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RSA has three different US Airways investments:

1. ATSB loan guarantee at risk money, which at one point was $75 million, but a portion was paid down and it stand at around $65.

2. About $330 million in EETC and debt financing.

3. $240 million in equity.

In a pre-packaged bankruptcy the intent would be to preserve the equity and renegotiate leases and labor contracts. I understand that the company could actually call this a labor restructuring with those unions who do not agree to participate in the "Transformation Plan" the bankruptcy target.

There are many ALPA officials who believe it would be in the pilot’s best interests to cut a deal before a Chapter 11 filing because the company has let every union know that if the company enters bankruptcy the new labor union accords will not be consensual.


USA320Pilot said:
RSA has three different US Airways investments:

1. ATSB loan guarantee at risk money, which at one point was $75 million, but a portion was paid down and it stand at around $65.

2. About $330 million in EETC and debt financing.

3. $240 million in equity.

In a pre-packaged bankruptcy the intent would be to preserve the equity and renegotiate leases and labor contracts. I understand that the company could actually call this a labor restructuring with those unions who do not agree to participate in the "Transformation Plan" the bankruptcy target.

There are many ALPA officials who believe it would be in the pilot’s best interests to cut a deal before a Chapter 11 filing because the company has let every union know that if the company enters bankruptcy the new labor union accords will not be consensual.


I believe I've heard this before in summer of 2002. We thought we would fair better with a 1113 letter.

Now, here we sit. Concession #3 because the company is not happy with where the CASM is.
Sorry to disagree, but any new labor accords have to be somewhat consensual. If a new labor agreement is IMPOSED by the company in Chapter 11, the labor group still has the right to "self help" (i.e. strike). I wouldn't doubt, and I hope Bronner doesn't either, that any or several of these groups WOULD strike, even if the company were in chapter 11. I believe strongly that this sort of "strong arm" approach would mean the end of this company for sure. I also feel that this threatening tone, which has decreased somewhat since Siegel's departure but still prevails, is a very bad approach to this. How about some positive means of accomplishing these goals, like early retirements and buyouts?
PITbull said:
Wendy's is a pretty damn stable company too. Everybody buys burgers 😀
Pitbull, to compare a job at jetblue with that of working for wendys is just ridiculous!!!! It is EXACTLY this mentality that makes many people distrust and/or not particularly care for unions!! Do a better job of explaining your views. We would all be better off for it! The simple fact remains, this ship is sinking, sinking fast,the Company wants MORE again, we're losing money, financing is in jeapordy,and the unions are not too eager to give any more(which I agree with,enough is enough!!) The company is doing what they have to try to do........LOWER costs!!! WE(unions) have to do what we need to do(personally, I am a NO vote)! Let the chips fall where they may!!!!! THERE IS LIFE AFTER USAIRWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD DAY!!!.........MORE LATER!!!!!!
PITbull said:

Flight crews actually put in anywhere from 75-100 hours per week. Our trips are 3 and 4 days per week, and we are away from our loved ones and families. So, we are very, very accustomed to LONG hours.
75-100 HOURS per WEEK????????????????????????? I DONT THINK SO!!!!!!!LOL,LOL,LOL 😀
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
75-100 HOURS per WEEK????????????????????????? I DONT THINK SO!!!!!!!LOL,LOL,LOL 😀
Do your math. 24 hours times 4 equals 96 hours. AND, if you commute and put in another 2 days, guess what boys and girls? That's about 130 hrs. and 6 days.
RowUnderDCA said:
What's a "jetBlue type job?"

a job with a stable airline in 21st Century US?
Does anyone have any idea of the customer service pay scale for jetblue. We know that america west rampers top out at 15.20 and the company is looking for wages between AW and B6.
By the way I doubt if anyone is topped out at B6.
USA320Pilot said:
RSA has three different US Airways investments:

1. ATSB loan guarantee at risk money, which at one point was $75 million, but a portion was paid down and it stand at around $65.

2. About $330 million in EETC and debt financing.

3. $240 million in equity.

In a pre-packaged bankruptcy the intent would be to preserve the equity and renegotiate leases and labor contracts. I understand that the company could actually call this a labor restructuring with those unions who do not agree to participate in the "Transformation Plan" the bankruptcy target.

There are many ALPA officials who believe it would be in the pilot’s best interests to cut a deal before a Chapter 11 filing because the company has let every union know that if the company enters bankruptcy the new labor union accords will not be consensual.


Well USA320Pilot,

They say that a sucker is born every minute and you Sir are living proof.

Should ALPA strike a deal? , which I'm certain they will ...and U still ends up going into Chapter 11 due in part to the other Unions not being willing to take another haircut at the hands of these thieves....make book on this prognostication. You will take yet another pasting along with the rest of us too....prior struck deal or not?

I would think the lessons learned after your last clobbering would have tought you something?....but obviously you just love to be lied too?....or the pain is a thrill ride of sorts? Does the pension masacre ring a bell with you?...and after all the praise and hooplah ALPA got for showing leadership during concessions parts one and two.

Dude....every group gave when asked....and everyone to a person has been hoodwinked in the aftermath of penning such agreements with these people. I think we all understand the industry dynamics....but ethics has to play a part in this too....yet ethical behavior is anything but what we have seen so far.

You can give until you bleed from every pore of your being is you so desire?....but based on historical fact , they will have to take it in court from me and my friends...and the courts rulings will have to be honored regardless of the final outcome. I will base all my future moves on those rulings....but to blindly and willingly give only to be taken for another ride again? Thank you Sir , NO !!!!!!!!!!!!

:down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:
smallstFSA said:
Does anyone have any idea of the customer service pay scale for jetblue. We know that america west rampers top out at 15.20 and the company is looking for wages between AW and B6.
By the way I doubt if anyone is topped out at B6.
HP is $15.35/hr. TOS, (which takes 15 years, by the way). No idea on B6 wages, but aren't they on "5 year contracts," in which case you'd be right-no one would have reached top out?
smallstFSA said:
Does anyone have any idea of the customer service pay scale for jetblue. We know that america west rampers top out at 15.20 and the company is looking for wages between AW and B6.
By the way I doubt if anyone is topped out at B6.
a mainline capt told me this morning that jb probably has a few that may be topped at if they are still with them since the first day of their operations. whether or not that is tru i dont know. well at least 15.20 for a ramper at amw is better than the crappy low wage of 13.01 an hr after 12 yrs in a mainline express city!
how long does it take for them to top out at america west?
Kev3188 said:
HP is $15.35/hr. TOS, (which takes 15 years, by the way). No idea on B6 wages, but aren't they on "5 year contracts," in which case you'd be right-no one would have reached top out?
Never heard of 5 year contracts, if that's the case it would suggest some sort of system based on merit instead of seniority. Must admit a pretty novel idea for outside and inside airline work.