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IAM Organizing JetBlue Ramp

Good info 700, but what does this have to do with "IAM organizing JB ramp?"
The executives listed below would not work a single minute without a contract/agreement. The JetBlue GO Team crewmembers should study this chart taken from corporate information. Ask yourself what was your pay percentage increases in 2012 2013 2014? These executives understand the power of a contract. JetBlue Pilots understand this principle and why they joined a Union. The Pilots understand you don't get what you deserve you only get what you negotiate.
700UW said:
The executives listed below would not work a single minute without a contract/agreement. The JetBlue GO Team crewmembers should study this chart taken from corporate information. Ask yourself what was your pay percentage increases in 2012 2013 2014? These executives understand the power of a contract. JetBlue Pilots understand this principle and why they joined a Union. The Pilots understand you don't get what you deserve you only get what you negotiate.
Ok enough said.
B6 pilots because they were underpaid because management tried to low ball them.

700UW said:
The executives listed below would not work a single minute without a contract/agreement. The JetBlue GO Team crewmembers should study this chart taken from corporate information. Ask yourself what was your pay percentage increases in 2012 2013 2014? These executives understand the power of a contract. JetBlue Pilots understand this principle and why they joined a Union. The Pilots understand you don't get what you deserve you only get what you negotiate.
I wonder if JB will pull a Delta and bring all there non-union groups up to par with the other airlines.  Now would be the time to do it.  I smell a raise, at least the announcement, coming in the near future for JB employees.
If B6 wants to give raises, then they might avoid unions.

carriers or any company that wants to pay less than the market will always run the risk of having unions.

B6 is getting the unions it deserves.
World Traveler.
Every hear of (such a thing) as a PERSONALITY CONFLICT  ?
What happens to ANY  Del -DUH employee, who becomes embroiled in a Personality Conflict with a  Del - DUH  Supervisor, in his or her department ?   Further, what happens to the Employee, when supervisor #1  is 'good buddies' with his Higher Supervisors (who we'll designate as Supervisor #'s  2 - 3 - 4). What happens to the employee, when the ' FIX is IN ' if supervisor # 1 wants the guy.....GONE  ???
Lets replay the exact scenario OVER, assuming that the Employee is (say) represented  by the IAM  ??
Now I and Everyone else on this thread will patiently await your BULL SHIIT SPIN answer.
(PS.   It wont make a DAM in the first scenario how much money Del - DUH pays it's employeeds)
WAITING !        ' Tick...Tick...Tick '.
this is a B6 forum so why don't you ask that question of B6 employees about their company.

Their employees are choosing to further unionize while DL employees are not.
tell us what part you believe to be inaccurate.

If you are referring to DL vs. B6 unionization efforts, then perhaps the more accurate way to say it is that DL employees have NOT SUCCEEDED in any unionization efforts since the merger while B6 employees have in the same period of time.

is that what you were looking for?
Jetblue Ground operations members are getting terminated at an alarming rate by the companys standard practice of retaining a revolving door to keep costs low. It doesn't matter if you have 10 months or 10 years and are a loyal employee. Don't be the next employee to be targeted by Jetblue management !! At will employment is simply managements discretion !!Get a voice on the job and Protect yourselves and your family by your signing an IAM authorization card to prevent predatory management practices and at will employment . You simply cannot believe in JetBlue Managements broken promises .
1AA said:
Looks like the IAM is trying to recruit more victims for their loser IAMPF. I hope they are smart enough to realize that the IAM is not the same union as in the days of Eastern and United Airlines were.
If the iam proceeds to file cards, i will mobilize and get out the truth to the jetblue rampers about the severe pain and job loss they may incur if they vote in the iam. I will also educate the jetblue rampers about the iampf ponzie scheme which has not only stolen most of our pension but also isnt financially sound and had to cut benefits twice just to keep it in green funding.


Kev3188 said:
Does anyone have a list of what stations B6 has it's own ramp staff at?
alot of their own airports. small stations from jax to btv and alot out west. If the iam comes in, at least the small and midsize stations would b contracted out immediately.


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