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January 3 Airline News

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[SPAN class=inside-head][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3][SPAN class=t][STRONG]AMR Officers Return 82,800 Shares As Company Misses Goals[/STRONG][/SPAN][/FONT][/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=inside-head][FONT face=Times New Roman][FONT size=3][SPAN class=t]WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--Six AMR Corp. officers returned 82,800 shares to the company Tuesday after AMR didn't meet performance measures for 2002, a company spokesman said Friday.[/SPAN][BR][/FONT][/FONT][/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=inside-head][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Complete Story: [/FONT][A target=_blank href=http://biz.yahoo.com/djus/030103/1626000341_1.html][FONT face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff size=3]http://biz.yahoo.com/djus/030103/1626000341_1.html[/FONT][/A][/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=inside-head][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3][STRONG]American Airlines slashes leisure fares[/STRONG][/FONT][/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=inside-head][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]FORT WORTH (Seattle Times) - American Airlines announced airfare reductions yesterday covering more than 200 domestic and international destinations. [/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]The discounts of up to 40 percent apply to leisure rates and are for winter and spring travel. Tickets must be bought by Jan. 20.[/FONT] [BR][BR][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Complete Story: [/FONT][A target=_blank href=http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/134606926_bizbriefs02.html][FONT face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff size=3]http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/134606926_bizbriefs02.html[/FONT][/A][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3] [/FONT][BR][BR][/SPAN][SPAN class=inside-head][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3][STRONG]Bankrupt United plans $50M ad campaign[/STRONG][/FONT][/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=inside-head][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]CHICAGO (USA Today) - United Airlines will launch in March its first major ad campaign since seeking Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Dec. 9.[/FONT][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]United and ad agency Fallon in Minneapolis are developing ideas for the estimated $50 million national effort. The world's No. 2 airline says it will promote its customer service features and — taking a page from the marketing of such low-cost rivals as Southwest and JetBlue — likely will tout the experience of flying United as part of its value.[/FONT][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Complete Story: [/FONT][A target=_blank href=http://www.usatoday.com/money/biztravel/2003-01-02-united_x.htm][FONT face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff size=3]http://www.usatoday.com/money/biztravel/2003-01-02-united_x.htm[/FONT][/A][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][STRONG][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Denver asks judge to force United to pay property taxes[/FONT][/STRONG][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]CHICAGO (Chicago Tribune) - Denver wants a federal bankruptcy judge to make United Airlines immediately pay $7.4 million in 2002 property taxes.[BR][BR]Banks that lent United $1.5 billion to operate during bankruptcy rank higher than the city on the company's list of secured creditors, meaning their claims would be repaid first.[/FONT][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Complete Story: [/FONT][A target=_blank href=http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/printedition/chi-0301020214jan02,1,5371660.story?coll=chi%2Dprintbusiness%2Dhed][FONT face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff size=3]http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/printedition/chi-0301020214jan02,1,5371660.story?coll=chi%2Dprintbusiness%2Dhed[/FONT][/A][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][SPAN class=t][STRONG][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]UAL Creditor Seeks More Information On Leased Planes[/FONT][/STRONG][/SPAN][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][SPAN class=t][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]WASHINGTON (Dow Jones) - Pacific Harbor Capital Inc., a creditor that owns aircraft leased to UAL Corp., the parent of United Airlines, is asking the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Chicago to force the airline and an indenture trustee to provide information about some of the airline's loan certificates.[/FONT][/SPAN][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][SPAN class=t][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Complete Story: [/FONT][A target=_blank href=http://biz.yahoo.com/djus/030103/1404000281_1.html][FONT face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff size=3]http://biz.yahoo.com/djus/030103/1404000281_1.html[/FONT][/A][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3] [/FONT][/SPAN][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][SPAN class=t2][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3][STRONG]United Airlines Announces the Company Is Laying Off Nearly 1,700 White-Collar, Ticketing Employees[/STRONG][/FONT][/SPAN][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][FONT face=Times New Roman][FONT size=3][SPAN class=t2]CHICAGO (AP) - United Airlines announced Friday that it is laying off nearly 1,700 white-collar and ticketing employees, or about 2 percent of its work force, and shutting down all of its U.S. ticket offices as part of efforts to slash costs in bankruptcy.