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Jetblue Pilot's To Get Caps


Jan 24, 2004
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The company's request to airbus to remove the Cap holders in the cockpit was turned down, citing they would still not have their jets discounted any further by removing said Cap holder.

In light of these developments, the company along with the pilots values committee at jetBlue has decided that its pilots should wear Caps. The top mamnagement was quoted as saying " By god if we have to pay for those Cap holders our pilots are going to use them"

The new design will be unveiled the second week in February by the Chief pilots office. Caps are to be issued and worn by March1,2004. :up:
News flash!
Freqieflyer to get brain! After making some inane and inflammatory posts without the benefit of a brain, it was decided late today that Freq needed a brain. Donors are being solicited. If you have an IQ between 50 and 100, and a serious disdain for facts, you are urged to become a donor for this very worthy project.