OK...citrat,............(Drum roll please),............Here is your BIG CHANCE to show the rest of us here on the 'cooler to demonstrate your incomparable political ACUMEN,........................by telling us who you think can beat 'HILL one on one in the general election ????
C'mon now 'rat, don't be shy.
Is it ...'TONS of FUN' Christie ? How about Mike HUCKLEBERRY ? Rand (persona non grata with the NRA) Paul ??........Teddy CRUZ ?................Marco (all the Puertoricans/Dominicans and MEH-HIC-CANO's Hate the MFer) Rubio ?? Lindsey (twinkle toes) Graham ?....JEB(I wont get by Rubio in the primaries) BUSH ???
W H O...............citrat ?????????
For christ sake, even Martin O'Malley could beat anyone of those 'out of touch with 50.1% of Americans' Shiit-heads running in the "Grand ol' Party" !
The GIFT that (always) KEEPS on GIVING !
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!