (PRK). My TCME told me it was a minimum of 3 mo suspension followed by detailed ophthalmologist's eye exam (preferably not the same doc who performed the surgery), regardless of whether its one eye or both. After that, it's up to your TCME to give you the go-ahead to resume flying.

He also told me that like any other medical condition leading to flight restrictions/suspensions, if you don't declare it to your TCME, who's gonna know ? As long as nothing happens in-flight...