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Employees Can Help Obtain Slot Awards

If I were an employee or a spouse of an employee I sure would hate to break the new conduct and ethics rule by identifying myself as an employee of the company. I think I would require a written "ok" from Dave and the CCY Boys!!! 😛
Now I am really confused! :huh: Do We or Don't We? Should We or Shouldn't We! Will We or Won't We? Maybe.....Maybe Not! :blink:
Could this be some ingenious management plan to fire us and cut cost?? Just wondering....am I allowed to do that? 😱
aerosmith said:
how suspisious all the newbies showing up on this board lately. B)
😀 Probably just the reaction to the new policies about online posting that the Gestapo at CCY put out. That or they are sitting in a dark room posting on here trying to lure people into falling for some trick to identify yourself.

Hey Dave, I'm a US Employee.... go beg for slots yourself! :shock:
Get the slots so that mesa can fly them?Yea,right....I am calling right now....
FYI - US just sent an e-mail to DM members (or at least some subset) asking for assistance as well. They provided us with talking points to include in any letters to the DOT. Here is the text of the e-mail:

As a Dividend Miles member, we want to keep you informed about US Airways future service enhancements, and also let you know that you can help us secure the rights to provide new flights for you.

US Airways has filed an application with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) for slot exemption authority to begin nonstop service from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, which is the most convenient airport in the metropolitan area, between several more cities to better serve your travel needs. We are pursuing approval for nonstop service between Reagan Washington National and San Francisco, CA, Chattanooga, TN, Asheville, NC and San Juan, PR. Additionally, US Airways has reiterated its request to operate on a permanent basis between Reagan Washington National and Wilmington, N.C., which is currently operated by US Airways on a temporary basis.

We want to make sure that you know that you have a voice in these decisions, and can be heard by contacting the DOT to let them know which carrier, and routes, you would like to see serve Reagan Washington National Airport. You can be heard and lend your hand in support by writing a letter to be sent via e-mail, fax or mail to the DOT. All correspondence needs to be received by next Friday, January 23, 2004. Please provide Reference Docket OST-2000-7181 (San Juan and San Francisco) and OST-2000-7182 (Chattanooga, Asheville, and Wilmington) in your letter along with any other comments or reasons that you wish to provide, and which routes you want approved. For example, let them know that you want US Airways approved to fly Reagan Washington National to San Francisco, San Juan, Chattanooga, or Asheville. We also have additional points that you can use to help you construct your letter at

E-mail: dot.comments@ost.dot.gov

To make submissions on the web go to, http://dmses.dot.gov/submit/
Or, fax is 202-366-7202. Just make sure you address your letter to:

The Honorable Norman Mineta
Secretary of Transportation
U.S. Department of Transportation
400 Seventh Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20590

As Washington, DC's hometown carrier, US Airways has developed and invested its personnel and capital resources at Washington's close-in airport over the years, and was the foremost among carriers in re-establishing service at Reagan Washington National. The company's proposal to serve San Francisco and San Juan from Reagan Washington National would not only provide the most extensive consumer and competitive network benefits, but it would also enhance the overall structure of air transportation offerings in multiple markets to a greater extent than any other applicant. Both the San Juan and San Francisco service would be the first ever nonstop flights from Reagan Washington National to these destinations and would provide customers with added convenience and time savings for travel to and from downtown Washington, D.C., versus connecting service or even nonstop service from Washington Dulles or Baltimore Washington International Airports.

US Airways' proposal to serve Asheville and Chattanooga from Reagan Washington National injects new nonstop service for these markets and will be served by US Airways Express regional jets. It also would optimize the nonstop service choices for travel in these local markets as well as provide maximum connecting opportunities. This service would be the only nonstop service offered from the Washington metropolitan area to these two small community airports.

You are under no obligation to support US Airways for these new routes. We have heard so much feedback from many of you over the years about wanting enhanced service, this is a perfect opportunity for you to help us secure it for you. Thank you for your consideration and for being a customer of US Airways.


Michael Isom

Managing Director, Marketing Programs
US Airways, Inc.
Youngblood - newbie - call me whatever you want. My reason for registering? I'm tired of going to work and listening. I NEED to voice an opinion that goes beyond the four walls in which I work. Question my motives. I don't care. It's all relative anyway.

As for the slots in DCA, what can it hurt? You want to see your company thrive don't you. Personally, I'm tired of hearing "I hope you lose your job" or "That's why your going down the drain". When I give my vote for additional slots in DCA it won't be for Dave or anyone else but me. The way I see it is - my job and my family are most important and if Dave and his cronies are searching other avenues for cash rather than my back pocket I'm happy. The concession stand is definitely closed so lets encourage strides for furthering revenue.

P.S. I certainly don't agree with some of the underhanded things management has done but I STILL believe in the airline and the employees and what we offer. I BELIEVE knowing there is a possibility that my home town may no longer be a HUB city and until the day comes when my pink slip is handed over I WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT ANY restructuring effort made that does not include taking money from my wallet.
As just a "run of the mill" employee, how do I know if my airline needs the slots more than Airtran or not?

(Disclaimer) Not that I am an employee or anything. 😉