Iam Agreement

RowUnderDCA said:
Another question: how does the last U offer that will be voted on differ from what will be imposed? Is there a difference?
I am guessing that the difference is this:

Vote the last best offer in: you know what you will get
Vote the last best offer down: you do not know what you will get

neither option is probably palatable to the mechs or rampers, my guess is that rampers will vote yes, mechanics (who have a ton of other opportunities out there at very high wages with great benefits) will vote no
usairways_vote_NO said:
The latest company proposal is going out to vote. It isn't a TA 700 is just trying to make everyone look stupid by putting TA in there then he will come back and say I told you there wasn't a TA lol

"US Airways announced prior to Mitchell's ruling that the machinists' union would send the company's last offer to its membership for a vote, and that tally would likely be completed within two weeks"

Looks like IAM trying all along to escape harm

Call it a "TA" or not. The union agreed to put it out to their membership for vote.
PITMTC said:
Call it a "TA" or not. The union agreed to put it out to their membership for vote.

TA just changed meanings from Tentative Agreement to Tentative Abrogation.

CLTFlyer said:
Here's the link to the Charlotte Observer story on this (registration required): http://www.charlotte.com/mld/charlotte/10580935.htm

Long and short of it, Judge Mitchell has approved the request to abrogate the IAM contracts if they do not approve the company's last offer, which the IAM has agreed to send out for a vote, with the vote to be concluded by the end of January. If the IAM rejects the company's offer, Judge Mitchell will throw out the contract.

.......AND THEN US Airways liquidates within 5 days of contract abrogation.

Just my opinion of course. :down:
well now how long will it take for the iam to get an agreement? and if they dont what kind of deal goes in for the time being and will it be permenant? also what happens to the folks in the mainline express cities? will we have to suffer even more cuts as we have already done so?
Reuters news quoted the judge in which he said"Which is worse, half the mechanics lose their jobs or all of the mechanics lose their jobs," Mitchell said.

Folks this is a union sink or swim we all in it together its not every man for himself. I for one will stand firm with my other brothers and sisters and go down with the ship if need be but I will not coward out to save my own skin.
PITMTC said:
Call it a "TA" or not. The union agreed to put it out to their membership for vote.

Did you read my post? All I was doing was pointing out what 700's game was on here. I don't care what you call it either.
come on..the unions will ratify.. and this airline will flounder along for another few months..
even the judge said that he has serious doubts that even after abrogation that the airline can stay afloat
So I say..why allow Mgmt to call the shots? If we ratify, it's over anyway, why not just go down on OUR TERMS!????
My question is this: How can this vote possibly pass when over half the members will be voting themselves out of a job? I've never heard of anyone voting themselves out of a job. I just don't see any good end to this.
Maybe the last best offer preserves jobs over what abrogation would bring. Maybe the last/best provides buyouts, that abrogation would not provide.
In the wake of the judge's decision, the IAM said it would allow its members to vote on the company's final contract offer, although union leaders declined to endorse it.

"There was no way our negotiators could endorse an agreement that outsources our members' jobs," said Randy Canale, president of the IAM unit representing US Airways' mechanics. "While we would have preferred a different outcome, voting provides our members with an opportunity to avoid termination of their agreements. The final decision will rest in the hands of the members, where it belongs."
aerosmith said:
Does anyone know are we (mech&rel) still covered under contract until vote takes place? example do I have vac time, sick time, seniority etc etc?

There was a Special Bulletin put out that stated the company will remain status quo with the current contract and the union wll not engage in any job action.
[/QUOTE]My question is this: How can this vote possibly pass when over half the members will be voting themselves out of a job? I've never heard of anyone voting themselves out of a job. I just don't see any good end to this
Probably not more than half the eligible voters will vote in the first place. I think there are more rampers than mechanics so I would guess that this will pass. If it does pass does that limit the mechanics right to strike?

Randy Canale is not the President of Mechanics, he is President of District 141 which represents Fleet Service.

William O'Driscoll is President of District 142 which represents Mechanic and Related Employees.

The is no agreement, no TA, can you not understand that?

The International was the one who told the company the IAM will take out a final offer for ratification.

Go read the District 142 Bulletin and then maybe you will.

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