How many Title 1 AMT's will take the early out?

The SKY is Falling!! The sky is falling!!!!!

If you are so unhappy, why not just quit/retire and go where you will be Happy?

I remember going to school to work on aircraft and still enjoy the profession after all these years!

If you take all the politics out and the negative people, Is it really that bad?

In Solidarity,

Well said. But they can't. They talk a tough fight, but that's about it. Fizzle. If they put as much effort into their union as they do whinning maybe something could happen. But we will never no. Because they are ALL TALK AND NO WALK!
That's why working with individuals such as you are a challenge.
Your ignorance is as astounding as your warped sense of unionism and compassion.
You get what you deserve.
B) xUT
Look closely at your situation before you jump into taking a buyout.
Although you may think that it is a horrible place to work and want to jump ship, make sure you realize the ramifications because once you walk out the door as there is no mulligan.

Severance/buyout money will be taxed at 40%, your will get some of it back on next year’s taxes but don’t count on it now.

If you are over 50, don’t expect to get a replacement job at equal pay in your lifetime. Some do and are better off but don’t expect that in this economy.

Don’t think because you and your family are healthy now that you will be tomorrow (much less next year) so don’t rush to save on health care premiums to save a few bucks.
I paid high dollar for an HMO and my peers thought I was pissing away money.
When I had a lung removed, they changed their opinion. Out of pocket cost me $145 for all the scans, work, sugery, etc… Well over $150K if out of pocket.

Make a decision based on reality, not your emotions.
Best to have a job before getting a new one.

B) xUT

UT, people need to listen to you. If a person is mad and make this decision, it could b dreadful. Don't think about the next 10 days, think and decide about your life in the next 10 yrs.
Karma's a MF ! Your seniority needs the mass exodus to stay employed. I am LMAO, good luck JackWagon!
You can yell KARMA until the cows come home. Let me explain something to you. There is no such thing. Only the weak "that's you" and the strong "that's me". Can you understand that little boy? I call you little boy because that's what you sound like? No offense.
YYou can yell KARMA until the cows come home. Let me explain something to you. There is no such thing. Only the weak "that's you" and the strong "that's me". Can you understand that little boy? I call you little boy because that's what you sound like? No offense.

odie, AMFA will never pass. its another dead issue
I think you have it backwards, slick. Your yes vote made you the weak one. Your no union man and the TWu certainly isn't much of a union. You must be real proud of that fact!
I agree. Why is that? Whay have you done to help? To many people just don't care anymore, and thats pathetic. We need a new direction, NOW!
Thats fine. If you ever make it south of the red river, look me up, I'm in the Taesl building. We have nothing in common, and have totally opposite views on unionism and for that matter patriotism. Just ask for Odie, I really would enjoy .....meeting you
Thats fine. If you ever make it south of the red river, look me up, I'm in the Taesl building. We have nothing in common, and have totally opposite views on unionism and for that matter patriotism. Just ask for Odie, I really would enjoy .....meeting you
I worked in TAESL for a while so maybe you know me already.

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