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Jetblue On-time Performance Sucks

On time again.....actually 3 minutes early. Wtg!
bluetoad said:
Jetblue has a number of "facility" problems. ie not enough gates. This causes a backup and many times planes are waiting for gates. They also have a customer friendly attitude. They would rather take a late than miss a connection or leave bags behind if they can help it. I think you will find the numbers comming up in the months ahead as they work through their gate problems. 🙂


I have no reason to doubt what you've said... But what is being done to correct the problem?

Yes, New BOS gates are coming online... But the new JFK terminal (i.e. the hub) is years away. If jetBlue is behind the facilities 8-ball now, how do they catch up given the massive amount of E190 and 320 growth about to occur... Certainly jetBlue has a better plan than to wait for others carriers to fail/vacate facilities to solve this problem?

I am just wondering how jetBlue will fix its first major operational problem (at least the first I've seen).
funguy2 said:

I have no reason to doubt what you've said... But what is being done to correct the problem?

Yes, New BOS gates are coming online... But the new JFK terminal (i.e. the hub) is years away. If jetBlue is behind the facilities 8-ball now, how do they catch up given the massive amount of E190 and 320 growth about to occur... Certainly jetBlue has a better plan than to wait for others carriers to fail/vacate facilities to solve this problem?

I am just wondering how jetBlue will fix its first major operational problem (at least the first I've seen).

A temporary facility with 7 additional gates for a total of 20 will be in place by November(JFK). That should help immensely. I don't think management is sitting back waiting for others to fail. In fact I KNOW they are not. They are looking for opportunities and have $650 million if sonething "pops" up.
B6Busdriver... I would agree with you, and certainly, B6's management reputation is very good, which is why I would think that they are not waiting... Your comment about additional JFK capacity is proof. Thanks for the info.
This thread is so weak. The bottom falling out? Are you for real?
A big issue has been Ft. Lauderdale--1 runway, 23 B6 flights a day at peak season between JFK and LGA, and U adding a mini-hub there. Delays there then cascades through the system. You may remember that when WN had these kinds of problems at SFO and DEN, they pulled out. B6 can't do that at Ft. Lauderdale, but if not solved by peak season this coming winter, look for more Miami and W Palm and less Ft. L flying. And BOS with all those gates will be a focus of more flying too. By the way the ceo said that they will do BOS JFK with the EMB-190's this fall as the first route.