[/SPAN] [/FONT][/FONT][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Complete Story: [/FONT][A target=_blank href=http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/030103/united_airlines_1.html][FONT face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff size=3]http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/030103/united_airlines_1.html[/FONT][/A][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][SPAN class=t][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3][STRONG]United Airlines Implements Additional Cost-Reduction Initiatives, closes eight stations[/STRONG][/FONT][/SPAN][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][FONT face=Times New Roman][FONT size=3][SPAN class=t]CHICAGO (PRNewswire-FirstCall) - United Airlines today announced that by Jan. 19, 2003, the company will furlough nearly 1,500 management and salaried employees as part of its organizational redesign intended to optimize the performance of the airline while reducing United's cost structure. These furloughs will also help the airline meet the strict requirements of its Chapter 11 financing. All affected employees will be notified as soon as these decisions are finalized.[/SPAN][BR][BR]Complete Story: [/FONT][/FONT][A target=_blank href=http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/030103/cgf037_1.html][FONT face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff size=3]http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/030103/cgf037_1.html[/FONT][/A][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][STRONG][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Merrill cuts Continental loss view[/FONT][/STRONG][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]NEW YORK (Reuters) - Merrill Lynch on Friday said analyst Michael Linenberg narrowed his 2003 per A-share loss forecast for Continental Airlines Inc. to $4.90 from $5.30 after the No. 5 U.S. air carrier on Thursday reported stronger-than-expected unit revenue for December.[/FONT][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Complete Story: [/FONT][A target=_blank href=http://biz.yahoo.com/rc/030103/airlines_continental_research1_1.html][FONT face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff size=3]http://biz.yahoo.com/rc/030103/airlines_continental_research1_1.html[/FONT][/A][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][SPAN class=t][STRONG][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Southwest Airlines December Traffic Rose 9.7%[/FONT][/STRONG][/SPAN][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][SPAN class=t][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]DALLAS (Dow Jones)--Southwest Airlines Co. said December traffic rose 9.7% to 3.9 billion revenue passenger miles from 3.5 billion a year earlier.[/FONT][/SPAN][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][SPAN class=t][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Complete Story: [/FONT][A target=_blank href=http://biz.yahoo.com/djus/030103/0820000107_1.html][FONT face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff size=3]http://biz.yahoo.com/djus/030103/0820000107_1.html[/FONT][/A][/SPAN][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][STRONG][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]G.E. Unit Agrees to Provide Financing to US Airways[/FONT][/STRONG][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]NEW YORK (New York Times) - US Airways and GE Capital have reached a settlement in which GE Capital has agreed to provide additional financing in exchange for a small equity stake in US Airways.[/FONT][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Complete Story: [/FONT][A target=_blank href=http://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/03/business/03AIR.html?ex=1042261200&en=ee324dc453136a60&ei=5040&partner=MOREOVER][FONT face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff size=3]http://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/03/business/03AIR.html?ex=1042261200&en=ee324dc453136a60&ei=5040&partner=MOREOVER[/FONT][/A][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][FONT face=Times New Roman][FONT size=3][STRONG]Chip comments:[/STRONG] The GECAS agreement, which would permit US Airways to keep much of its 279 aircraft fleet intact and obtain $830 million in financing, requires the airline to not default on its bankruptcy financing agreements. If any union rejects its TA, the carrier would then be in default with its DIP financing agreement and if the airline did not liquidate, which would appear certain with failed TA's, it could lose many of its B737s per the new GECAS agreement.[/FONT][/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]GECC is one of the few financial institutions with the ability and willingness to provide substantial amounts of leveraged lease equity financing on regional jets, the airline's lawyers said in the papers submitted to the court.[/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Times New Roman][FONT size=3][STRONG]US Airways Gets Key Infusion[!--plsfield:stop--] - Airline Needs More To Escape Bankruptcy[/STRONG] [/FONT][/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]WASHINGTON (Washington Post) - US Airways has resolved all major outstanding disputes with its largest creditor, GE Capital, and secured $830 million in financing from the aircraft lessor, overcoming a key hurdle in its plan to emerge from bankruptcy by March.[/NITF] [/FONT][BR][BR][NITF][STRONG][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]The agreement was critical, said David G. Bronner, chief executive of Alabama's state pension fund, US Airways' lead investor.[/FONT][/STRONG][BR][BR][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Complete Story: [/FONT][A target=_blank href=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A3408-2003Jan2.html][FONT face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff size=3]http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A3408-2003Jan2.html[/FONT][/A][/NITF][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][SPAN class=t][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3][STRONG]US Airways backs away from $15 fuel surcharge[/STRONG][/FONT][/SPAN][BR]
