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Jetblue reports wider than expected loss

Flying B6 out of JFK as of late has been really tiring. What used to be a fun trip through an blast-from-the-past terminal has now become a noisy hassle (the new AA T9 is an oasis by comparison). Waits for a gate can be painful on the inbound. I've had kurt or rude treatment by a few ground agents and a skycap at B6, and rarely hear a thank you. Not signs that people are happy to see me or anyone else as their customer.

If the net worth of your employee stock options tanked as much as JBLU has over the past two years, you'd be a little kurt or rude, too...
If the net worth of your employee stock options tanked as much as JBLU has over the past two years, you'd be a little kurt or rude, too...


New 52 week low set today at $11.07 after briefly touching $11.05. Talk of former profits turning into continued losses don't seem to go over too well on Wall St these days. 😀
If the net worth of your employee stock options tanked as much as JBLU has over the past two years, you'd be a little kurt or rude, too...
Don't get me wrong... I wish B6 all the best. As an AA Platinum, I've certainly seen some pretty surly service on AA, too. Those F/A's gave a third of their pay up. My best service in recent memory was actually ExpressJet, believe it or not. Made being folded into that flying pencil all the more tolerable.

New 52 week low set today at $11.07 after briefly touching $11.05. Talk of former profits turning into continued losses don't seem to go over too well on Wall St these days. 😀

And that makes you happy?

I guess it takes all kinds!
And that makes you happy?

I guess it takes all kinds!

It makes me damm giddy! :up:

Any time pompous, arrogant, blowhards like Soros the Communist and "ADD-Dave" (B6 can make money even at sky-high oil prices) Neeleman lose tens of millions of dollars, I'm very happy. 😀

I take no pleasure in the fact that many good people at B6 have taken similar losses. Christ-almighty, airline stocks have never been a good place for good working men and women to invest, and unfortunately, the past year has made that painfully, crystal-clear to you and your coworkers. 🙁

My sincere hope is that the somewhat younger B6 workers are able to replace the lost retirement nest eggs they have lost. You know what they say, sometimes you gotta make some omelettes in order to achieve the greater good. Better B6 stock crash and burn now rather than in 10 or 15 more years, as the losses now pale to what they might have been had the B6 Bubble continued until 2020 before popping.

I've been posting here for years the reality that our domestic air market has been suffering from overcapacity; the failure of legacies to remove capacity in the face of huge increases by B6 and WN, among others, has driven fares to record lows, in real, inflation-adjusted terms. Yet even ADD-Dave dismissed the overcapacity claims of the legacies - well, guess what, Dave - supply increases and price goes down. Welcome to the real world, Dave.

A small, pre-tax loss in the third quarter of 2005 and a relatively huge net loss in the fourth quarter, wiping out the income from the first half of the year, combined with warnings of continued losses? Looks like bare-bones low costs don't ensure profits. It's the fares, Dave. And now you're gonna have to try to raise them, and raise them fast. Good luck with that.

I'm sick and tired of the mindset that everything will work out ok if only costs are slashed further and further - what abject BS. And the recent financial trainwreck at B6 helps demonstrate why I was right.

I'm not gloating that you and your colleagues have suffered; I'm gloating over Soros' and Neeleman's failures. Sorry you had to run over as well.
Maybe the Hungarian Soros will use his billions to make up for the stock loss incurred by the stock decrease instead of spending tens of millions of dollars to unseat Bush.
Maybe the Hungarian Soros will use his billions to make up for the stock loss incurred by the stock decrease instead of spending tens of millions of dollars to unseat Bush.


I thought Soros have sold most of his stock long ago?!

Now, Needleman is another thing...I don't see him selling any of his holdings.

The rest of the management team are on qualified selling plans.

www.secfrom4.com (Type in the ticker, and see for yourself)
I thought Soros have sold most of his stock long ago?!

I don't think so. As of Sept 30, Soros and his investment entities (which he control) still owned over 25 million shares, or about 15% of JBLU.
Soros the Communist????

Now that's funny! I always crack up when right-wing reactionaries have the cajones to call a democratic millionaire or, in this case, billionaire a COMMIE!!!!! Give it a rest. If nothing else, Soros has proven that he's a better CAPITALIST than you or I will ever be!
It makes me damm giddy! :up:

Well good for you then, lets hope Gerard doesn't decide he needs a bit more from you, after all, UAL, NWA and DAL will probably come back stronger, now that are slashing debts and compensation.


"For the year 2005, AMR posted a $93 million operating loss and a net loss of $861 million".

It's only money!
Soros the Communist????

Now that's funny! I always crack up when right-wing reactionaries have the cajones to call a democratic millionaire or, in this case, billionaire a COMMIE!!!!! Give it a rest. If nothing else, Soros has proven that he's a better CAPITALIST than you or I will ever be!

I was wondering if anyone would comment on that. 😀

Sure, like many successful communists, he has taken care of himself quite nicely. He's a capitalist (and a darned effective one) when it comes to his money. But he changes his stripes when it comes to OUR money. And yes, he has more money than I'll ever see. But then again, he's lost more money on his B6 holdings than I did.

Cheers, FWAAA (Right-Wing Reactionary) 😀

Well good for you then, lets hope Gerard doesn't decide he needs a bit more from you, after all, UAL, NWA and DAL will probably come back stronger, now that are slashing debts and compensation.


"For the year 2005, AMR posted a $93 million operating loss and a net loss of $861 million".

It's only money!

As I've posted before, I am not employed by AMR or any of its subsidiaries. Nevertheless, I hope AA doesn't come back for any more concessions, as it's time for airlines to solve their problems by increasing revenue, not by cutting wages.

Despite that, I'm sadly confident that the B6 employees will continue to do their part to drive down the wages in the United States airline industry.
One thing is that JetBlue can hold off giving anyone their increases in pay rather than reduce wages. They have no choice but to raise fares to offset fuel costs. The problem is that by raising fares, they are more in line with everyone else. This coupled with the bankrupt legacy carriers exiting Chapter 11 with billions less in costs doesn't separate them from the rest of the pack.

Keep in mind that Southwest has been around and continually profitablt for well over 30 years because they maintained a slow growth, one fleet plan. Jetblue wants to take over the industry in just a few years.
That's what ultimately killed W7.

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