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John Gaines - Labor Council President

TWU informer

Nov 4, 2003
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We have been swamped with questions about what the coffin was suppposed to represent. Since AMFA advocates did not bring the embarrassment to the Brady Theater, we have been unable to answer the question.

However, the driver of the White Tahoe that the coffin trailer is attached to has now come forward an admitted his involvement.

Get this, the driver and main promoter of the coffin, flag, trailer, charade is none other than John Gaines, the PRESIDENT OF THE NORTHEASTERN OKLAHOMA LABOR COUNCIL. John, is a title II mechanic in Tulsa, and also President of the TWU Political Wing in Oklahoma.

This embarrassment continues to swell beyond just the TWU. It is now reaching into the Labor Council.

We hear a major shake-up is happening within teAAm twu, as a result of this activity.

I guess since their is zero leadership at the union hall, everyone is taking over and running around like loose cannons.

We are working hard to get a telephone or pager number for Mr. Gaines, so that we can forward the questions to his office.
Dave This picture has been altered and I understand Members are discussing a suit to be brought against the websites who are portraying this.
Bring on your lawsuit we laugh at lawsuits ha ha :lol: :lol:

actually I remember this scene this picture has not been modified you just don't like what you did now that you have sobered up a little.
Actually Raptor I think you need to ask yourself about why this picture has been altered and the motive!!!! Go to the grievence office and look at the other pictures at different angles and you will be able to see the deception amfa is portraying.

The-mechanic site has already blocked out part of the picture on their site.

Just for your information, it is the group who you are attempting to influence that are the ones mostly upset at amfa in their attempts to deceive!
Checking it Out said:
Dave This picture has been altered and I understand Members are diccussing a suit to be brought against the websites who are portraying this.
You bring on your threats and any lawsuit you wish!

I will personally bring the photographer in person and via affidavit we will expose your lies and stupidity. I know who took this picture, and you are a liar.

In fact, I am so confident in what I just said, I dare you to bring the legal action you are threatening.
After going thru the numerous photos I have of the TWU/Labor Council Show of disrespect. I find several more pictures that show the same thing. Altered photos my ass.

Bring on the lawsuit!
Checking it Out said:
Actually Dave you are doing a good job of it yourself!!!!!!
A good job of what? Exposing the truth? Exposing your weakness?

Your threats and intimidation may work on those 150 members you still have left at the union hall, but the rest of us are not fearing your BS anymore.

I have even more pictures and will gladly show them to any Judge or Jury.
Snake-Dumbo-Crank,Inc. must be pulling each others hair out by now. The plan looked good on paper.
We all now know that the coffin was there. Why don't you show a picture of the finished product? The picture with the signs in front of it saying R.I.P. AMFA, R.I.P. United's Indy Base, R.I.P. Oakland Base, Seattle Base Atlanta base etc. Or did you forget to mention that? Your flyer depicting the coffin with a flag draped over it is nothing but a deceiptful lie in itself. You talk about unethical behavior yet you display it yourself. There was not an ounce of disrespect for anyone but AMFA when this was done but you have turned into something much more.

More AMFA tactics at work. We've come to recognize them well.

You would like to think that there is a shake up in teamtwu. You would like to think that your deception is working. It just makes us work that much harder to make sure your type of unionism does not come to AA.
Look at that, the boy in the yellow company issued rain gear is none other than CIO himself. :lol: :lol: :shock:
You are correct as amfa takes control it is R.I.P. (inside) their was 10,000 pink slips to represent the members positions that amfa has allowed to be outsourced to 3rd party maintenance and foreign repair stations. With little to no hope of returning to the majors.

The problem is no disgrace was intended except on your part and you guys are attempting to imply something else. But continue to enjoy moking the armed forces as you have. All you are doing is solidifing our position, you care nothing about the members.
Checking it Out said:
You are correct as amfa takes control it is R.I.P. (inside) their was 10,000 pink slips to represent the members positions that amfa has allowed to be outsourced to 3rd party maintenance and foreign repair stations. With little to no hope of returning to the majors.

The problem is no disgrace was intended except on your part and you guys are attempting to imply something else. But continue to enjoy moking the armed forces as you have. All you are doing is solidifing our position, you care nothing about the members.
The fact is that we have seen layoffs like this before in this industry. Sooner or later the jobs will return. I remember working with a laid off UAL mechanic who had 25 years with the company back in the early eighties.The question is how likely is it that many of the Laid off TWU members will CHOOSE not to return? We are probably the only airline in the industry where members are quitting!

This is not only in aircraft maint. We heard that the company tried to call back 48 workers in JFK last month, they all declined. Look at the figures for JFK. Airplanes sit there running their engines for extended periods of time waiting to be parked, they wait up to an hour just to get loaded. Its unbelievable. We had three crew chiefs quit and several of our laid off mechanics have found other jobs and told us they are not coming back.

So what is a greater tragedy? Being laid off and hoping to return or being permantly driven out where things are so bad that you dont even want to return, where those that are still here are trying to plan a way out? Other Unions were successful at still keeping those jobs desireable, the TWU has made it so that they no longer want them. Do we pay a union to make our job better or worse?

Sure things may be OK in Tulsa or MCI, but as the airline falls apart out here due to morale and attrition your jobs will end up at risk, and even if you work for minimum wage if they cant make their money out here there will be no job for you there.

We need a union that offers us hope for a better future. The TWU has proven that they ARE NOT that union. 20 years of concessions is enough. Time to get airline unions for airline workers, AMFA and the AGW NOW!
Heyyyyyy Davey boy....put down that crack pipe!...HAHAHAHA. To bad your cameraboy didn't get a pic of the headstones and the pink slips. I bet you been getting thousands of posts of upset people who witnessed the casket. Listen up boy,(large round boy) A good job of what? Exposing the truth? Exposing your weakness?
, you been taking classes from Delle ?..HAHAHAHA It's chumps like you that draw TeamTWU closer and get them to work harder to put down your futile attempts. It's been so long since you've been involved in anything truthful you couldn't recognize it if you mistook it for a burger, loserboy?

You are the proud owner of a site that receives what, 7 hits a day from the same boys that gather to cry about the same issues everyday. Oh...poo...forgot about the cute jacket with I'maloser.com you wear so proudly.

You ain't skeeeered of no law suit, not bigboy (biggestboy) Davey the welder, he's loaded with rod he ain't burnt yet...HAHAHA..

Ever wonder why Schaible and Rogers let you play with them? Peace out...HAHAHA
We all now know that the coffin was there. Why don't you show a picture of the finished product? The picture with the signs in front of it saying R.I.P. AMFA, R.I.P. United's Indy Base, R.I.P. Oakland Base, Seattle Base Atlanta base etc. Or did you forget to mention that? Your flyer depicting the coffin with a flag draped over it is nothing but a deceiptful lie in itself. You talk about unethical behavior yet you display it yourself. There was not an ounce of disrespect for anyone but AMFA when this was done but you have turned into something much more.

twuer posted the above. I would like to ask why you list "r.i.p. United's Indy Base" as one of the tombstones? Are you aware that AMFA was not in at United when the Indy base was closed? Are you aware that AMFA inherited a lousy contract from the iam?

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