[P class=inside-copy][SPAN class=t][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]ARLINGTON (Reuters) - US Airways Group has canceled a new $15 fuel charge recently tacked onto its airfares, after none of its competitors followed suit with similar hikes. [/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]US Airways spokeswoman Amy Kudwa said the airline, which filed for bankruptcy in August, backed away from the surcharge to stay competitive.[/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Complete Story: [/FONT][A target=_blank href=http://biz.yahoo.com/rm/030103/airlines_usairways_fuel_1.html][FONT face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff size=3]http://biz.yahoo.com/rm/030103/airlines_usairways_fuel_1.html[/FONT][/A][BR][BR][SPAN class=t][STRONG][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]US Airways Express to Begin Erie Regional Jet Service[/FONT][/STRONG][/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=t][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]ARLINGTON (PRNewswire-FirstCall) - US Airways Express will begin regional jet service in Erie, Pa. on Sunday, operating one daily nonstop roundtrip flight to US Airways' Pittsburgh hub.[/FONT][/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=t][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Complete Story: [/FONT][A target=_blank href=http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/030103/dcf018_1.html][FONT face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff size=3]http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/030103/dcf018_1.html[/FONT][/A][/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=t][SPAN class=t][STRONG][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]America West Reports Record December Traffic[/FONT][/STRONG][/SPAN][/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=t][SPAN class=t][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]PHOENIX (PRNewswire-FirstCall) - America West Airlines today reported traffic statistics for the month of December, fourth quarter and year-end 2002. Revenue passenger miles (RPMs) for December 2002 were a record 1.7 billion, an increase of 26.2 percent from December 2001. Capacity for December 2002 was 2.3 billion available seat miles (ASMs), up 14.6 percent from December 2001. The passenger load factor for the month of December was a record 74.0 percent versus 67.2 percent in December 2001.[/FONT][/SPAN][/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=t][SPAN class=t][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Complete Story: [/FONT][A target=_blank href=http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/030103/laf020_1.html][FONT face=Times New Roman color=#0000ff size=3]http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/030103/laf020_1.html[/FONT][/A][/SPAN][/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=t][SPAN class=t][STRONG][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]US Airways Tidbits[/FONT][/STRONG][/SPAN][/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=t][SPAN class=t][STRONG][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]US Airways Ranks First[/FONT][/STRONG][/SPAN][/SPAN][SPAN class=t][SPAN class=t][BR]
[P class=treg][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]ARLINGTON (theHub.com) - US Airways ranked number one in arrival performance among the 10 carriers measured for the month of November, according to the January Department of Transportation (DOT) Air Travel Consumer Report. United ranked second and American Eagle ranked tenth. US Airways had an arrival performance (S:14) of 88.7 percent for the month. These outstanding arrival performance statistics reflect the hard work and dedication of our front-line employees. Even with the heavy Thanksgiving holiday traffic, US Airways performed extremely well, said Al Crellin, executive vice president of operations. [BR][BR]US Airways also ranked number one in arrival performance for the months of August and September 2002. Of the other November statistics, US Airways ranked third in consumer complaints with 0.69 complaints per 100,000 enplanements; and fifth for number of mishandled bags with 2.89 reports per 1,000 passengers. The Air Travel Consumer Report is a monthly product of the Department of Transportation's Office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings. The report is designed to assist consumers with information on the quality of services provided by airlines.[/FONT][BR]
[P class=treg][STRONG][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Healthcare Costs[/FONT][/STRONG][BR]
[DIV class=bodytext][FONT color=#000000][BR]
