Internship--is Now A Good Time For It?

BRONC said:
In light of the recent announcement of a loss of $177 million for the past quarter and the continuing financial struggles since 9/11 and before, I would like to know your opinions on what I should do with this offer.
If your goal is to ultimately get a job in the front end of a plane I'd build as many hours as you possibly can. Ultimately, those hours and an extensive "network" will do you much better, IMHO.
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Wow! I thank you all for the responses. It looks like the general consensus here is that regardless of the company and it's current state, any internship is a good idea.

For those of you that suggested flight experience would be more valuable, I agree, but I have only my instrument rating. I will have my commercial license by New Year's and CFI the next summer, but for now I think this is the best thing for me to do during the summer.

Again, I greatly appreciate all of the responses. Living in the PHL area I think this is a perfect opportunity for me. Does anyone have any details about an internship they did and an example of how it helped them? Thank you.
Bronc -

I am not sure if this is what you are looking for but i did my student internship for the department of aviation at an airport. Thru that job and the work experience I was able to network and make business contacts with many airline managers and contractors. When my internship was about to end, I used those contacts to look for a post graduate job. While I started at the bottom of the totem pole, I got my foot in the door because of my internship. Had I come to the airport to apply for the job, or drop off a resume, I wouldn't have been considered for the job. Having the internship experience gave me the contacts and work experience to get the interview for the job with just a phone call.

Best of luck to you......and Welcome Aboard (should you chose to accept the challenges ahead).

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