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Kudos To All For Holiday Performance

Tadjr - Thanks for your remarks.

Pitbull -

Are you this cynical and paranoid all the time? I would hate to live my life doubting and worried that everything that people do have ulterior motives. By all means, please feel free to skip this topic when it moves to the top of the list. It was my intention to do my little part to try and boost morale a bit. If you can't be a part of it, then take your ball and go home. Your constant barage of questioning my ethics is really starting to pi$$ me off! :angry:
But you said I could post......here...

I thought it was a pleasant post and thought ful.

What did you expect? If we all sound just like you, then all we need to do is write "ditto". So, how intersting is that, or you?

I'm just trying to be my "colorful" self. So I walk to a different sound, how'se that make me bad and you good and positive. I think you're quite the negative type, because you post issues that are provocative, IMO.

YOU just don't like it cause my one post drowns you out! Stop being a baby. Write to management and get them to be more positive. You see, they won't even touch YOUR topic. At least I comment. We all can't be the exact same.

Next time post: FOR ONLY POSITIVE POSTERS WHO THINK EXACTLY THE WAY I DO!. Then I'll know my boundries.
You know what I expected.....I expected our front line employees to see what a great job we did and to be proud of their efforts. I expected other posters to applaude and support their fellow employees. I expected our customers to take notice (again) of how hard our employees worked to ensure they had a safe, clean and on time flight. I guess my expectations are a bit to high for you, eh?

Guess I shouldn't go out of my way to try and bring something positive to the boards since some will do nothing more with the information then use it as a weapon for their cause.
PITbull said:
I think you're quite the negative type, becasue you post issues that are provocative, IMO.

Next time post: FOR ONLY POSITIVE POSTERS WHO THINK EXACTLY THE WAY I DO!. Then I'll know my boundries.
May I ask exactly how THIS POST FOR THIS THREAD is provocative?

I got some early performance stats for Wednesdays performance. Hats off to everyone! What a great accomplishment by everyone. Keep up the excellent job!

Wednesday: Booked to over 210,000 system wide.
Zero Mainline Cancellations
Departure performance:
Sked:0 - 80% Sked:5 - 90% Sked:14 - 96%

The performance numbers are the preliminary numbers and are for mainline only (except for system bookings).

Let's keep the momentum going for the rest of the weekend......

Pitbull, I really appreciate all you try to do for the front line workers, but give me a break....
this one is way out of line in my opinion. As a matter of fact, I'd be thrilled to see someone post "Positive Posters only" for a change. All the one liners from various posters about "Dave Lorenzo" and the crooks going, et al are really getting old. In no way do I think they should get off the hook and there are ways to get the point across, but come on guys, do we have to mention it on every thread? In my opinion that is no better than the constant weekly beatings the rest of us have been having to endure around here.
How was any of my posts negative?????????

Just because they don't sound exactly like MMW or Tad, doesn't make them negative. I was joking about the "brain washing fulid".. When I am heated, trust that everyone knows it. My post was light at heart.

When I speak that MMW posts are provocative, is because he can't take anyone posting that is slightly off his expectation.


He would be better off just having his own little website with a pass code for select folks to get in so he could hear himself repeated all day.

I was in a playful mood, now you guys have pissed me off.
I was in a playful mood, now you guys have pissed me off.

Perhaps some of these would be helpful then for those of us who dont know you as well as others? 😀 😛 :up: :shock: 😉

Harness that energy/anger and keep it focused on fighting the battles with your mgmt. in CCY, and for your work group (which I'm sure you do a fine job of). :lol:
I will not comment to any of MMW posts unless he perhaps apologizes and then just maybe, if he begs me. <_<
You all need to back of Pitbull, she is just standing up for what she believes in and is passionate about it, nothing wrong with that.

Oh....alright.....I am sorry you are so negative. 😀 😀 😀
Where's the begging part???? 😱

And maybe some dinner....
OK.....please, please, please......will you buy me dinner to say you're sorry? 😛 😀 😛 😀
As Karen Walker once said to Will Truman and Grace Adler,

"Oh for G*d's sake JUST DO IT ALREADY!"

😱 😱 😛
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

Have a good night......

Keep this up and I will be an Advanced Member by the weekend! LOL

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