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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA AMTS

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Could someone please explain the "RIF" language and the juniority system to me. Just a fast rundown on what I might expect if I were to be bumped by your system. Thanks !!
Sure. Let's say you are an AMT in PIT. They declare a 100 AMT RIF in PIT. You look at the 100 lowest amt system wide. That is you juniority pool. Example of 25 in ord, 25 in sfo and 50 in lga/jfk. Those are the only guys you can bump. You do not get to choose just anyone less senior to you at a location you desire. That's the short of it. It only benefits the company.
Dvlhog is right to a point but it is a little more complicated than what he said. If they are RIFing 100 out of Pit the juniority pool consist of everyone in Title 1 which includes OSM's,cleaners and mechanics. So the juniority pool will consist of 100 OSM's 100 cleaners and 100 mechanics minus any openings in the system. So lets say there is 25 openings in Philly then the juniority pool is reduced to 75 protecting the 25 highest senior in the pool. This is not a hard and fast rule because the twu has allowed the company to violate this part of our contract on a regular basis. My example to this is when the company announces a reduction in force all transfers are suppose to be frozen. When the hangar was closed at AFW the transfer list was opened to DWH prior to the RIF actually happening which was signed off on by the international. This process was initially started between the man in charge of DWH (Kevin Lyons) and the local 567 VP ( Matt Lorenzi) Because Lyons didn't want alot of people that had not touched an A/C in a long time. You now have the basics of how the juniority pool is suppose to work and also how it can be manipulated by the twu to help the company. Not one RIF at AA has ever been done the same because the twu assists the company to violate the contract at will. This is 100% fact and cannot be argued in court because the twu owns the contract. There is no difference between the twu and the iam. They are both corrupt.
to take that a step further it did benefit Matt Lorenzi and Rick Grant since they were one of the few ALLOWED to transfer under the sweetheart deal...
and to take that a step further the deal was approved by David Virella the international fleet rep that retired with his international travel benefits.his justification was that the company notified him of the layoff by email not paper so it didnt count.....they can change their mind, wink,wink....
Man. You guys need to get that crap changed. That is complete BS. It should be "your seniority takes you wherever it takes you" and then let the bumping begin. Yes the bumping that could go on for a long time and what the co. hates to go thru but that it why it is there to help stop the rifs from happening so much. The way you guys currently do it doesn't even make sense. BTW: how does the US Air (IAM do rifs? Is this another issue that will have to get ironed out for a JCBA? If so this would be another huge factor of delays for getting to a JCBA...
I agree. The current twu rif language is terrible. It only benefits the company.

It seems to me it also saves alot of bumping that would start higher up the food chain and effect alot more people. So you bump the junior person at the station where you want to go, then wait for bids to come up to bid where your senority will take you. I don't know if you have to go where the junior person in the system is or just the junior person in the station you decide to go, that would seem more appropriate. I for one am glad we got the money now and aren't having to wait for the voted on contract. I still want our contract settled soon but having some of the money now helps.
Docker, the twu language forces you to the most junior mechanic. You do not get to choose any junior guy at any junior station. You may only have 2 or 3 station options depending on the size of the juniority pool. LAA junior stations are typically LGA, JFK, ORD.
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Man. You guys need to get that crap changed. That is complete BS. It should be "your seniority takes you wherever it takes you" and then let the bumping begin. Yes the bumping that could go on for a long time and what the co. hates to go thru but that it why it is there to help stop the rifs from happening so much. The way you guys currently do it doesn't even make sense. BTW: how does the US Air (IAM do rifs? Is this another issue that will have to get ironed out for a JCBA? If so this would be another huge factor of delays for getting to a JCBA...
The IAM RIF is, where ever your seniority takes you, if you are being RIF'ed from DFW and say you are from DEN, if you have someone beat on seniority then you can "bump" DEN as long as you meet all the requirements.
That's the way it should be. Looks like there are 2 very different ways rifs, bidding, and bumping are handled between the 2 different unions. Another issue that will have to be worked out prior to a JCBA. It will be interesting to see how all these different issues will get ironed out.
You get displaced from your current job/station, you should bump the junior tech first at your current station. Then take your seniority to what ever station that has techs with less seniority as you do. IMO pretty fair!
I don't think any other company n the world does it that way. UA maybe.
From todays negotiation update:

Ten hour shifts M&R. We have reached a tentative agreement on this section for both implementing and eliminating ten hour shifts.

IMO....10 hr shifts are gone??
From todays negotiation update:

Ten hour shifts M&R. We have reached a tentative agreement on this section for both implementing and eliminating ten hour shifts.

IMO....10 hr shifts are gone??

I'm still trying to figure out the "implementing AND eliminating part.
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