SWA isn't a comparison at all to the Big 3. They have 2.5 Mechanics per A/C so they can afford to pay a higher wage rate. How dumb do people have to be to not understand this. The same goes for Fed Ex employees ! AMFA? IBT? Do you really think it makes much difference when your onl;y dealing with what 1200 Mechanics? Of course your going to have a "Better Work Environment", you are getting paid $44/Hr and you don't have to work with as many a-holes who can't find a Maintenance reference to save there life. Hey if everyone wants 85% outsourcing and $44/Hr go for it !!
Once again someone spouting off and not having a clue on what they are talking about. SWA cannot be compared to the big 3? You better do some homework chiefy. UAL and SWA are almost tied in certain catagories. All of your numbers above are wrong. go do some homework and come back with a more acccurate post.