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How''s are NEW co-workers doing ?? (RON Cleaners) !!!!

Aug 20, 2002
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Rumors abound from MANY delays, to trying to TRIPLE the amount of cleaners originally hired, just so they can get the over-nighters cleaned for THAT DAY, to the GM(at a small NE station) cleaning planes, alongside the supervisor.

Ya gotta'' love it !!!!!!!

On 6/18/2003 9:15:39 AM AAquila wrote:

The TWU was wrong in allowing this door to open, because it will never close again . These contractors will improve with time, and the Ramp/airfeight portion of the fleet service classification is next. Globe is just that, a Global airline contractor with mega $$$. No one is safe.



"Together with our many subsidiaries and partner companies - located in 35 countries on 4 continents - Servisair/GlobeGround customers benefit from an extensive network and our constant exchange of knowledge and expertise".

Hey BEAR, before you laugh at these guys, check out the company's web site. >>>>>>>>>


These guys carry alot of punch, start cleaning out your lockers, or they'll do it for you.
Bear; Aramark ( mainly a uniform rental company ( no unions ), has a ad for aircraft cleaners ( EWR ) at a starting salary of $6.00 a hour. That's the market rate for a aircraft cleaner, sad but true. AMR is trying to be competitive within the confines of our latest sham contract. So it will settle for less quality at first, just to be able to say, " See you guys, it can be done for less $$$, next contract Cabin Service is gone", we ( management ) will still be here to supervise the contractor and you'll be in the street".

The TWU was wrong in allowing this door to open, because it will never close again . These contractors will improve with time, and the Ramp/airfeight portion of the fleet service classification is next. Globe is just that, a Global airline contractor with mega $$$. No one is safe.

At TWA, the IAM never allowed a non-union outfit on the property, much less take jobs away from IAM paying members.

True; TWA finally went down, but we went down fighting.
On 6/18/2003 9:21:28 AM bagsmasher wrote:

Those aren''t new co-workers, they are scabs that took over union jobs.


They aren''t scabs, they didn''t cross a picket line.They applied for a job with a company that picked up a cleaning contract, nothing more.

If you have a problem with it, address it with the union...if you can actually find anyone from the union.

The TWU is running out of jobs to give away to the company in order to protect Fleet Service.(And don''t kid yourself, thats all they really care about)

Title II Utility Man/Building Cleaner classification-Given away without a whimper in 95/96, remember that when you see One Source or some other outfit cleaning the terminal,driving a sweeper or a plow truck on the ramp.

That used to be AA work.

Remember that when you get on the employee bus at JFK.

That used to be AA work.

Overnight Cabin Service.

That used to be AA work.

You can bet your ass they will give away Fueling, Mail and Freight in the near future and for what? To protect the Fleet Service Clerk.

The TWA guys I work with are aghast at this "Union", they can''t believe how complacent the TWU is, how they just give away work without a fight...

They are also rightly astounded at the apathy exhibited by the majority of the "members".

No one cares, as long as their little spot is safe.

We don''t even have a steward on afternoons at LGA anymore,they all ran away to mornings because they don''t want to be bothered.
Quality on cleaning tray tables and taking out the trash? Are you guys serious?

Does a union guy really spray lysol and walk to the dumpster that much better than a guy making $6.00 an hour?
How can a steward run to days when LGA has rotating shifts? Tell the TWA boys to start signing AMFA cards. The TWU will keep selling us out until we remove them from the property.
On 6/18/2003 9:21:21 PM AAmech wrote:

Amfa must be losing a s--t load of members at NWA. Now they want to sign up Fleet Service. Well I guess they have to make up the dues somehow.
You seem to know tons about NWA, yet very little about AA.

What is the current number of the AA Mechanics laid-off?
What is the current outsource limit at AA?
What is the current outsource percentage at AA?
What is the current status of the Force Majeure grievance from 9/11?
Amfa must be losing a s--t load of members at NWA. Now they want to sign up Fleet Service. Well I guess they have to make up the dues somehow.
Current outsouce limit is 21%. ALL HEAVY CHECKS DONE IN HOUSE BY AA MECHANICS!!!
On 6/19/2003 10:40:36 AM AAmech wrote:

Current outsouce limit is 21%.  ALL HEAVY CHECKS DONE IN HOUSE BY AA MECHANICS!!!

21% of what? Maintenance budget, fleet size, etc...
Is there a letter of agreement in writing on farmout cap? Where did you get 21% from? I am curious as to this figure since in the past the company and union never could provide a cap on farmout. Beware now that UAL and USAir are farming out at record numbers, this may start a new trend in the industry. We are not immune to this.
On 6/18/2003 9:29:12 PM RV4 wrote:


On 6/18/2003 9:21:21 PM AAmech wrote:

Amfa must be losing a s--t load of members at NWA.  Now they want to sign up Fleet Service.  Well I guess they have to make up the dues somehow.


You seem to know tons about NWA, yet very little about AA.

What is the current number of the AA Mechanics laid-off?

What is the current outsource limit at AA?

What is the current outsource percentage at AA?

What is the current status of the Force Majeure grievance from 9/11?

RV4''s aviation basics .001:

Ask leading questions.

Dave do you have the answers? If you do, does it make you feel superior to others?

If you have accurate information why not post it? Are you like the management you like to disparage so much, into the "information is power" game?

I thought AMFA was for informed members? I guess that means everyone does their own research. And those findings had better agree with the Party Line, or one is called a coward, fearful (of AMFA instigated) change, a TWU stooge, a management stooge, a dirty liberal socialist Democrat.

But never ever a GOP stooge, though that is where the greatest foes of labor are coming from.
On 6/19/2003 10:40:36 AM AAmech wrote:

Current outsouce limit is 21%. ALL HEAVY CHECKS DONE IN HOUSE BY AA MECHANICS!!!

A Mr. Gorhams (sp) of Local 514 TWU, has stated that the current farmout is 38%. He admitted this at the AMFA informational meeting in TUL.

It is just like the telephone survey, Randy McDonald had no clue ( or would not admit it) of the origin of the survey. He did confirm it was the TWU International. The pattern here is that the TWU leadership is out of touch with the membership.

You claim 21%? Again 21% of what and where is the documentation to prove your claim.

(e) Contracting Out of Work.

In the interest of providing stable employment, but nevertheless to permit the Company to maintain and continue the development of air transportation under applicable laws, the Company will perform aircraft and aircraft component maintenance and overhaul, and other related work, as its present employees have the normal time and the skills to perform, and for which the Company can reasonably make available the necessary facilities.

Additionally, it is agreed that the Company may continue to contract out work not exceeding the scope of its present contracting out practices. The Company will provide to the Union, in January and July of each year, a report, which indicates the extent of the aircraft maintenance work, which has been contracted out as a percentage of the total aircraft maintenance expense in the preceding six (6) months for purposes of ensuring consistency with this obligation.
It is understood that nothing in this Article requires the maintenance of the present volume of work.

What does this mean?
Pulling "this" back on topic,

I wonder how many YES voters, "who have been RIF-ed because of RON/cabins", realize how many PERMANENT jobs have been lost FOREVER ???

I wonder how many YES voters(who just got RIF-ed because of RON/cabins) realize that,

1. Yes, they would have(most likely) got RIF-ed by a BK judge.

"B U T",

2. would have had a "better" chance of getting re-called SOONER,


3. they voted "NO", and would have(eventually) had "those" jobs(RON), to be re-called to ?????????????????????

"GOD save us from (the Majority) of ourselves" !!!!!!!!


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