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Iam And Us Agree To Talks!

cavalier said:
700UW said:

If the IAM opens any of our contracts they will be voted off the property in a NY minute and they know it!
This is VERY true. The Pit president is in big trouble as it is and will probably be replaced because the membership is so fed up, whether it's his fault or not doesn't matter, emotions are raging at all time highs, he’s there at the wrong time!
funny cav, i heard the same thing at the last election.....
retirees will bring home the bacon.
I do agree with you on the outsourcing issue, but it has to end somewhere. The person who loses his job from outsourcing does not have the money to pump into the economy. Unfortunately with all the manufacturing jobs leaving the US we are become a service oriented economy. Sooner or later its going to get us in trouble.
The presidential election is going to be interesting as Kerry is building a "no out source', "create good jobs" platform for his election campaign and Bush...well who knows anymore. He is starting to remind me of the Bozo's in CCY, he must open his eyes every once in awhile to see what is really going on.
I am a staunch Republican, voyted for Bush once, but if the election is held tomorrow I am switching to Kerry, and jobs is the issue why........
I am a staunch Republican, voyted for Bush once, but if the election is held tomorrow I am switching to Kerry, and jobs is the issue why........

I feel the same way. Not to get into a political debate, but I'm getting very disallusioned with both parties. Bush is for big business, Clinton signed NAFTA. Both parties say one thing and do another, all at the expense of the country. What's a working man to do???


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Name a politician who ever created a "real" non-patronage job? You can't. That is NOT what they do. They spend tax money. The politics of the situation are irrelevant. Outsourcing is purely economic. It costs a lot to employ someone. To make a profit--which is why business exist--you must cover your operational costs, plus have a profit margin left over; otherwise, what is the point in being in business? 🙁
GeezLouis said:
I feel the same way. Not to get into a political debate, but I'm getting very disallusioned with both parties. Bush is for big business, Clinton signed NAFTA. Both parties say one thing and do another, all at the expense of the country. What's a working man to do???
don't worry,Kerry voted against all of it but i think hes for it today.
Bush The Job-loss President.
From Salon

"There are no new jobs. Total job growth in the Clinton years: 23 million. Total job losses so far in the Bush years: over 2 million. Total gains in the last six months, since the so-called recovery supposedly accelerated in the third quarter? Just 221,000. That's less than a single month's average under Clinton. And last month? One thousand new jobs." -- Salon

That's right, and all of us uppity bottom 99%ers making less than $250,000 per year should just be thankful for our jobs and not ask for raises.

From the Economic Policy Institute:

"Many observers of the labor market have underestimated the severity of the current labor slump by focusing on the unemployment rate and the gains in real hourly wages. In fact, the current slump is setting records for severity in terms of sustained loss of jobs, the increase in labor market slack, and the decline in aggregate wage and salary income."

What?! That's not what the supposed liberal media is saying. The liberal media is obediently reading every press sheet that comes out of the white house saying, "Jobs are double-plus good. Everybody is happy. We are watching."
Ok, let's get back on this threads topic.

Here's what's happening. (as a chronology)

-The Company announces a new round of concessionary discussions.

-All the labor groups tell the company to pound sand.

-Dave Siegel announces dire circumstances if labor doesn't give more.

-All the labor groups tell the company to pound sand.

-Dave Bronner smoozes the Pilots.

-The Pilots vote to work with Bronner and vote to open their contract.

-Dave Bronner smoozes the Flight attendants.

-The Flight Attendants aren't impressed and walk away yawning.

-The I.A.M. refuses to be smoozed by Bronner.

-Bronner announces dire circumstances if labor doesn't talk and open their contract.

-The I.A.M. informationally picket all four of the US Airways Hubs. The flyer tells everybody how the I.A.M. has been trying to save costs for years, but the company has been telling them to pound sand, they prefer to loose money.

-The Company realizing that this is really BAD P.R., announces publically to listen to the I.A.M.'s ideas on how to save money. (I believe for P.R. purposes only).

-Hence the headline Union, US Airways To Talk

This of course is mis-construed as being something else because::

1) People would rather jump to conclusions instead of paying attention.


2) Some people are looking for any angle to stir the pot.

The I.A.M. cannot open the Current Binding Agreement for revision . If it does, then the CBA is replaced by one of two options. Either whatever is brought to the memebership is voted in (concessionary?) or the proposal, which displaces the CBA is voted out (no CBA).

Most of the I.A.M. members I know, as much as they HATE the currant concessionary contact, have absolutely NO interest in replacing it. (Not during this economic climate).
funny cav, i heard the same thing at the last election.....
retirees will bring home the bacon. [/quote]
Remember: at the last election Bill and Tax didn't flip a coin to see who would have Frank’s hide!

And there is NO Ralph Nader running to let Frank sneak in, AGAIN!

Your boy is short time hanging by the short hairs.. d-u-d-e
Well Bob, in an industry like ours..you have to have employees. We provide the product that you pay for...and that's SERVICE.

There is a priority problem in this management style. Reward and value managment....punish and devalue the "rank and file" who are deemed expendible. Why? Cause they make the rules.

So management makes the decision to improve morale and change their style if they are remotely capable and want to last long enough to have a gain on their stock, or labor goes down with the ship, along with the valued managment types.
"Moore said concessions have cut his salary from $22 an hour to $19.64 and his vacation time from five weeks to four annually, with no apparent improvement in airline operations"

Hey Gerry, if you think that is bad, wait until you get a taste of the Mainline Express wages that the good old IAM fought to get us. I can only HOPE that if you and the other 'Big City' AGC's sit down to talk that you don't let the company lower the Express wages again...you could be cutting your own throat this time around. :angry:
Gerry is from GSO, GSO is not a Big City station.
As I read thru this topic, I didn't recall anyone mention that the Pennsylvania judges refused to hear the IAM's case.. It is my understanding, (Please correct me if I'm wrong) that the IAM has only 2 options left..... Accept Binding Arbitration or Re-negotiate the contract........Another question came up today that I'm interested in seeing answered..., Did the IAM recommend a " YES " vote at United that included the faming out of 100% of UAL's Heavy Maint. ???? I would appreciate an informed answer. Thanks........
It will go to arbitration, not binding arbitration and the IAM does not have to renegoiate the contract, there is nothing to negotiate on.

The grievance procedure under the RLA and the contract is quite clear.