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John Gaines - Labor Council President

Ken MacTiernan said:
We all now know that the coffin was there. Why don't you show a picture of the finished product? The picture with the signs in front of it saying R.I.P. AMFA, R.I.P. United's Indy Base, R.I.P. Oakland Base, Seattle Base Atlanta base etc. Or did you forget to mention that? Your flyer depicting the coffin with a flag draped over it is nothing but a deceiptful lie in itself. You talk about unethical behavior yet you display it yourself. There was not an ounce of disrespect for anyone but AMFA when this was done but you have turned into something much more.

twuer posted the above. I would like to ask why you list "r.i.p. United's Indy Base" as one of the tombstones? Are you aware that AMFA was not in at United when the Indy base was closed? Are you aware that AMFA inherited a lousy contract from the iam?
I was just trying to clear up the story that your AMFA co-corts so blatantly distorted in a ploy to use agaisnt the TWU. You guys never cease to amaze me in the way that you continue to deceive people. You talk of integrity but then you use tactics like what was shown above, like digging up someones records, like saying that the coffin was for Jim Little, hoping that he dies a slow, painful death. Oh what, you haven't seen that post yet????? It's disgusting and pathetic and we see right through it!! You guys can't stick to the real issues so you take other routes. And the kicker is you see NOTHING wrong with it. God help us if AMFA and supporters like you and Dave and Dan (etc.) ever get in.

It usually takes quite a bit to get me stirred up but I'm at the end of my rope with you AMFA wannabes. You want a fight, well you've stepped over the line. The sad thing is you will never do this kind of stuff up in someones face. That just shows how sorry and cowardly you really are!
twuer said:
Ken MacTiernan said:
We all now know that the coffin was there. Why don't you show a picture of the finished product? The picture with the signs in front of it saying R.I.P. AMFA, R.I.P. United's Indy Base, R.I.P. Oakland Base, Seattle Base Atlanta base etc. Or did you forget to mention that? Your flyer depicting the coffin with a flag draped over it is nothing but a deceiptful lie in itself. You talk about unethical behavior yet you display it yourself. There was not an ounce of disrespect for anyone but AMFA when this was done but you have turned into something much more.

twuer posted the above. I would like to ask why you list "r.i.p. United's Indy Base" as one of the tombstones? Are you aware that AMFA was not in at United when the Indy base was closed? Are you aware that AMFA inherited a lousy contract from the iam?
I was just trying to clear up the story that your AMFA co-corts so blatantly distorted in a ploy to use agaisnt the TWU. You guys never cease to amaze me in the way that you continue to deceive people. You talk of integrity but then you use tactics like what was shown above, like digging up someones records, like saying that the coffin was for Jim Little, hoping that he dies a slow, painful death. Oh what, you haven't seen that post yet????? It's disgusting and pathetic and we see right through it!! You guys can't stick to the real issues so you take other routes. And the kicker is you see NOTHING wrong with it. God help us if AMFA and supporters like you and Dave and Dan (etc.) ever get in.

It usually takes quite a bit to get me stirred up but I'm at the end of my rope with you AMFA wannabes. You want a fight, well you've stepped over the line. The sad thing is you will never do this kind of stuff up in someones face. That just shows how sorry and cowardly you really are!
What's the matter twuer? Gettin' a little HOT in the twu kitchen?

I believe Company Man Dan called about 40 of you tuff twu boys "punks, drunks, and cowards TO YOUR FACE ON BANNER DAY Fri Jan 16 at the TUL base.

You didn't do anything? Les (I forgot my name) howard tried grabbing Dan's AMFA flag. Didn't look like he had much sucess from the pic I saw. Hmmmmm.

Why didn't you all come into the Brady with your BS? Cowardice? :unsure:

Glad to see ya "stirred up" twuer. Makes my DAY!!!!!
Hackman said:
twuer said:
Ken MacTiernan said:
We all now know that the coffin was there. Why don't you show a picture of the finished product? The picture with the signs in front of it saying R.I.P. AMFA, R.I.P. United's Indy Base, R.I.P. Oakland Base, Seattle Base Atlanta base etc. Or did you forget to mention that? Your flyer depicting the coffin with a flag draped over it is nothing but a deceiptful lie in itself. You talk about unethical behavior yet you display it yourself. There was not an ounce of disrespect for anyone but AMFA when this was done but you have turned into something much more.

twuer posted the above. I would like to ask why you list "r.i.p. United's Indy Base" as one of the tombstones? Are you aware that AMFA was not in at United when the Indy base was closed? Are you aware that AMFA inherited a lousy contract from the iam?
I was just trying to clear up the story that your AMFA co-corts so blatantly distorted in a ploy to use agaisnt the TWU. You guys never cease to amaze me in the way that you continue to deceive people. You talk of integrity but then you use tactics like what was shown above, like digging up someones records, like saying that the coffin was for Jim Little, hoping that he dies a slow, painful death. Oh what, you haven't seen that post yet????? It's disgusting and pathetic and we see right through it!! You guys can't stick to the real issues so you take other routes. And the kicker is you see NOTHING wrong with it. God help us if AMFA and supporters like you and Dave and Dan (etc.) ever get in.

