Kerry Reference To Us Airways


Mar 22, 2003
At Kerry's acceptance speech tonight, he said the following:

"What does it mean when Deborah Kromins from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania works and saves all her life only to find out that her pension has disappeared into thin air - and the executive who looted it has bailed out on a golden parachute?

America can do better. And help is on the way."

Anyone think it's a reference to US Airways? God, I hope not!
I believe he was referring to Adelphia Cable, headquartered in PHL, not US Airways.
It could apply here as well. The employees are losing almost everthing, while the top guns continue to line their pockets as they walk out the door for the final time.
Where else can you collect a few Million after getting to boot ???
Sad but true, Michael.

And so long as working folks allow abortion, gun control, and, whipped up special for this election, gay marriage, to be trump, their interests will not be served.

As it so happens, I am personally quite conservative in most of those matters, but I also realize that I am a citizen of a republic, not a theocracy.

And for a republic to endure, a certain amount of toleration for issues one
disagrees with is required.
Keep in mind that Kerry is a politician, not a magician. The economic forces that are at work in the airline industry cannot be stopped without more money that the US taxpayers are willing to shell out.
I hope all of you caught his references to the health problems faced by the children in Harlem due to "hair pollution."

In order to increase his popularity, Kerry is apparently appropriating "Bush-isms".

Gotta love the "choices" we have in this country. (sarcasm) BTW, anyone notice "Tayrayzzza" appears to be a bit under the influence in some of her appearances?

I know there's a link out there to the mp3...

Update: here's the link:
Personally, I'm tired of dealing with polluted hair, so I'm voting for Kerry.

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