Ok, let's get back on this threads topic.
Here's what's happening. (as a chronology)
-The Company announces a new round of concessionary discussions.
-All the labor groups tell the company to pound sand.
-Dave Siegel announces dire circumstances if labor doesn't give more.
-All the labor groups tell the company to pound sand.
-Dave Bronner smoozes the Pilots.
-The Pilots vote to work with Bronner and vote to open their contract.
-Dave Bronner smoozes the Flight attendants.
-The Flight Attendants aren't impressed and walk away yawning.
-The I.A.M. refuses to be smoozed by Bronner.
-Bronner announces dire circumstances if labor doesn't talk and open their contract.
-The I.A.M. informationally picket all four of the US Airways Hubs. The flyer tells everybody how the I.A.M. has been trying to save costs for years, but the company has been telling them to pound sand, they prefer to loose money.
-The Company realizing that this is really BAD P.R., announces publically to listen to the I.A.M.'s ideas on how to save money. (I believe for P.R. purposes only).
-Hence the headline Union, US Airways To Talk
This of course is mis-construed as being something else because::
1) People would rather jump to conclusions instead of paying attention.
2) Some people are looking for any angle to stir the pot.
The I.A.M. cannot open the Current Binding Agreement for revision . If it does, then the CBA is replaced by one of two options. Either whatever is brought to the memebership is voted in (concessionary?) or the proposal, which displaces the CBA is voted out (no CBA).
Most of the I.A.M. members I know, as much as they HATE the currant concessionary contact, have absolutely NO interest in replacing it. (Not during this economic climate).