JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA AMTS

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Real tired said:
I'm not really understanding the concept of title I and II.
Is it only a pay group difference?  Because a GSE guy doesn't get License pay?
Or is title I and II different bid areas, or do you need different training?
Can't a person with an A&P bid back and forth between title I and II as their seniority can take them?
I believe if a title 1 AMT goes to title 2. He loses day for day title 1 seniority but maintains his/her company seniority.
Also there are different title 1 groups...
AMTs, Welders, Platers, Machinists and Cleaners. Some in title 1 have different pay scales. Title 2 is a whole different entity and have a different pay scale. Then comes your A&P license premium for title 1 mechanics and skill premiums for title 1 welders, machinists etc.
Confused yet??
As odd as it may seem the LAA title system is not that confusing, Title I is Aircraft Mech"s, Aircraft Inspect's, AMTO's, Aircraft 
parts washer & the crew chiefs of these category's. 
Title II is auto & ground service Mech's, building maintenance, etc etc.
Title III & IV are fleet service 
Title V are stock clerks
A friend of mine hired in as a bagsmasher, then moved to parts washer then aircraft mechanic. His Title I seniority started
his first day as a parts washer, but his company time started his first day of work as a bagsmasher.
chilokie1 said:
As odd as it may seem the LAA title system is not that confusing, Title I is Aircraft Mech"s, Aircraft Inspect's, AMTO's, Aircraft 
parts washer & the crew chiefs of these category's. 
Title II is auto & ground service Mech's, building maintenance, etc etc.
Title III & IV are fleet service 
Title V are stock clerks
A friend of mine hired in as a bagsmasher, then moved to parts washer then aircraft mechanic. His Title I seniority started
his first day as a parts washer, but his company time started his first day of work as a bagsmasher.
I would like to see Title I and II combined, with Lead and Inspection time tracked separately. Why restrict our options where we can bid or penalize us for doing so?
Docker said:
I would like to see Title I and II combined, with Lead and Inspection time tracked separately. Why restrict our options where we can bid or penalize us for doing so?
I do find this post entertaining.
Particularly the part about combining Title I and II.
Here's why:
If LAA Title II knew that they would be combined and eligible to be bumped by AMTs, every single one of them would signed AMFA cards, and there's good chance there would have never been the
" Association".

Title II is in large part the reason TWU is still on the property.
This fact is not lost on the heads of both unions, I'll bet they won't be combined, for the record, dossnt matter to me either way.
Traymark said:
I do find this post entertaining.
Particularly the part about combining Title I and II.
Here's why:
If LAA Title II knew that they would be combined and eligible to be bumped by AMTs, every single one of them would signed AMFA cards, and there's good chance there would have never been the
" Association".

Title II is in large part the reason TWU is still on the property.
This fact is not lost on the heads of both unions, I'll bet they won't be combined, for the record, dossnt matter to me either way.
You're right, title II mechanics have always sided with the TWU; on the other hand, A&P license holding title 1 mechanics have sided with the AMFA.  I can guarantee that the LAA title II mechanics are not gonna like the idea of title 1 mechanics being able to displace them during a RIF. 
Probably so, looks like he's in  the law firm they keep on retainer. You go and get lawyers and arbitrators involved, makes it bulletproof for anyone to jump up and say they got screwed or at least fight the screwing their gonna get..
I'll bet ya they copy and paste last week's update to this week. Yawn.....
I know so much more now than last week
Thanks for the update twu/iam keeping members in the dark about everything....
All we need now is someone whom I wont mention by screen name to come here and post then update.
bigjets said:
AA hiring mechs at EZE, 737 B ck leaving ORD for STL.
What's the spin ?
It's called outsourcing. Whether it's in the USA with another company or in South America with non union AA employees.
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