These a$$clowns are lucky they tried this in MeriKa.
In most other countries, they would have cut them down at the door.
Congratulations tRump supporters, you have turned us into a banana republic.
These a$$wipe 'patriots' should be held accountable at the very extent of the law.
Lucky we are MeriKans or they would be hanged.
Me thinks, the Capitol in the future will have better security than we have never needed before.
Thanks A$$holes!
In most other countries, they would have cut them down at the door.
Congratulations tRump supporters, you have turned us into a banana republic.
These a$$wipe 'patriots' should be held accountable at the very extent of the law.
Lucky we are MeriKans or they would be hanged.
Me thinks, the Capitol in the future will have better security than we have never needed before.
Thanks A$$holes!