How 1 Customer Many More?

Wow, AKA... you beat me to it by seconds! :D

Denver, huh... nice to see what type of reputation we're "advertising" in other markets. :(
Wow, what advertising. Makes one want to run out and buy a ticket.

This is the publicity that we don't need.

Bronner, get off your butt and do something about this management team before it is too late.
Wow. What a powerful article. I'm grateful this man took the time to write it, he's obviously not a crack-pot. Everything he said is in line with what the employees have been shouting about.

This needs to be read aloud at CCY and taken seriously first thing tomorrow morning. It should be attached to Dave's resume. Jerry Glass should have it attached to his as well. Just look at how much our company has changed in such a short period of time. A few years ago, we were winning awards for our customer service. Now, we are trashed in the newspaper.

Shame, shame, shame!

Dea :ph34r:
Very eloquent.

It says everything that front line employees have been espousing for a very
long time. thumbs up

As stated in several other far as operation acumen...this management
team has NONE.

If the local super market were the real world and you dropped ccy into the
middle of it...they couldn t find their way to the exit. They believe it s all
about the statistics....mountains and mountains of statistics ie: advanced
math degree!!!!

As far as employee relations or the lack thereof....think about it....Jerry glass
owns a consulting firm. why.....because no real company would hire such
an abrasive,arrogant individual to deal with its most important asset.

As far as bbb...i don t beleive he could build a route network and pricing
strategy if it came with instructions.

We all want to do the best we can for the customer because the only golden
parachute we have is their loyalty....unlike ccy who gets a parachute no matter what.

I read the article, and I can't figure out what the guy's problem is. There are no specifics.

On page 1 he writes "I won't bore you with the details..." Excuse me, but if you want us to feel sorry for you and have some ammunition with which to lambast US Airways, we need a something more concrete than "unhappy people".

Slow news day at the Denver Business Journal?
"Remember the last CEO of American Airlines who cut costs, cut employees, but gave himself and the board millions of dollars in bonus? Forced to resign. Anyone heard from him? I hear he's now a waiter at Shoney's. "

If I'm not mistaken,our boys did the same thing. We just didn't find out about it until it was too late. Maybe Mr. Gitomer would like to try his hand at running an airline.
By the way, Mr. Gitomer's columns are carried in over 80 business journals across the U.S., a very large platform to shout down U management.
Mr. Gitomer has been abusing CLT employees for a very long time with long tirades and diatribes on how his vision of customer service is the vision everyone should have. He belittles people relentlessly even when he's been proven wrong. Other pax have even written letters in support of the agents he's abusing. He's a very verbally abusive man and acts silly if everything isn't just his way.
Just because he has a forum doesn't make what he says gospel. Be careful of what you read and realize there are always two sides to each story. Not one time does he say what his problem with the airline was. All he says is he doesn't want to bore us with the details and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see as to why he doesn't want to go into those details. He's a salesman and my guess is he's just trying to build sales for his company.

To my mind, it doesn't matter who it is, it's how he felt. And it strikes home with me as I've heard other customers say the same things lately. Our business is about people. If we can't provide a level of service that is comfortable and people choose to give their money to other airlines, how are we going to stay in business?


So you're saying it's okay to abuse the employees just because he felt like it? Are you kidding?? Doesn't it bother you a little that he gives no basis about his complaint? It would me.
While the business is about people it isn't about having employees abused by pax just to make sure they get their way. How would you like to be on the other end of one of his tantrums? He would have you give away the store and he feels as the rules apply to everyone but him. I'm saying if you give into pax like this you won't have to worry about staying in business as these type pax will put you out of business. U is providing incredible service considering what they have to work with. It's amazing the customer service is what it is with the conditions agents are under at the ato and res not to mention the flight crews. You can't keep giving the store away and expect to prosper. Margins are thin enough without erosion from pax like that.
The customer service Mr.Gitomer is looking for is a thing of the past, not only at U but all the airlines. In fact Delta is much farther along than U in removing customer service. Kiosk machines are what he will get down the road. Kiosk machines never cut anyone a break; it doesn’t care if your wife just had a stroke and that you are standing there in tears needing to get home ASAP. All it sees is a guy that owes a $100.00 change fee. It doesn’t care that you flew a million mile with him last year. Just put your CC card in and give it the $100.00 and you can have your boarding pass. I hear Delta will soon be installing reroute Kiosks at the gates to take care of you when your flight cancels, those will actually have a hand set, and you get to talk to a real person on the other end. Don’t get to excited thought the person on the other end will be in India, speaking broken English. Good luck down the road Mr. Gitomer.
it sounds to me as though his biggest gripe is that he couldn't have someone e-mail him someone's phone number. Must be nice to have a national pulpit from which to rant. I dunno about the author, but I have pretty much given up using my home e-mail, as I get on average 100 spam e-mails a day. Why bother with it. I certainly have better things to do than look for a USAirways executives phone number amidst all the other e-mails telling me how I can add inches to my penis.

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