On 6/18/2003 9

28 AM bagsmasher wrote:
Those aren''t new co-workers, they are scabs that took over union jobs.
They aren''t scabs, they didn''t cross a picket line.They applied for a job with a company that picked up a cleaning contract, nothing more.
If you have a problem with it, address it with the union...if you can actually find anyone from the union.
The TWU is running out of jobs to give away to the company in order to protect Fleet Service.(And don''t kid yourself, thats all they really care about)
Title II Utility Man/Building Cleaner classification-Given away without a whimper in 95/96, remember that when you see One Source or some other outfit cleaning the terminal,driving a sweeper or a plow truck on the ramp.
That used to be AA work.
Remember that when you get on the employee bus at JFK.
That used to be AA work.
Overnight Cabin Service.
That used to be AA work.
You can bet your ass they will give away Fueling, Mail and Freight in the near future and for what? To protect the Fleet Service Clerk.
The TWA guys I work with are aghast at this "Union", they can''t believe how complacent the TWU is, how they just give away work without a fight...
They are also rightly astounded at the apathy exhibited by the majority of the "members".
No one cares, as long as their little spot is safe.
We don''t even have a steward on afternoons at LGA anymore,they all ran away to mornings because they don''t want to be bothered.