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IAM fines it's former members $ 4,500 each at Boeing


Oct 17, 2005
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1 May 2006

Machinists Union Hit with Charges for Illegal Retaliatory Fines Against Boeing Employees
Union officials unlawfully fined workers at rocket manufacturing facility $4,500 each for refusing to walk off the job during a union-ordered strike

Decatur, AL (May 1, 2006) – With free legal aid from the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, eight Boeing employees have filed federal charges against the International Association of Machinists (IAM) union for illegal retaliatory fines levied against them for honoring their commitments to their employer and refusing to walk off the job during a union-ordered strike.

The employees, led by Larry Bonner, filed the federal unfair labor practice charges at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) against IAM union Local Lodge 44. The nonunion workers allege that IAM union officials illegally fined them $4,500 each for continuing to work during a union-mandated strike that lasted from November 2, 2005 to February 1, 2006.

“IAM union officials’ policy of bullying employees who do not toe the union line cannot continue with impunity,†said Stefan Gleason, vice president of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation. “Union officials’ thuggish tactics demonstrate how the union hierarchy‘s interests are at odds with those of the very employees they claim to represent.â€

The Boeing employees cannot be lawfully fined because they resigned their union memberships (and thus were no longer subject to internal union rules) before returning to work – their right under the Foundation-supported Patternmakers v. NLRB U.S. Supreme Court decision. In Patternmakers, the High Court ruled workers may resign their full, formal union membership immediately, at any time, and without restrictions.

Once an employee becomes a nonmember, union officials then have no legal basis for enforcing internal union “discipline†against them.

Additionally, IAM union officials’ actions run contrary to Alabama’s highly-popular Right to Work law – on the books since 1953 – which prevents workers from being forced to join or pay dues to an unwanted union as a condition of employment.

The NLRB will now investigate the workers’ charges and decide whether to issue a formal complaint and prosecute the IAM union.

They are scabs, scabs are tried and fined.

And if you are any kind of union person, you would not be posting crap from the right to work (for less) organization who's goal is to eliminate unions.

If you live in a glass house dont throw stones:
Lookie here

The judge found that the Respondent violated Section 8(B)(1)(A) of the Act by threatening its members with intraunion disciplinary proceedings, initiating disciplinary proceedings, and then fining members who refused to honor a third-party picket line. The judge found that this conduct contravened the Respondent’s obligations under a no-strike clause in the collective-bargaining agreement, which, in the absence of relevant extrinsic evidence, clearly and unmistakably waived the right to engage in sympathy strikes. We agree.
Just taking a play from the ibt representation manual.

CO AMTS are ibt, organized SCABS. And the airline in Canada that delldude posted.

You make this way too easy.
man you are crazy if you arent going to be represented by any union regardless in an industry whereas mgmt is going to get your benes and pay one way or the other, but the one is w/o a union. the other, well NWA is a prime example
man you are crazy if you arent going to be represented by any union regardless in an industry whereas mgmt is going to get your benes and pay one way or the other, but the one is w/o a union. the other, well NWA is a prime example

I agree robbed. Being without a union in the aviation industry (aerospace), is just crazy. 🙂
They are scabs, scabs are tried and fined.

And if you are any kind of union person, you would not be posting crap from the right to work (for less) organization who's goal is to eliminate unions.

If you live in a glass house dont throw stones:
Lookie here

What became of the scabs from the early 92 IAM strike? Were they tried and fined? Are they still working along side other IAM workers? Were their pictures and names published for all to know? Only the facts please.
I know INT and CLT tried their scabs, names were posted, cant speak for the rest of the cities.

Convicted and fined.
And if you are any kind of union person, you would not be posting crap from the right to work (for less) organization who's goal is to eliminate unions.

If you live in a glass house dont throw stones

ROFL.....yes 7 we know you are the one to emulate. Information is information 7, it doesn't matter were you get it.

Ha.....your glass house is full of "stone" holes and broken glass.

Is that the best you can do? Just more of the same from you 7
Gave you plenty, since you are the one who keeps avoiding the issues and when someone shows you the ibt has done the same you conviently avoid it and still try to deflect.

And I would hope the ibt and you don't think that prosecuting scabs is a bad thing.

Oh wait, that is right ibt organized scab AMTs at CO and FAs a at Canadian Airline.
Oh wait, that is right ibt organized scab AMTs at CO and FAs a at Canadian Airline.

Yes.....I know.....I have heard this before.......It has been answered....but you don't like the answers.....so you rant until you hear what you want to hear. If you don't hear what you want, then you accuse someone of avoiding the answer. Been here before 7. Keep trying 7....... 🙂
Typical, MO, avoid and deflect, what is a matter, Andy not answering his cell phone on this fine Sunday morning on Mothers Day?

I believe you made mine.

You always try to make this about me, and not stick to the topic at hand.

You make this way too easy.
What became of the scabs from the early 92 IAM strike? Were they tried and fined? Are they still working along side other IAM workers? Were their pictures and names published for all to know? Only the facts please.
Pit scabs appologized to the membership and paid back any money they made during the walkout.
members accepted the action.