It usually takes quite a bit to get me stirred up but I'm at the end of my rope with you AMFA wannabes. You want a fight, well you've stepped over the line. The sad thing is you will never do this kind of stuff up in someones face. That just shows how sorry and cowardly you really are!
What's the matter twuer? Gettin' a little HOT in the twu kitchen?

I believe Company Man Dan called about 40 of you tuff twu boys "punks, drunks, and cowards TO YOUR FACE ON BANNER DAY Fri Jan 16 at the TUL base.

You didn't do anything? Les (I forgot my name) howard tried grabbing Dan's AMFA flag. Didn't look like he had much sucess from the pic I saw. Hmmmmm.

Why didn't you all come into the Brady with your BS? Cowardice? :unsure:

Glad to see ya "stirred up" twuer. Makes my DAY!!!!!

No ones "hot" yet. I was stating my "unhappiness" with the way you BOYS choose to do your sorry AMFA promoting. And you have stepped over the line in my opinoin and in the opinions of others. You don't know how to or even care to fight a fair fight. Hell, you won't even debate.

And give me a break Hackman! I saw your man Dan. He's one of the worst of you wannabes. He has to hide behind Dave and Gary and whoever else might be there at the time. Actually I think they all hide behind each other. Kind of like the 3 Stooges, don't you think?? Comical antics!! Mo, Larry and Curly. I guess you feel a bit left out huh. Let's see what can we call you?????. . . . . . . . . . . . Gotcha. You thought I was going to call you a bad name didn't you??? I'll leave the name calling up to you. That's what you AMFA boys do best. Because it sure isn't unionism!! Or decency for that matter.

Looks like I will have to make your day at another time Hackman.

Are you kidding? You can tell these guys the truth until you are blue in the face, and they still believe their own garbage.

It is called pathological liar in medical terms, and brainwashed fear monger in union terms.

There is no such thing as dignity and professionalism with this bunch. That is why the cards continue to come in, and AMFA will win the election.

Next thing you know, they will be claiming we drove the coffin down to the Brady and staged the whole event. Then thay will claim it never really happened.

Bob Owens said:
Checking it Out said:
You are correct as amfa takes control it is R.I.P. (inside) their was 10,000 pink slips to represent the members positions that amfa has allowed to be outsourced to 3rd party maintenance and foreign repair stations. With little to no hope of returning to the majors.

The problem is no disgrace was intended except on your part and you guys are attempting to imply something else. But continue to enjoy moking the armed forces as you have. All you are doing is solidifing our position, you care nothing about the members.
The fact is that we have seen layoffs like this before in this industry. Sooner or later the jobs will return. I remember working with a laid off UAL mechanic who had 25 years with the company back in the early eighties.The question is how likely is it that many of the Laid off TWU members will CHOOSE not to return? We are probably the only airline in the industry where members are quitting!

This is not only in aircraft maint. We heard that the company tried to call back 48 workers in JFK last month, they all declined. Look at the figures for JFK. Airplanes sit there running their engines for extended periods of time waiting to be parked, they wait up to an hour just to get loaded. Its unbelievable. We had three crew chiefs quit and several of our laid off mechanics have found other jobs and told us they are not coming back.

So what is a greater tragedy? Being laid off and hoping to return or being permantly driven out where things are so bad that you dont even want to return, where those that are still here are trying to plan a way out? Other Unions were successful at still keeping those jobs desireable, the TWU has made it so that they no longer want them. Do we pay a union to make our job better or worse?

Sure things may be OK in Tulsa or MCI, but as the airline falls apart out here due to morale and attrition your jobs will end up at risk, and even if you work for minimum wage if they cant make their money out here there will be no job for you there.

We need a union that offers us hope for a better future. The TWU has proven that they ARE NOT that union. 20 years of concessions is enough. Time to get airline unions for airline workers, AMFA and the AGW NOW!
Another load of amfa BS!! These are NOT LAYOFFS at UAL, NWA ! These are PERMANANT JOB REDUCTIONS! UAL is NOT going to reopen IND! NWA is NOT going to reopen ATL!! THE POSITIONS HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED!! AMFA is systematically destroying our once proud craft and now the hopeful future AA amfa leader Bob Owens is trying to say those are "Undesireable Jobs"!! You amfa people better wake up!
TWU informer said:

Are you kidding? You can tell these guys the truth until you are blue in the face, and they still believe their own garbage.

It is called pathological liar in medical terms, and brainwashed fear monger in union terms.

There is no such thing as dignity and professionalism with this bunch. That is why the cards continue to come in, and AMFA will win the election.

Next thing you know, they will be claiming we drove the coffin down to the Brady and staged the whole event. Then thay will claim it never really happened.


It is called pathological liar in medical terms, and brainwashed fear monger in union terms

So are you a doctor now Informer, because you sure aren't a union man!!

