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Juvenile Attitude=juvenile Pay

First of all skab skamer how many Northwest people or United People or US Air people have you talked to? I have talked to over 150 of them and most of them were on layoff at the time. These are people that worked at Eastern, PanAm, and TWA. They have experienced first hand the good it does them to give back money to help the company. You don't even have to go that far to see the disadvantages of it. In 1995 Twu said we need to accept this concessionary contract to help sustain and grow the company. The pilots and F/A's turned around and signed contracts 3 and 4 years long the pilots got 18% over 3 years the F/A's got 23% over 4 years. The mechanics got a 6 year contract with 3% after 3 years and another 3% at the end. We allowed AA to start the SRP program which gave them a 56 million a year cost advantage over other carriers and the lowest paid mechanics in the industry. AA turned around built a convention center in Miami , signed a 10 year contract with the Dallas Mav's to put the AA logo on the wall of there arena at 5 million a year and bought back 2.3 billion in stock to increase their stock prices and bought TWA airlines. You tell me where the appreciation is. They gave us a chance to earn up to 25 dollars a month for out performing the top six airlines in the industry and hired the overland group to explain to us why this is a good deal. They cut the ASM's for AA by 19 % paid out 1.5 billion increasing the Regional ASM's by 60%.and said were broke by the way we brought 2 union people up to management and hired a level 6 manager to over see the CI program. Where you find the slightest indication that we are destroying the company I don't know. Would you mind explaining it to me? By the way chances are I have been working at AA longer than you and if you don't like me fighting for what is right you can find another job. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
Decision 2004 said:
What about the topic?

The Cartoons, Childish Behavior, and Images of Whining Juveniles?

Not one of the offenders appear to want to address the topic as presented.

I wonder why?
Hey Dave.. . . I was wondering if you could do me a favor??? I can't seem to find that little video, you know the one you produced a while back then posted it for all to see. The cartoon short, the one of "Sonny the Rat" coming out of his hole??? You know the one I'm talking about don't you???????????????? :huh:

HMMMMMM?? Calling the kettle black are ya' Davie boy??????
:lol: :lol: :lol:
twuer said:
Hey Dave.. . . I was wondering if you could do me a favor??? I can't seem to find that little video, you know the one you produced a while back then posted it for all to see. The cartoon short, the one of "Sonny the Rat" coming out of his hole??? You know the one I'm talking about don't you???????????????? :huh:

HMMMMMM?? Calling the kettle black are ya' Davie boy??????
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I suspect twuer, that every now and then ole Daave gets a call from Delle or Terry and they request he, as APPOINTED VP, tighten up his welders act. A VP must present professionalism, well, should present professionalism...Dave does not.
The "in-house" fighting continues. The name calling and juvenile attitude festers. I'm sure an outsider could draw a comparison to our behavior with that of the Crip and Blood gang-bangers who stalk the streets throughout the U.S. Get out of this industry while you can. Don't let spineless co-workers willing to accept pay cuts take you down with them.

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