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Its Iran


I believe if you check your history books you will see that we had an occupation force in Japan for several years so that would not be a valid example. Not to mention that we had troops on Japaneses soil (the islands were were fighting for were Japan's).

As for the populace in Iran not supporting their government I have heard that as well. Do you want to rely on them having the power and organization to actually take control of the country? Should your hopes not be supported, the out come could be quite bad.

Then there is the problem of the oil market and the world economy.

I believe if you check your history books you will see that we had an occupation force in Japan for several years so that would not be a valid example. Not to mention that we had troops on Japaneses soil (the islands were were fighting for were Japan's).

As for the populace in Iran not supporting their government I have heard that as well. Do you want to rely on them having the power and organization to actually take control of the country? Should your hopes not be supported, the out come could be quite bad.

Then there is the problem of the oil market and the world economy.

The Pacific war was the result of Japanese expansionism....as to having an occupying force....you are right about that...but it was after we nuked them dude.

Iran does not hold the world oil gonad as some think.
Here comes the start of the justification process from the Bush Neocon machine...just in time to divert attention away from all the domestic issues...

Pentagon says ships harassed by Iran

"At least some were visibly armed. Small Iranian fastboats made some aggressive maneuvers against our vessels and indicated some hostile intent,"

This is justification enough unless you think the USS Cole was no big deal. :blink:

Those Iranian sailors are damn lucky they got to live another day.
This is justification enough unless you think the USS Cole was no big deal. :blink:

Those Iranian sailors are damn lucky they got to live another day.

After learning more of the details of the incident, I now believe that we showed an enormous amount of restraint. I remember the Cole incident vividly. They should have cut at least one of these boats in half to make an example out of them. :angry:
After learning more of the details of the incident, I now believe that we showed an enormous amount of restraint. I remember the Cole incident vividly. They should have cut at least one of these boats in half to make an example out of them. :angry:

Those Captains showed a great deal of restraint. They were in a classic Catch 22. If they opened fire things could have escalated very quickly into a shooting war between the US and Iran. They also were aware that given the Iranians fondness for martyrdom one of those boats could have very well rammed their ship. So take your pick, shooting war in the Persian Gulf or dead American sailors thanks to a speed boat packed with semtex. Fortunately neither happened.

Part of me suspects this was a dry/practice run on the part of the Iranians.
I wouldn't doubt it one bit 777.

I bet the next time we go through the strait there will be fast movers on patrol.

This could get very dicey very quickly.....

Fred said....
It could be they are trying to provoke us into an attack in hopes of diverting attention away from their true ambitions.
If it were some sort of "neo con" conspiracy those Iranain boats would have been blown out of the water.

I already said that I misspoke. I erred in jumping to conclusions. No worries though, I'm sure it will never happen again. :huh: