usfliboi said:
In your mind CAV, Which failed management team are you referring to? Ive lost count on how many management teams youve blamed... Please enlighten this sad minded person who is a cheer leader for the management here..... Please cav, your broken record of
'Its managements Fault Blues
', is old !
Let me think, something you should try once in a while:
We have a management team who sets the direction, tone and speed, basically the future of this company.
Then we have labor who follows those orders. The ones in labor who do not adhere to those orders set forth by management are set free, fired in short order which has been happening a lot lately every since Hitler style management took over.
So here we are, on the verge of tumbling into the dark deep abyss never to return. We find ourselves in this sorry state after we followed the orders set forth by a few men who are over paid and have too much power. A few of these men believe labor is an evil necessity to be dealt with in less the honorable ways, meaning lies, deception and anything else to undermine labor. These individuals believe they and they along are deserving of good wages while the little man should eat his crumbs, men of zero honor they are.
So after labor followed this path of evil intent, we all find ourselves sending out resumes because the future is very bleak and the storms are approaching quickly. This reality we find ourselves in was not caused by disobedient labor, because anyone disobedient in labor was fired, so the ones left standing are good drones having done their chores and therefore blameless, faultless for the dire situation this company is in.
In other words, oh ye little mind, YES BY GOD! Management “IS†at fault because unless you want to blame my dog, who in the hell else is left?
You sir you are one lost soul……..