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IAM Organizing JetBlue Ramp

Being unionized is way better than being an employee at will.

You do realize DL is now using ready reserve in maintenance?
700UW said:
A 401k is not a pension.
May not be but it's better than the highly restrictive multi pension plan from the IAMPF. My money is my money and I can invest it as I see fit for my needs. The IAMPF pension has full control and say when and how I can collect. The IAM side can't even sell it to the TWU side at AA. That speaks loud enough of what we think about the scam pyramid IAMPF pension. Yea I know it's 105% funded and my defined plan at AA is frozen and it's 200 zillion dollars in the hole. Wait until the IAMPF has to start making payouts when the baby boomers retire. See how fast that 105% funded pension plan will go down the lav waste tank.
So you can't defend B6 so you attack others?

Bottom line is she was struck by lightening while unionized workers were safe and sound inside.

Management at PBI for B6 failed, she could have been killed.
700UW said:
Being unionized is way better than being an employee at will.
Thats personal opinion. I have worked for both union and non union. They both have their perks in their own way. No need in going down the list of pros and cons we will be here forever. There are some things I like about a union and some things I hate such as protecting the scumbags that don't deserve those jobs. At the end of the day GO at B6 has been approached plenty of times ever since the pilots unionized...till this day they havn't started a vote. Either the Blue juice is running through their veins or JB has given them what they wanted in their values committee meetings. I'll have to go to the source and get back to you guys
700UW said:
So you can't defend B6 so you attack others?
Bottom line is she was struck by lightening while unionized workers were safe and sound inside.
Management at PBI for B6 failed, she could have been killed.
Hang on, I'm not attacking anybody. You claim the union protected the AA guys on that same day the poor girl was struck. But the video shows 2 AA crews just a few yards from a lightning strike. So I am just trying to understand where an act of God (a term used in every union contract) could have been prevented. Now if you tell me airplanes diverted, refueling was seized, and this girl and her crew were the only ones on the entire ramp it would make sense. Whos to say that wasn't the first strike in the vicinity? Im sure that was the case in that video with the AA guys. Or else they would have been inside like the union tells them to. Again, explain my attack when I'm using YOUR comparison sir
Dog Wonder said:
The benevolent dictators at DL are the greatest.  There is no way they would pay more to keep unions out.  You can be stupid in one line.  Quit babbling.
WorldTraveler said:
instead of name calling, how about you prove my statement wrong.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, unless the imitation isn't flattering.
Lesson learned:

How a dog owns a world traveler in one sentence.


How a world traveler pens the 'meaningless manifesto' in 50,000 words or more without being outdone in one sentence by a dog.
Albert said:
Conflict.. not yet. I worked for US for many years without a union even voted against them a few times, But when things start going south they the company did  hit the non-union people harder. As i stated before jetblue will feel the pilot shortage so they must pay the pilots market rates as for the others it will be what US has said to us before the merger"we dont generate the revenue so we cant give you parity with the big four".Personally I feel better in a union(even though I dont know where my dues goes"my advice is if you have 4 years with Jetblue vote yes  if you have 30 years with DL vote no. Now to piss everyone off, 38 years of observations all unions seem the same to me and I can tell you stories
I can agree with that statement about when things go bad, the non-union workgroups takes the biggest hit. Coming from sCO, we saw that happen to us, since we were the only unorganized group. The pilots; FA's; and MX didn't get hit hard as us when the cuts came in 2004-05. They even got restored much faster than we did. We had quite a few failed union drives, but when the merger came, we felt had to organize or get the shorter end of the stick. When the ramp organized with the IBT, the company gave ATW raises (and punished us) to avoid unionizing. All this became moot with the merger and the elections afterwards.
I still have a few gripes with our District, but in this industry, I feel better working with a Union than without one. The key is that you must stay vigilant and involved. And make sure that your first contract has the one main ingredient above all else.........SCOPE!!!!!
700UW said:

Evidence Keeps Piling Up: Unions Are Very, Very, Very Good for Workers

'When working people speak with one voice, our economy is stronger, and all workers do better.'
Are you sure about that? Currently under the TWU we can't speak up affectively to our international officers because they are not accountable to the members. Are unions really very, very, very good for workers? I can speak from experience with the TWU. NO THEY ARE NOT. One voice is from the International not the members. This is the TWU way. Now we at AA have a new dysfunctional player in the mix. The IAM. Together with the TWU has lead to a newly formed never tested so called Association. So far the Association has been a disappointment at best. The two sides are at odds over multiple issues. They promised negotiations 30 days after certification from the NMB back in April. So far no talks or exchanges of proposals. The association promised the members on both sides that a vote will take place for the association of these two dysfunctional unions. That was a lie. NMB signed off on it. The association turn the blame on the NMB and washed their hands from it. Lies after lies after lies coming from the association which is comprised of the TWU and IAM. Be careful what you wish for. You might just get it. I'm sure there are better unions out there who can better represent certain work groups. My opinion is from my experience with the TWU and now the IAM in partnership with the association. I wish you guys at Jetblu the best of luck in deciding your fate in joining a union.