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Is the democratic Party trying to steal the 2016 election?

MCI transplant said:
Are they trying to steal the election they know they can't win?  [SIZE=13.5pt]http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/04/25/report-dhs-adding-millions-new-americans-vote-democrat-2016[/SIZE]
WHY would they want to STEAL something that they've ALREADY WON, even before the Election  ????????
I mean....c'mon MCI.   With that POWERHOUSE of GOP ...'D..Bags' that you've got lined up,.........surely you jest !
Limbaugh's got your mind  F'd - Up..........MORE than it already is !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
WHY would they want to STEAL something that they've ALREADY WON, even before the Election  ????????
I mean....c'mon MCI.   With that POWERHOUSE of GOP ...'D..Bags' that you've got lined up,.........surely you jest !
Limbaugh's got your mind  F'd - Up..........MORE than it already is !
And then the BIGOT woke up in his land of rainbows, unicorns and lollipops!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
WHY would they want to STEAL something that they've ALREADY WON, even before the Election  ????????
I doubt even you are stupid enough to believe that, but then again you do support Hilliary so I'm probably giving you too much credit.
I find it quite amusing you call the GOP candidates d bags while you support the Dick Nixon of the 21st century.
Care for some uranium Mr Putin? 
southwind said:
Does it really surprise you that the Libtard Democrats would use this tactic to retain power?
What other option do they have after totally f#$&in up this country.....Hitlery?
No, SW, it doesn't surprise me.
cltrat said:
I doubt even you are stupid enough to believe that, but then again you do support Hilliary so I'm probably giving you too much credit.
I find it quite amusing you call the GOP candidates d bags while you support the Dick Nixon of the 21st century.
Care for some uranium Mr Putin? 
OK...citrat,............(Drum roll please),............Here is your BIG CHANCE to show the rest of us here on the 'cooler to demonstrate your incomparable political ACUMEN,........................by telling us who you think can beat 'HILL one on one in the general election  ????
C'mon now 'rat, don't be shy.
Is it ...'TONS of FUN' Christie  ?   How about Mike HUCKLEBERRY  ?   Rand (persona non grata with the NRA)  Paul  ??........Teddy CRUZ   ?................Marco (all the Puertoricans/Dominicans and MEH-HIC-CANO's Hate the MFer) Rubio  ??   Lindsey (twinkle toes) Graham ?....JEB(I wont get by Rubio in the primaries) BUSH  ???
W H O...............citrat  ?????????
For christ sake, even Martin O'Malley could beat anyone of those 'out of touch with 50.1% of Americans' Shiit-heads running in the "Grand ol' Party" !
The GIFT that (always) KEEPS on GIVING  !
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you're post is pretty much too stupidly written to consider.
I did see you left out Scott ( I've kicked multiple Dem ass) Walker out
you should open those eyes and understood what a dishonest pos you are backing
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
OK...citrat,............(Drum roll please),............Here is your BIG CHANCE to show the rest of us here on the 'cooler to demonstrate your incomparable political ACUMEN,........................by telling us who you think can beat 'HILL one on one in the general election  ????
C'mon now 'rat, don't be shy.
Is it ...'TONS of FUN' Christie  ?   How about Mike HUCKLEBERRY  ?   Rand (persona non grata with the NRA)  Paul  ??........Teddy CRUZ   ?................Marco (all the Puertoricans/Dominicans and MEH-HIC-CANO's Hate the MFer) Rubio  ??   Lindsey (twinkle toes) Graham ?....JEB(I wont get by Rubio in the primaries) BUSH  ???
W H O...............citrat  ?????????
For christ sake, even Martin O'Malley could beat anyone of those 'out of touch with 50.1% of Americans' Shiit-heads running in the "Grand ol' Party" !
The GIFT that (always) KEEPS on GIVING  !
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You need to get a grip on reality BIGOT, by the time elections come around, Hitlery will be hiding in the Clinton bunker or behind bars!
cltrat said:
you're post is pretty much too stupidly written to consider.
I did see you left out Scott ( I've kicked multiple Dem ass) Walker out
you should open those eyes and understood what a dishonest pos you are backing
delldude said:
Was walker ...BEFORE abortion  before he was AGAINST it,................or....was he BEFORE IMMIGRATION.....before...he was AGAINST it   ????
I swear, I can't keep up with this F'n  CHAMELEON  !!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Was walker ...BEFORE abortion  before he was AGAINST it,................or....was he BEFORE IMMIGRATION.....before...he was AGAINST it   ????
I swear, I can't keep up with this F'n  CHAMELEON  !!
I don't believe he's sold any uranium to the Russians yet.....is that a problem, Bigot!

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