I've never tried to talk a crew into taking an airplane, only laid out the facts. I trust their Judgement to know whether they are comfortable taking it or not, with one exception, when they want me to whip something so they can go. That I will not do. Its happened, very rarely but it has happened. One guy even tried to pull rank "I'm the captain and I'm telling to to sign it off". I laughed at him, siad "If you are so high and mighty you sign it off, if you didnt write it up I never would have known about it but since you put it in the book now I do and the plane is out of service'. He was quite pissed when my manager backed me up and said your plane is out of service. Like I said, its very rare, most Crews are very sensible, and I have seen where some guys try and talk crews into taking an airplane with things they arent comfortable with, I dont think its right, even if its leagl, its their call and they can settle it with the Chief pilot.