[P class=bodytext align=left][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Employee healthcare contribution changes at US Airways are in line with the industry as airlines struggle to cut costs and survive in the reality of today’s market. For example, at Northwest, employees are now required to pay 20 percent of the cost of their health care coverage for their POS and PPO plans. This figure compares to a 7 percent employee contribution for US Airways' PPO Option 1 and a 19 percent contribution for PPO Option 3. Northwest employee health coverage costs will increase by more than $2,000 a year. In the past, Northwest employees weren't required to pay any contribution for health care coverage. A single employee at Northwest is now required to pay about $60 in monthly contributions for the POS or PPO plan. Family coverage costs $174 to $190 a month, depending on the plan. When the recently negotiated changes at US Airways are implemented later this year, for the majority of employee groups, single coverage will range from $16 to $52 per month depending on the plan. Family coverage will range from $53 to $170 per month. Health care is among the industry's fastest-growing expenses, and many carriers are making changes to employee contribution requirements for health care.[/FONT][BR]
[P class=bodytext align=left][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3][STRONG]US Airways ALPA January 2 Code-A-Phone Update[/STRONG][/FONT][BR]
[P class=bodytext align=left][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]This is Roy Freundlich with a US Airways MEC update for Thursday, January 2, with two new items:[BR][BR]Item 1. The MEC convened its special meeting today in Pittsburgh and considered the distribution of future restricted stock to US Airways pilots. The MEC will continue the stock distribution discussion tomorrow.[BR][BR]The MEC received updates from its advisors on the Company’s December 20 filing of the Plan of Reorganization and plan for emergence from bankruptcy in open and closed sessions, and on ALPA and the Company's efforts to obtain pension plan funding deferments from the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) in closed session.[BR][BR]The MEC also approved a consultant contract for Steve Smyser, should he be furloughed, to act in the capacity of the MEC Central Scheduling Committee chairman. [BR][BR]The meeting is scheduled to reconvene tomorrow at 9 a.m. at the Wyndham -Pittsburgh Airport. All US Airways pilots are encouraged to attend. The telephone number for transportation information is 412-788-8800. Please be advised that portions of the meeting will be in closed session.[BR][BR]Item 2. ALPA is working closely with the Company on resolving pension plan issues with the PBGC. This has been a top priority issue for ALPA and [STRONG]significant groundwork has been completed, but the issue remains unresolved. [/STRONG]Your MEC representatives recognize your interest in this issue but request that all pilots please refrain from initiating individual communications to government officials on this issue, at this time, since it is currently not helpful to the ongoing efforts. Once a grassroots effort is required it will be announced and guidance will be posted on the MEC website. Additional information on this issue should be available by the end of next week.[/FONT][BR]
[P class=bodytext align=left][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3][STRONG]US Airways Express Midway Airline Update[/STRONG][/FONT][BR]
[P class=bodytext align=left][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Crew Bases - Washington National 85 percent, Raleigh-Durham 15 percent[/FONT][BR]
[P class=bodytext align=left][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Training Facility - Raleigh-Durham[/FONT][BR]
[P class=bodytext align=left][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Future Routes LaGuardia to Charleston, Jaxsonville, Binghamtom, Nashville to Myrtle Beach[/FONT][BR]
[P class=bodytext align=left][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Aircraft Type - CRJ-65[/FONT][BR]
[P class=bodytext align=left][SPAN class=BodyFont][FONT face=Times New Roman][FONT size=3][STRONG]THE FOLLOWING IS TAKEN FROM THE WEB PAGE OF CWA LOCAL 3641[BR][/STRONG][BR]Dear Members[BR][BR]I have received the updated concession package, a copy has been mailed to all. The changes are what we are voting on now. The vote also has been backed up to start on Friday, Dec. 27th and to end on January 10th. The same pen number and information will be used to cast your vote. For those who had already cast a vote, you will have to vote again using the same pen number and information. [BR][BR]Your CWA bargaining team agreed to send something out for a vote under the threat of liquidation. It needs to be clear that only under this threat is the CWA bargaining team sending it to be voted on. There is No Doubt in some cases agents will be voting themselves out of a job. The Company would like you to believe that if you have something to come back to it will be OK but for many it is not.[BR][BR]During Dave’s speech to the CWA and afterwards Doug McKeene, said that the Company had to become more productive. I for one find it very hard to believe that, by giving the Fleet Service our express language when they had none, is being more productive. We started this Local with 22 Mainline cities, we now have less than half that amount, so it is clear to me that the Company will do what it intends to do no matter what language is in the contract.[BR][BR]I feel the Company got seasonal flying into our express cities during the last concessions and that was good enough. To allow the Company to have 2 mainline flights into every express city is to allow the pilots to have jobs, the flight attendants to have jobs, but no customer service jobs for mainline. If they wanted to use this as a way to test a new market I would be inclined to allow that, but to let existing cities go express with 2 mainline flights would speed up the Mainline job loss. That is something that I am not in favor of.[BR] [BR]I know that many of you don’t know what to do. I for one have prayed to find my answer. My decision is a personal one. I will vote NO. The CWA cannot read its members minds, so let us know how you feel with your vote. The leadership of this local (E-Board) will be able to answer any questions that you may have during the voting period. I myself will not be back in the office until Jan. 3rd.[BR][BR]Thank you all and I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday Season.[BR] [BR]Sincerely James Root, President Local 3641[/FONT][/FONT][/SPAN][BR]
