I have a novel idea for America West to save money:
America West has all these super smart Fleet Service Clerks wating their aircraft maintenance talents loading bags. Therefore, America West should get rid of all its AMTs and use Fleet Service Clerks instead. Since everyone knows all there is to aircraft maintenace is duct tape and WD40, America West can invest on storage cabinets stocked with the afore mentioned supplies at each gate house. When a maintenace problem arises, one of the super smart Fleet Service Clerks can shed his knee pads, drop the wands and grab a roll of duct tape and a can of WD40. This will also cut back extensively on maintenance delays since everthing required to work on a multi million dollar aircraft is right there at the gate. No more wasting money stocking parts since all that is needed to fix an airplane is: thats right, duct tape and WD40. No more waiting on disgruntled AMTs having to roused from a nap, then making a pit stop at the head and grabbing a cup of Joe before heading out at glacier speed to a gate call. This also eliminates the need for wasting good bonus money on maintenance vehicles.