Why don't you put up the picture of the coffin with the signs in front of it Informer? Are you scared you might tell the truth for once? Or are you scared you might come across as pathetic, deceiptful , and let's not forget desparate? You have gotten real good at printing half-truths. We've come to expect that from you. But anyone who knows anything about you knows not to take what you say at face value. Even some of your own AMFA supporters don't like you. That's too bad. :up: :up: :up:
twuer said:
Why don't you put up the picture of the coffin with the signs in front of it Informer? Are you scared you might tell the truth for once? Or are you scared you might come across as pathetic, deceiptful , and let's not forget desparate? You have gotten real good at printing half-truths. We've come to expect that from you. But anyone who knows anything about you knows not to take what you say at face value. Even some of your own AMFA supporters don't like you. That's too bad.

I get a kick out of you guys and your reaction when someone does not react to your demands for mind control.

I find that this picture shows the display effectively and apparently gripes your ass.

I have no interest in either bowing to your demands, or pleasing you.

I post what photographs I want and when I want to post them. If you don't like it, then have teAAm twu buy you server space and then you can post what you wish. I find it humorous that you beg me to post something that anyone with half a brain could do themselves.
Name: Old Glory
Location: USA
Date: Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Time: 11:03 PM

I am sorry for having to post twice once here and then on the mechanic. But I am afraid T.M or anyone else that would hide behind the Flag would not post the truth. It is outrageous for you or anyone else to make the accusation that the union members that brought the American Flag to the TWU rally debate were wrong. The only desecration of the flag is the people that wrap themselves up in and try to further their own agenda. The pictures that I see clearly have Old Glory waving in the breeze freely. Like She was meant to be. The people that carried the flag did so with the due honor that She deserves. Only cowards would use Her to try to further their point. At the begging of the rally a Priest who sits on the Labor Council gave a benediction and said a pray for ALL working people and their families. ALL TWU Male members removed the head gear and stood in silence as it rained and showed respect during the benediction. As a matter of fact at Local 514 prior to staring the day, we stood before the Flag and Pledged Allegiance to Her. Go to the AMFA nuts site and look at the pictures inside the Brady Theater. Most importantly look at the stage. There is no flag to be seen. Did Delle start his meeting off with the pledge? I can only hope so. But, not seeing Old Glory on the Stage I have to believe that was not the case. Delle should be ashamed. All Americans deserve an apology from Delle and the rest of the AMFA officials that asked all loyal Americans to assemble at venue such as the one he sponsored and did not even have the common decency to bring and AMERICAN FLAG for all people to stand together and salute. What does this say for AMFA? Next time you T.M or anyone else who believes that they can hype THE AMERICAN FLAG so you can further your own cause, I hope they rot in h#ll with Sadem Hussan.
Hey James T. Kirk, would you care to explain Bian Conners???

Team TWUers are the only ones on base doing "damage control". The whole thing was in bad taste, coffin-flag-and mob, plain and simple and if I was a TWU supporter I would have no part in it. The days of terror tactics have ceased to be effective as can be see from the card count, which whether you believe it or not is going UP. BTW,anyone can pose as an impostor, just to inflame on bulletin boards, so in the future I will take ALL COMMENTS not using a real name with a grain of salt. So as to remove all doubt as to my identity, as an AMFA supporter, in the future I will post as Rob Osteen. My hope is that all AMFA supporters will use high standards of conduct but that's out of my control. I control me and accept responsibility for my actions.
Okay, so in regards to the video, can someone please explain to me how fighting for a brighter tomorrow (or at least trying to get more knowledge to make an informed choice) makes you a scab?
TWU informer said:

I get a kick out of you guys and your reaction when someone does not react to your demands for mind control.

I find that this picture shows the display effectively and apparently gripes your ass.

I have no interest in either bowing to your demands, or pleasing you.

I post what photographs I want and when I want to post them. If you don't like it, then have teAAm twu buy you server space and then you can post what you wish. I find it humorous that you beg me to post something that anyone with half a brain could do themselves.
I get a kick out of you guys and your reaction when someone does not react to your demands for mind control.

Not trying to give you "kicks" Informer. Just wondering if you will EVER do the right thing.

I have no interest in either bowing to your demands, or pleasing you.

No, you are too busy bowing (for lack af a better word)for and PLEASING, oh who is it this week, Gary, Dan????

You're off man!! Kind of bipolar I think. I hear on the base that you are about a few inches in getting your a** whooped. Just a rumor I guess??!! I don't think anyone likes you very much. You have definately made a name for yourself, that I will give you.

You can't get any positives in for AMFA without attacking or demoralizing someone. I have said it before and I will say it again. . .a true sign of desparation.
AAmech said:
Another load of amfa BS!! These are NOT LAYOFFS at UAL, NWA ! These are PERMANANT JOB REDUCTIONS! UAL is NOT going to reopen IND! NWA is NOT going to reopen ATL!! THE POSITIONS HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED!! AMFA is systematically destroying our once proud craft and now the hopeful future AA amfa leader Bob Owens is trying to say those are "Undesireable Jobs"!! You amfa people better wake up!
Hopefully someday, before you work on an airplane, you will learn how to read.

No union has done more damage to workers in this industry than the TWU. TWU-the Walmart of the labor movement -they give employers the lowest prices-everyday.

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