[P class=bodytext align=left][SPAN class=BodyFont][FONT color=#000000][STRONG][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]US Airways Responds to CWA Rep.'s Misinformation[/FONT][/STRONG][/FONT][/SPAN][BR]
[P class=bodytext align=left][SPAN class=BodyFont][FONT color=#000000][SPAN class=BodyFont][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]The inaccuracies in Mr. Root's communication to his colleagues are troubling on several fronts not the least of which is: 1) his suggestion that voting no is a responsible course of action without consequences, 2)that the company can somehow continue to maintain the status quo as it relates to work rules and productivity, and 3) his ignoring the fact that by increasing the minimum fleet size to 279 mainline aircraft in combination with the increased feed from more RJs, that will mean more flying especially at the hubs and our focus cities and more jobs for CWA members.[BR][BR]When US Airways filed for Chapter 11 protection in August, it could have pursued a course that many companies do while in bankruptcy: shut down all unprofitable operations. That is certainly what K-Mart has been doing, closing hundreds of stores throughout the country. So the company could have pulled out of dozens of unprofitable markets and left employees and communities without any options. And we could have opted to seek abrogation of the labor contracts -- like United is currently doing. We could have also ignored requests by labor, including CWA, for seats on our board of directors. And we could have decided not to give our employees 31 percent of the stock of this company. But, instead we decided to find a way to make labor inclusive in this difficult process.[BR][BR]In addition, US Airways chose to find a way to preserve its network by strategically eliminating unprofitable routes and flights, but maintaining service to all but a few of the communities it previously served. And rather than simply slash service, routes and destinations, and limp along as a weakened carrier in a very competitive business the management team has built a strong business plan that relies on proven tools that will increase revenues, expand service, and position the airline for growth.[BR][BR]That being said, there are a number of small to medium sized communities that simply cannot support an all-mainline schedule and are the focus of the hundreds of regional jets that will be entering the US Airways system over the next several years. Let's talk Asheville, NC as an example. Today, we cannot profitably operate a full daily schedule with mainline aircraft and it has thus become an Express city. But, the morning and evening flights to CLT can clearly support a mainline trip. Assuming the CWA TA is ratified, we could fly mainline trips in the morning, Express trips through the middle of the day, and a mainline trip for the returning business travelers without raising the costs of the RJ trips. Thus, these two new mainline flights will mean added utilization flying for the mainline and more CWA hours at the hub.[BR][BR]Our growth domestically will also be propelled by the UA code share. This logically means more east-west flying on mainline jets from our hubs to west coast cities that we cannot profitably serve today on our own, such as Portland, OR. In addition, the increased RJ feed will also lead to the upgrade of some RJ flying to mainline jets.[BR][BR]So, because of the cost efficiencies and flexibility created by the new labor agreements, our mainline flying will not shrink further. And big airplanes need feed, and the RJs and the UA code share will supply that feed. Without the passenger feed, and with our old cost structure, this added mainline flying would be a drain on the company's cash.[BR][BR]The tentative agreement reached with the CWA represents a compromise that was negotiated by both parties. We listened to the union on the issue of its members losing their jobs. That is why we withdrew numerous provisions that would have called for the outsourcing of CWA work. Compromises are never perfect but they reflect the input and the interests of both parties. The new management team has been hard at work since March finding a way to save a company that many experts have given up for dead and to save the jobs of more than 30,000 loyal employees. The negotiations with all of the labor groups have been challenging and difficult, but they reflected the company's desire to work with labor to save the company. Now without offering any alternative, Mr. Root has advised his colleagues to reject the TA, and put at risk their jobs and the welfare of their families. Mr. Root believes management is bluffing. The reality is simple. If we are unable to secure the ATSB loan guarantee, our investor(RSA) will walk away. And there are no white knights waiting to invest in us. His comments represent dangerous and irresponsible recommendations..[BR][BR]Chris Chiames[BR]Sr. Vice President, Corporate Affairs[/FONT][/SPAN][/FONT][/SPAN][BR]
[P class=bodytext align=left][SPAN class=BodyFont][FONT color=#000000][SPAN class=BodyFont][STRONG][FONT face=Times New Roman size=5]Go Ohio State Buckeyes and Cleveland Browns![/FONT][/STRONG][/SPAN][/FONT][/SPAN][/FONT][/SPAN][/SPAN][/SPAN][/SPAN][/P][/DIV]
Thanks for the comprehensive overview....please continue.[BR][BR][BR]WOW, UA closing/converting cities with 4 days notice!!! [BR][BR][BR]Scary............just think the demise of US could be in a matter of days. No Job, no severance, nothing.

