Oneflyer said:
In case you've missed it, the point is that shrinking the airline is a terrible idea, that just makes the loses worse and makes it even more difficult to get back to profitability.
So quit screwing labor into the ground because you do not want to shrink the airline and decrease supply. WHo said you have to layoff to reduce heads? Ever heard of an early out package to get folks to leave from the top? Get the government to fund an early out instead taking over the pensions, that will save both sides money.
Most supply and demand industries can get more revenue when demand is greater than supply. You on the other hand, want to increase supply, which will decrease revenue, and subsidize this backwoods thinking with employee concessions and Government subisidies.
You do not even begin to factor in an honest increase revenue potential due to lack of available supply in your analysis. You assume that there is only a 15% increase in revenue due to loss of supply. What if you assume the increase is 35%? DO you honestly believe that a 50% reduction in AA's size only commands a 15% increase in revenue? I think you are nuts! What about the BK Airlines already shrinking supply, is there a value to that for the industry also? How does the "poorest performing flights" cause more problems? AA is operating at a loss right? SO eliminating those poor performing flights cuts losses not revenue. Unless of course there is some "cooking of the books" going on there is positive revenue on every flight, but somehow a loss is actually shown. Losing revenue that cost more to produce than you get in return cannot be counted as a problem in any business.
Just look at fuel for example, prices and profits are high why? Due to lack of available supply. Now if OPEC would increase/grow supply, the prices would come down, but would profits increase?
Instead, you want to either claim revenue will not increase if there becomes a supply deficit, or you live in a bubble that wants to compete with a bus ride in price, and you want labor and big Government to fund the cheap ticket. This my friend is NOT capitalism you speak of, it is socialism through and through.
I think flight is a premium service due more than a bus ride.
You sound as though you have no intention of raising ticket prices, instead you want to flood the market with more seats, so that your average CASM lowers. Explain to me how this increases profits. Your revenue will just decrease along with your average CASM reduction.
If the taxpayer/passenger could factor in the tax liability they owe due to government handouts, and add that to the price of their "low cost" ticket, they would likely find, leaving government out of it, and paying more for a ticket would be better for them as individuals and better for our country as a whole.
By the way, reading your post makes a great case for filing Bankruptcy, not growing the airline.
Maybe you could file Bankruptcy and at the same time convince the Judge you need to grow your airline to return to profitable status. :down: