I hope that NorthWorst goes Chapter 7


Aug 17, 2006
I live in Minneapolis and can't believe that this airline has been ALLOWED to continue to fly for as long as it has. They treat their employees and passengers like c**p. But they have had enough clout with the state government and the Metropolitan Airport Council to stick around. They nixed the new airport idea in the mid-1990's even before a comparison study was done, signing an agreement to assist the MAC in reinsulating homes in the airport noise areas. But, they used the bankruptcy to force the MAC to drop the idea. Of course, the cities of Minneapolis, Richfield, Eagan, and Bloomington have filed suit, but it has to wait until NWA emerges from bankruptcy.

They have pushed their weight around with the MAC for years, which is FINALLY recognizing that this airline does the Twin Cities no favors. NWorst even had the audacity to suggest that the MAC order all other airlines out of the main terminal, built with PUBLIC money, and seclude them to a much smaller international terminal, more than a two miles from the main terminal. They have reneged on employment promises that they made with the state of Minnesota in 1991, when they suckered the taxpayers into helping them "save" the airline. They have used bankruptcy to void their employee contracts. However, when push came to shove, the pilots, flight attendants, and ground workers didn't stick with the mechanics, so divided they fall, one by one.

Personally, I have flown them and forget about getting a greeting when you board their ancient aircraft (even older than their flight attendants.) My mom was sprayed with deicing solution several years back (they didn't close the passenger door prior to beginning the process) and didn't even offer to pay for dry cleaning. They are scum. The airline is arrogant and its employees are just plain bitter.

We have flown other carriers out of Minneapolis the majority of the time and I will gladly have an intermediate stop at another airline's hub before I fly that cr*p airline ever again. I hope that they go under, which will be bad for the workers but great for the traveling public.
Bankrupt, liars, reneged, audacity, arrogance...yea that pretty much describes the "New Northwest".
New NWA? his post mentions major problems from years age as well. Who was doing the de-icing at that time? Are not the F/a's he spoke of the same ones who threaten to walk along side you? IMO, the biggest problem with the "NEW" northwest is that they never fixed the "OLD" Northwest.
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New NWA? his post mentions major problems from years age as well. Who was doing the de-icing at that time? Are not the F/a's he spoke of the same ones who threaten to walk along side you? IMO, the biggest problem with the "NEW" northwest is that they never fixed the "OLD" Northwest.

Does it matter "who was doing the de-icing?" for crying out loud. The airline should be doing backflips to take care of a customer.

And BTW, it was a NWA ground crew at an outstation.
New NWA? his post mentions major problems from years age as well. Who was doing the de-icing at that time? Are not the F/a's he spoke of the same ones who threaten to walk along side you? IMO, the biggest problem with the "NEW" northwest is that they never fixed the "OLD" Northwest.

Most of the things mentioned in his original post are things that the average rank had NO input on whatsoever. The last time I can remember nwa "asking" for any input from it's employees was when Dasburg asked for suggestions on how the company could save money. That program lasted for about a year...about the time employees realized that their suggestions weren't being administered.
De-ice??? Who cares who was doing that. The job went to the rampers several years ago but it still got done.
They keep trying to re-invent nwa but the old boy nwa is still at the helm. Except now they're really getting nasty.
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The plain and simple fact is that Northwest, because of its reputation over the years, has reached the end of their goodwill with the public in the Twin Cities and the state of Minnesota. What does that mean when an airlines' own hometown customers refuse to fly them or support them? NWA came to the state in the 1990's...and the legislators bailed them out, only to get deals broken. The taxpayers ended up getting stuck with the bill in this bankruptcy.

Yes, I realize that the "rank" hasn't had input on the direction at management level. However, that shouldn't translate into a worker's attitude towards passengers. And over the years it is patently obvious that it has. No pleasantries, nothing, just drones.

I feel badly that the workers may lose their jobs, but maybe it's time for them to let go and find work elsewhere, before the whole company goes Chapter 7 . Maybe that's what the other carriers are waiting for, then they'll step in to pick up the routes.
I read some of that booklet at a crew meeting at USAIRWAYS. The mechanics there stood in awe. They have beat you guys into the ground but your still fighting. If there would ever be a merger it would be an nice to team up with you. God bless everyone there keep the faith and remember Jerry Glass is now back at usairways, does anyone smell something cooking.
First off, ............"Excellent Screen Name" :up:

(SCREW BUSH/GOP) :down: :down: :shock: :shock:

As to your wish for a "new kid in town", be careful what you wish for, because you stand a 50/50 chance of getting AA(Talk about PISSED off employees... :angry: :angry: )

It will be interesting to watch for sure as the airlines return to profitability just how Labor and the American Public wil react.

How will the American Public react? They don't care Bob.In a supposedly "Union to the core" town like Detroit people walked right through the striking mechanics like they were ghosts.

Airline employees? Pffft...But goddamn there were practically gunfights in the streets when the newspapers were on strike in Detroit back a few years and one of them was using or attempting to use scab labor.

People will cluck their tounges and turn the page in the paper, they are apathetic to what happens to airlines and their employees.

As far as profitability goes, I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.Virgin America will be getting the green light in the almighty name of "Competition" and will promptly touch off another round of "Giving it all away" fare sales to stimulate traffic and further douche yields in whatever markets they fly into.

Which will in turn cause these airlines to turn to us and our wallets...again, in the name of "Staying competitive".
Yes, I realize that the "rank" hasn't had input on the direction at management level. However, that shouldn't translate into a worker's attitude towards passengers. And over the years it is patently obvious that it has. No pleasantries, nothing, just drones.

We've had F/As on these boards say that the "minimum" is now the norm for service at nwa. Its hard to remain "perky" when you have to think about how you're going to afford school fees, new school clothes, car payments, insurance payments, let alone thinking about grocery shopping on your time off. Everyone with any association to northwest airlines is getting screwed. Making it clearly apparent to the customer is the natural result of the flow.
How will the American Public react? They don't care Bob.In a supposedly "Union to the core" town like Detroit people walked right through the striking mechanics like they were ghosts.

Airline employees? Pffft...But goddamn there were practically gunfights in the streets when the newspapers were on strike in Detroit back a few years and one of them was using or attempting to use scab labor.

People will cluck their tounges and turn the page in the paper, they are apathetic to what happens to airlines and their employees.

As far as profitability goes, I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.Virgin America will be getting the green light in the almighty name of "Competition" and will promptly touch off another round of "Giving it all away" fare sales to stimulate traffic and further douche yields in whatever markets they fly into.

Which will in turn cause these airlines to turn to us and our wallets...again, in the name of "Staying competitive".

I lived in Detroit when the free press was using scabs. I remember seeing the scab delivery drivers dumping newspapers anywhere they could (behind grocery stores etc...) to stop from beeing harassed by people like me. I would make it a point meet my freindly scab each morning when he would try to deliver papers at 50 mph in my neighborhood. My union freinds and I gave that guy a warm greeting for a week straight, then he just went away.

Now the same people who despised those scabs, read that paper and fly NWA. What have we become?