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Insurrection fueled by conspiracy groups, extremists and fringe movements

These a$$clowns are lucky they tried this in MeriKa.
In most other countries, they would have cut them down at the door.
Congratulations tRump supporters, you have turned us into a banana republic.
These a$$wipe 'patriots' should be held accountable at the very extent of the law.
Lucky we are MeriKans or they would be hanged.
Me thinks, the Capitol in the future will have better security than we have never needed before.
Thanks A$$holes!
Election Tampering

The conspiracy’s “work touched every aspect of the election,” Ball writes. “They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time.”

This, she and the “dozens” of conspiracists she interviewed claim, is evidence of their efforts to “protect the election.” In fact, all of these tactics weaken election integrity.

For example, mail-in ballots are known as an unreliable voting method, even without its potential assistance to criminal fraud such as ballot-stuffing, because they create margins of error well within the margin of actual votes in a close election. That’s why labor unions, Jeff Bezos, and many foreign countries refuse to use them.

Therefore, in a mail-in election such as 2020, in which half of the total votes and most of the Biden votes were mail-in, one can control the outcome simply by controlling the poll-watchers and vote-counters. Even if they are honest, their unconscious bias or the simple mayhem of unreadable handwriting and signatures creates the conditions for untrustworthy results.

We have no way of knowing how many of the approximately 65 million 2020 election mail-in ballots were legal — meaning, how many fully complied with all applicable state laws to be validly completed by eligible voters. It could be all of them. It might not be. Nobody with power seems to care to find out. Joe Biden “won,” and the bad orange man is finally gone. That’s all that matters to them, and anyone who has any concerns or questions is simply a stupid bigot, end of story, move along, nothing to see here, shut up you white supremacist domestic terrorist or we’ll put you in jail without any bail — you’re so lucky we haven’t already.

One of the core problems with the 2020 election is that many states did not follow their voting laws, suspending them with the excuse of COVID (which the Centers for Disease Control said the day before the election, after most votes were already cast, was not necessary). States were pressured or forced to do so, not by what Ball hilariously calls Trump’s “henchmen,” but by lawyered-up leftist pressure groups that strategically undermined election protections with pre-emptive lawsuits while courts rolled over for them.

These leftist lawyers were unquestionably the aggressors in this situation, as Hans van Spakovsky and others have documented, filing as many as four times the number of lawsuits Trump or Republicans filed. Their efforts caused the very “election confusion” Ball claims her vaunted “conspiracy” was trying to avoid. What do you call people who do one thing while claiming to do the opposite? Idiots or liars. And I don’t think these people are idiots.


I'd love to see evidence of Trump/Russia.

Guess you never read the Mueller Retort.
Did you tell tRump?
Man who carried Trump flag inside Capitol during riot arrested at Orlando airport, feds say


Not fixated on it as im at home this bec my family member is undergoing shoulder replacement surgery. The facts are there is no evidence of voter fraud large enough to overturn it. It was reinforced by trumps appointed courts judges and bill barr.
Then explain why SCOTUS is set to hear a majority of those previously filed cases?
I could write 7 convincing sounding paragraphs that the moon landing was faked, but there are still American flags on the surface of the moon. Regardless of the number of paragraphs - there's no proof.
The proof is in the unconstitutional election law changes across the country. No signature ballot envelopes, almost any signature allowed, ballots allowed after cut off dates...goes on and on. An election fraud environment ripe for the picking.
Not to mention the polling place shutdowns in swing states....my oh my, that happened...isn't that quite a coincidence?
I knew there was going to be fraud back in April when Pelosi started crowing big time about mail in voting, the fix was in. Remember, they started this op about ten minutes after it was called in Nov 2016. Well executed in my opinion.

BTW, there's a Chinese flag on the dark side of the moon, along with a Pink Floyd album.
The proof is in the unconstitutional election law changes across the country. No signature ballot envelopes, almost any signature allowed, ballots allowed after cut off dates...goes on and on. An election fraud environment ripe for the picking.
Not to mention the polling place shutdowns in swing states....my oh my, that happened...isn't that quite a coincidence?
I knew there was going to be fraud back in April when Pelosi started crowing big time about mail in voting, the fix was in. Remember, they started this op about ten minutes after it was called in Nov 2016. Well executed in my opinion.

BTW, there's a Chinese flag on the dark side of the moon, along with a Pink Floyd album.
But did Pelosi mention anything about Hugo Chavez and the Chinese jacking with Dominion voting machines, which was the focal point of Trump's "find me 11,000 votes" in Georgia last month? I didn't hear her talking about that at all.
But did Pelosi mention anything about Hugo Chavez and the Chinese jacking with Dominion voting machines, which was the focal point of Trump's "find me 11,000 votes" in Georgia last month? I didn't hear her talking about that at all.

I heard Trump say:

“So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.”

“So what are we going to do here, folks? I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes. Give me a break.”

Far cry from a direct order to 'find me 11,000 votes.

Saw Dominion claiming Mike Lindell is begging to be sued, yet Lindell claims he has proof the machines were tampered with and will release it if sued. They haven't sued him yet.

Any forensic audits of the computer based machines that were used? What was it, Arizona that was caught dumping vote machine data and it took a court order to stop it?

Between unconstitutional election law changes and vote machine issues......the fruit was ripe for the picking.
I heard Trump say:

“So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.”

“So what are we going to do here, folks? I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes. Give me a break.”

Far cry from a direct order to 'find me 11,000 votes.

Saw Dominion claiming Mike Lindell is begging to be sued, yet Lindell claims he has proof the machines were tampered with and will release it if sued. They haven't sued him yet.

Any forensic audits of the computer based machines that were used? What was it, Arizona that was caught dumping vote machine data and it took a court order to stop it?

Between unconstitutional election law changes and vote machine issues......the fruit was ripe for the picking.

Not that far. But early on it was all due to mail in ballots. Then it was Hugo Chavez and Dominion. "Give me a break". Then after he won GA, it would be on to tackle Pennsylvania. And after that - Michigan. And then...VICTORY. How come he didn't want the election results in Kansas or Nebraska or South Dakota audited?
Not that far. But early on it was all due to mail in ballots. Then it was Hugo Chavez and Dominion. "Give me a break". Then after he won GA, it would be on to tackle Pennsylvania. And after that - Michigan. And then...VICTORY. How come he didn't want the election results in Kansas or Nebraska or South Dakota audited?
Those states you mention also had the time out from counting crap.

Mail in balloting was compromised with the unconstitutional election law changes......try and get around that.Who was the president who made statements as to vote by mail being so easy to corrupt and recommended against it?

And here we are today....double duh.

Would you want an audit of states you decisively won? Excuse me, but....duh.

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