Thank you for a such concise update. I always enjoy the information that you offer to this message board. You take a lot of flack for it at times, unreasonably so, and criticism that is not deserved.
As a non-employee, I knew little about the airline business but have learned much from your efforts to enlighten our board members and wanted to tell you publicly. Keep up the good work, Capt. Munn, and keep plugging away for those that want to have a job at USAirways. In the end, This will be a better company than ever eventually if enough will just open their eyes to the fact that progress takes time in such an worldwide economic unrest.

On 1/3/2003 10:10:16 PM Non Rever wrote:

Thanks for the comprehensive overview....please continue.

WOW, UA closing/converting cities with 4 days notice!!!

Scary............just think the demise of US could be in a matter of days. No Job, no severance, nothing.

Chip pasted in the press release, so he may not be aware, but the station closings are old information. Those cities converting over to uax were announced close to two months ago. I have an idea, but am not positive, why UA would re-release this info a week b4 the schedualed rollover of these cities was to commence.
I especially love this tidbit of great P.R.......

US Airways backs away from $15 fuel surcharge...
ARLINGTON (Reuters) - US Airways Group has canceled a new $15 fuel charge recently tacked onto its airfares, after none of its competitors followed suit with similar hikes.

US Airways spokeswoman Amy Kudwa said the airline, which filed for bankruptcy in August, backed away from the surcharge to stay competitive.

What moron in pricing thought this one up?
How do you expect employees to keep "chipping in" with solitary boneheaded decisions like these going on??
On 1/3/2003 10:10:16 PM Non Rever wrote:

Thanks for the comprehensive overview....please continue.

WOW, UA closing/converting cities with 4 days notice!!!

Scary............just think the demise of US could be in a matter of days. No Job, no severance, nothing.

This is not correct-- all of these closings were previously announced in November, before Ch.11 was filed; they just take effect over the coming week.
On 1/4/2003 4:04:59 AM GGpillow wrote:

On 1/3/2003 10:10:16 PM Non Rever wrote:

Thanks for the comprehensive overview....please continue.

WOW, UA closing/converting cities with 4 days notice!!!

Scary............just think the demise of US could be in a matter of days. No Job, no severance, nothing.

Chip pasted in the press release, so he may not be aware, but the station closings are old information. Those cities converting over to uax were announced close to two months ago. I have an idea, but am not positive, why UA would re-release this info a week b4 the schedualed rollover of these cities was to commence.
It's called keeping up the scare.