Lakefield Apologizes To Pit

:down: :down: Yeah thats how I see it...EVV gets the shaft but we at PIT(mainline and express) will come out smelling like roses
Rob, thanks for the post, but did you really read the article??? PIT is screwed, along with a few thousand employees. :down:
orville said:
:down: :down: Yeah thats how I see it...EVV gets the shaft but we at PIT(mainline and express) will come out smelling like roses
Hey, Popcorn man, you are kidding aren't you????? :huh: :huh: :rolleyes:
Yes, I'm being very sarcastic..along with Rob.....PIT is getting the shaft....BOHICA (Bend Over Here It Comes Again) :D
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kt, sorry - it was my idea of a little joke. I was kind of disgusted by the article. What else is there to say in response to Lakefield's comments?

This apology craze is something I don't really understand. Also, being from another midwestern mill town, I appreciate well how difficult this is for the people in PIT.
The US employees in PIT are screwed. However, now is the time for the PIT airport to put up or shut up. There will now be no excuse for not getting other carriers to commit to serving PIT, and the people in SW PA will be all the better for it. Everyone has complained about high fares and poor service for years, so now the region has the perfect opportunity to do something about it.
i tremendously applaud that lone employee for protesting the 4.5 million golden parachute to the clown that left a few weeks back. I find it very hard to believe that this airline can afford to pay clowns the big millions of bucks while we're bleeding the red ink everyday.
robbedagain said:
i tremendously applaud that lone employee for protesting the 4.5 million golden parachute to the clown that left a few weeks back. I find it very hard to believe that this airline can afford to pay clowns the big millions of bucks while we're bleeding the red ink everyday.
Of course your airline can afford to pay almost $10 million to those two execs to walk away, because US AIRWAYS has the money. Fleet service gave up $14 million and is walking on '### clams' while most of its givebacks was divided up for a 'going away present' to those two execs. Totally injust and the above article suggest nothing has changed.


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