On 6/12/2003 11:06:49 AM wings396 wrote:
Just let us know when they are coming, and we will pull back our service for their benefit. Maybe we can give up some gates for their arrival too. Or maybe will will put up a little fight in CLT and give them RDU & GSO, since they are so close anyway...as funny as it sounds, this is the mentality of our management team.
The battle of the RJ''s....ours will be the ones losing $$$...actually, JB will be getting their RJ''s earlier as US reneges on it''s orders....
Low-fare carrier JetBlue Airways Corp. says it expects to begin flights between Charlotte and New York's Kennedy International Airport as soon as 2005, thanks to a newly placed order for 100 regional jets.
Just let us know when they are coming, and we will pull back our service for their benefit. Maybe we can give up some gates for their arrival too. Or maybe will will put up a little fight in CLT and give them RDU & GSO, since they are so close anyway...as funny as it sounds, this is the mentality of our management team.
jetblue stated that they want to fly to Charlotte, Raleigh and Greensboro in North Carolina, with Charlotte at the top of the list. Delta is already quickly becoming GSO''s largest airline.
Delta has been the big guy in GSO for sometime. But I look for Jetblue to make a major move there that will put Delta to shame. GSO is located dead center (less than 90 miles) from Raleigh, Charlotte, Winston Salem and Roanoke. GSO is currently adding a second parallel 10,000-foot runway for a major FedEx hub. WILL FEDEX BE THE ONLY USER???
On 6/12/2003 2:03:09 PM deltawatch wrote:
Delta has been the big guy in GSO for sometime. But I look for Jetblue to make a major move there that will put Delta to shame. GSO is located dead center (less than 90 miles) from Raleigh, Charlotte, Winston Salem and Roanoke. GSO is currently adding a second parallel 10,000-foot runway for a major FedEx hub. WILL FEDEX BE THE ONLY USER???
I don''t believe that second runway is underway, yet. I grew up in GSO and the fight to stop FEDEX is very popular in that area of Guilford county. I would not be surprised if Fedex didn''t change their mind and dump GSO. IMO, GSO is a very business unfriendly city with a desire to remain a small city but desiring big city recognition. JB will do fine there but it''s a looser market...just ask CAL.
On 6/12/2003 2:39:31 PM firstamendment wrote:
IMO, GSO is a very business unfriendly city with a desire to remain a small city but desiring big city recognition. JB will do fine there but it''s a looser market...just ask CAL.
You''re practically speaking my words on the subject of GSO. I lived there for about four years.... I called it GSO''s "Mayberry syndrome." A conspicuous ambivalence about being/not being Charlotte.
On 6/12/2003 1103 AM LavMan wrote:
ISP is an hour from NYC
During those rare times when it really is just one hour from Manhattan (not just the Queens/Nassau border), JFK is going to be even less.
Besides, you can spend more on taxi fare to and from ISP than on the air fare from RDU. $1.50 to JFK on the subway or $35 for a taxi. JFK wins every time.