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Honor flight video on wings

Aug 20, 2002
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Lets talks about something positive for a change.

As many of you know, Honor flights are charters to DCA provided by US (at below market rates) for veterans' organizations to bring WWII to DCA for tours of the WWII Memorial.

For those of you with access to The Hub oops Wings, there is a great video about these flights and the heroes who fly on them.

Well worth a look.
Lets talks about something positive for a change.

As many of you know, Honor flights are charters to DCA provided by US (at below market rates) for veterans' organizations to bring WWII to DCA for tours of the WWII Memorial.

For those of you with access to The Hub oops Wings, there is a great video about these flights and the heroes who fly on them.

Well worth a look.

I had the honor to fly one of these recently. It will go down as one of the highlights of my career. I encourage crew members to fly one if you get the chance-you won't regret it.
I had the honor to fly one of these recently. It will go down as one of the highlights of my career. I encourage crew members to fly one if you get the chance-you won't regret it.

I've met a great many of these old timers and it's really something. The thing has me confused and amazed is their sort of John Wayne response when you thank them, It usually goes like "Aww shucks it weren't nothing, just doing my job". In a way that attitude angers me a bit sometimes. In fact I gently challenged a vet who was selling the Poppy's for the VFW. It turned out he was in the 89th Inf. and my uncle was in the 90th Inf. Both landed on Normandy. So I said to him, "Hey listen I know of few jobs that require you run onto a beach into a hail of bullets in order to save the world from evil so don't tell me I'm just doing my job" His response was classic, "Well when you put it that way I guess it was kinda special" We became "Poppy Day Friends" over my years in Mystic and over time he got more open about things and he could never wrap his arms around the fact that to many he was a hero because in his mind he just did "What was right" Finally about five years ago I lost track of him. Word was old age did what Hitler couldn't.

Go and meet one of these guys, you'll never regret it. Since it's my PC I'm gonna tell another story about two young Marines I was sharing F/C with PIT/PHL We got to talking and nicer men you'll never meet. They were coming home from Iraq and we talked about what they did. So I was telling them about my uncle and D-day and all things military and when the one guy heard about my uncle landing on D-Day he grinned and said, "We never did anything like that. Your uncle was in a real war, not the BS we were doing". Maybe this is why the old timers don't talk much??

So thanks to all the flight crews for taking care of those who served. Oh and the CSR's and other staff who make it possible. Soon they will all be gone and we as a nation will be poorer. So go out and try to meet some of them and say thanks for a job well done. If your experience is remotely like mine have been you will have no regrets spending that time.
we have handled numerous charters from across the country at my station and it sure is an honor to those folks who served the country then and now
"We never did anything like that. Your uncle was in a real war, not the BS we were doing".

The young men & women serving our country need not to sell themselves short....I am sure everyone that posts on this board are proud of our veterans and present day servicemen and women...I know I am...

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