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Horrible Company II

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You know Piney, if we're all talking about the same person here (a320) then they've already been judged by the court of public opinion a few years ago IIRC!!! I'll tell ya if that had happened to me I would certainly be keeping it on the DL (Down Low) and staying as far under the radar of EVERYONE.


I'm fairly certain we're all talking about the same person and your statement is true. I think that is why those of us in the know really took exception to the way Airbus A320 posted. While the aviation biz is big business, it is sometime uncanny how small a world it really is and how word gets around. Court of public opinion indeed, if I were this person I wouldn't even want to be on the radar.

I'm fairly certain we're all talking about the same person and your statement is true. I think that is why those of us in the know really took exception to the way Airbus A320 posted. While the aviation biz is big business, it is sometime uncanny how small a world it really is and how word gets around. Court of public opinion indeed, if I were this person I wouldn't even want to be on the radar.
You've got that right!!! One thing this place is.. is good entertainment for everyone else in the business.
Are you people totally cracked out???????

The poster "outed" himself. The letter never said why he was fired or whatever. The person that left the company revealed the information.

And Piney......... Do you seriously have a life??????
Matter of fact I do. Just finished watching "House" on USA Network and now if it's OK with you, Caroline and I are going to bed. I also had a Sicilian Pizza for dinner and Caroline and I sat here with the laptop on the coffee table and drank about 4 Belgian beers each since you're so interested. Also watched the NCIS Marathon on USA. This was after we took her two kids to a concert featuring some of their friends. If you want to know if we had sex I can hook up the web cam. (A-hole)

Doing laundry tomorrow, would you like to visit and help fold it while Caroline is Grocery shopping? Thank you for your heartfelt concern.

Piney...Piney I'm so concerned...it should be A-West Hole 😉 This can be referenced to the PHL folks at A West or the America West entourage 🙂 Back to my malted Smirnoff Ice...
Are you people totally cracked out???????

The poster "outed" himself. The letter never said why he was fired or whatever. The person that left the company revealed the information.

And Piney......... Do you seriously have a life??????
Oh Jesus and the Mary Chain.. What ran up your butt sideways??
Oh Jesus and the Mary Chain.. What ran up your butt sideways??

People just DO NOT read. You people have totally turn this into something it is NOT!!!!

Most of the people on here just want to linch people. It kind of reminds me of the Salem Witch Trials. The person who wrote the letter asked for the former employee to tell the truth. The former employee did NOT have to give that information. What charges can come? Anyone who can read and thinks RATIONALLY can see that.

I guess what "ran up my butt" is all the constant negativity on these boards lately. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE is safe from asking a question or giving a comment without being hung or beheaded.

Honestly, I have never seen a bigger bunch of bitter, b!tchy, company loathing, employee loathing people in my life. And what gets me more, are the people (Piney) that stick their face in EVERYTHING concerning the company and employees that doesn't concern them in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!!!!!

So USstew, there is your answer.

PS... And Piney, you sound like loads of fun to date or spend a night with. Send me your number and we can hook up...... Hmmmm sarcasm on the hooking up part.
People just DO NOT read. You people have totally turn this into something it is NOT!!!!

Most of the people on here just want to linch people. It kind of reminds me of the Salem Witch Trials. The person who wrote the letter asked for the former employee to tell the truth. The former employee did NOT have to give that information. What charges can come? Anyone who can read and thinks RATIONALLY can see that.

I guess what "ran up my butt" is all the constant negativity on these boards lately. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE is safe from asking a question or giving a comment without being hung or beheaded.

Honestly, I have never seen a bigger bunch of bitter, b!tchy, company loathing, employee loathing people in my life. And what gets me more, are the people (Piney) that stick their face in EVERYTHING concerning the company and employees that doesn't concern them in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!!!!!

First of all, the word is spelled "lynch." Second, it's "hanged," not "hung." Third, if Airbus A320 felt that NCFL's charges were untrue, he/she could've simply stated so in their response, point by point. There was no need to make the comment about NCFL no longer being at US and inviting us to ask the reason why. That comment in itself implied that there was something shady about NCFL's separation from the company (when there was not) and it most certainly showed a personal and vengeful agenda on the part of Airbus A320. If anything, NCFL deserves credit for stepping up to the plate and TOTALLY diffusing A320's low-blow attempt at outing him for something he deemed to be a deep, dark secret. Fourth, Piney and others have just as much right as you, or any employee, to stick their nose in on this board, especially when it's passengers like him that pay your salary. This is not an employees-only forum; it's public.

Best of luck to you NCFL!!
First of all, the word is spelled "lynch." Second, it's "hanged," not "hung." Third, if Airbus A320 felt that NCFL's charges were untrue, he/she could've simply stated so in their response, point by point. There was no need to make the comment about NCFL no longer being at US and inviting us to ask the reason why. That comment in itself implied that there was something shady about NCFL's separation from the company (when there was not) and it most certainly showed a personal and vengeful agenda on the part of Airbus A320. If anything, NCFL deserves credit for stepping up to the plate and TOTALLY diffusing A320's low-blow attempt at outing him for something he deemed to be a deep, dark secret. Fourth, Piney and others have just as much right as you, or any employee, to stick their nose in on this board, especially when it's passengers like him that pay your salary. This is not an employees-only forum; it's public.

Best of luck to you NCFL!!

Thanks for the well wishes, Stew.

Since I'm trying to be 100% honest in my life after alcohol, and with my friends and former co-workers on this board, I don't know that I'd say my separation from the company was completely without murkiness. After more than a month of sobriety, I did relapse while on a business trip the night before a meeting in PHX, and I have taken complete responsibility for that act by entering in-patient rehab and getting my life straightened out (at least as of today, that is). But I did not, nor would I ever, drink on the job, as was suspected at the time. I'm a drunk, but I'm not a stupid drunk. Which one of us hasn't exuded a bit of odor from our escapades the night prior? Maybe just alcoholics have that problem, I'm not sure, but I know I've noticed plenty of people smelling of hops and barley the day after the Super Bowl, a UNC-Wake Forest basketball game or even Nickel Beer Night or something like that. I'm rambling. Sorry.

They simply told me to "get tested," told me to leave the building, and left me to fend for myself in a strange city with no instructions on where to go or what to do. By the time I got to an urgent care facility, it was closed.

And while we're having the day's English lesson, everyone, "loan" is a noun and "lend" is a verb." One cannot "loan" someone something. 🙄
Ladies and Gentlemen,

With all due respect to the original poster, this has really run off course, and I think it's time to close it.

We're going to close it now, but I would like to hear from the OP via PM (NOT in the thread) their thoughts...I think it's time to put this one to rest.

We will consider a new thread if there is a further development, but we do not want to let this one get further into sniping and personal attacks.

Thank you for your understanding.
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