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Job Cuts

Who's next ? One of the regional directors was quoted as saying with the reduction in capacity due this year , there will be more layoffs.Phx looks like a prime candidate because it doesn't make money. All of those small stations in California could be farmed out by years end.

Sounds like you are endorsing job cuts for your co-workers?!?! NOBODY should have to be labeled as a "prime candidate" for lay-offs, no matter what station they are at. These are harsh times, I'd hate to see you bite the bullet, so be careful what you wish for...
Who's next ? One of the regional directors was quoted as saying with the reduction in capacity due this year , there will be more layoffs.Phx looks like a prime candidate because it doesn't make money. All of those small stations in California could be farmed out by years end.
It seems that an eastern station is taking the brunt of job cuts-by far.
Unless it's changed since the 1/29/09 investor guidance, there's a net loss of 4 mainline aircraft this year, with 8 737-300's, 6 A320's, & 15 757's being returned to the lessors. The investor guidance didn't break down which side will lose what.

Likewise, the new deliveries are 2 A320's, 18 A321's, and 5 A332's but no indication which will go where. I suspect that the 5 A332's will be going to PHL/CLT for European service, but the rest are fair game as long as each fleet stays at or above the minimum.

It seems that an eastern station is taking the brunt of job cuts-by far.

PIT and MIA are the sole East cities affected, CMH, LAS, and LAX are the integrated cities and the other 5 are West only cities. TUS is wiped out entirely with heavy casualties in LAS as well, so your insight to an East station taking the brunt of this isn't quite accurate. Regardless, it is a shame to see any station impacted and even harder to see one disappear (TUS).
Who's next ? One of the regional directors was quoted as saying with the reduction in capacity due this year , there will be more layoffs.Phx looks like a prime candidate because it doesn't make money. All of those small stations in California could be farmed out by years end.

You know it's really easy to just throw out s#*t like "PHX doesn't make money" when you don't have to back it up with hard data. US Airways' financial performance is a matter of record, however; based on the results of the last two decades they don't just "not make money;" they lose it at a prodigious rate.
PIT and MIA are the sole East cities affected, CMH, LAS, and LAX are the integrated cities and the other 5 are West only cities. TUS is wiped out entirely with heavy casualties in LAS as well, so your insight to an East station taking the brunt of this isn't quite accurate. Regardless, it is a shame to see any station impacted and even harder to see one disappear (TUS).
Sorry, I should have made the irony a bit more evident.
Not to put out false hopes, re. 757's.
Fed.Ex has been adding 757's to their fleet, but it's my understanding that they are not taking any more. I'm sure the lessors know this. There may be a deal here to be made for some of the hulls.
Last update: 6:11 a.m. EST Feb. 18, 2009


"Capacity and Fleet Reductions
We reduced our fourth quarter 2008 total mainline capacity by 5.9% and our Express capacity by 1.3% on a year-over-year basis. In addition, we plan to reduce our total mainline 2009 capacity by four to six percent and our Express capacity by five to seven percent from 2008 levels. We anticipate that these capacity reductions will enable us to minimize the impact of reduced passenger demand on revenue and reduce costs."
My best wishes and prayers for everyone who may be affected.
I never thought that I'd be thankfull about working in PHL !

Mrs Peabody/PHL