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Is Mesaba/pinnacle Furloughing?


Oct 4, 2005
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Just wondering is Mesaba and/or Pinnacle laying off also. Does anyone know. I have friends at both regional carriers and I am concrned. We talk about NW alot, but no one seems to understand just how many companies and lives this whole debacle is affecting. So, does anyone have any good information on the subject?
Just wondering is Mesaba and/or Pinnacle laying off also. Does anyone know. I have friends at both regional carriers and I am concrned. We talk about NW alot, but no one seems to understand just how many companies and lives this whole debacle is affecting. So, does anyone have any good information on the subject?

I know for sure that Mesaba is laying off. I attended a lecture yesterday given by a new-hire Mesaba pilot who had just been furloughed due to bankruptcy.
I know for sure that Mesaba is laying off. I attended a lecture yesterday given by a new-hire Mesaba pilot who had just been furloughed due to bankruptcy.
Wow, too bad.....What about the F/As....do you know how far down the seniority list they are going to go???
I was in MEM yesterday, and the NW terminal was a ghost town with only 2 pinnacle planes and 1 Mesaba plane laying over for the night. There was 3 main line NW planes there for the night. It is just strange to see MEM so desolate. I feel MEM is going to really suffer, and it is very sad to see. There were more AWA/US airways aircraft parked at the gates....Does anyone know whats in store for Mesaba/Pinnacle????
The Bankruptcy judge ordered Northwest to pay over five million to Mesaba to help prevent them from going into bankruptcy. Are they going to file bankruptcy regardless? Five million didn’t sound like a enough to make a difference whether or not a company would decide to file bankruptcy or not.
Wow, too bad.....What about the F/As....do you know how far down the seniority list they are going to go???
I was in MEM yesterday, and the NW terminal was a ghost town with only 2 pinnacle planes and 1 Mesaba plane laying over for the night. There was 3 main line NW planes there for the night. It is just strange to see MEM so desolate. I feel MEM is going to really suffer, and it is very sad to see. There were more AWA/US airways aircraft parked at the gates....Does anyone know whats in store for Mesaba/Pinnacle????


Both XJ & 9E are furloughing, although 9E is going to try and offset those layoffs with voulntary leaves. I spoke with a CRJ pilot tonight who is going to out the door very shortly.....

Regarding MEM: It never has had more than a handful of RON aircraft-even in "good times." It's not the way that hub is run. I worked there for awhile in the late '90's, and it was insane; 1 minute there were 40 or so gates open, :15 minutes later they were all full (and Airlink as well), then in another hour, back to being a ghost town.
The Bankruptcy judge ordered Northwest to pay over five million to Mesaba to help prevent them from going into bankruptcy. Are they going to file bankruptcy regardless? Five million didn’t sound like a enough to make a difference whether or not a company would decide to file bankruptcy or not.
Mesaba is already in bankruptcy. They filed weeks ago. Try to keep up.
Wow, too bad.....What about the F/As....do you know how far down the seniority list they are going to go???

Mesaba offered Company Convenience Leaves and voluntary furloughs to the FA's, avoided all but the bottom 7 FA's from beign furloughed. All were on green line.
Pinnacle is NOT furloughing. Even with the parking of the 15 CRJ's we are not adequatley staffed. We are currently losing anywhere from 20 to 40 pilots a MONTH due to attrition. Management mentioned the "possibility of furloughs" after the fleet reduction was announced but it's not going to happen unless we park alo tmore airplanes. The company just "hired" more check airman and the training dept is set to resume training 60 new hires a month after the first of the year.


Both XJ & 9E are furloughing, although 9E is going to try and offset those layoffs with voulntary leaves. I spoke with a CRJ pilot tonight who is going to out the door very shortly.....

Regarding MEM: It never has had more than a handful of RON aircraft-even in "good times." It's not the way that hub is run. I worked there for awhile in the late '90's, and it was insane; 1 minute there were 40 or so gates open, :15 minutes later they were all full (and Airlink as well), then in another hour, back to being a ghost town.