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Hobby next

B6 is going to fight against the current Wright agreement. Good for them. I think the current agreement favors AA in a big way. Repeal and let everyone go for it at DAL. just my thoughts.......

Gates are limited to 20. SWA gets 16, AA gets 2 (a loss of 1 from current) and CO gets 2. How does this "favor AA in a big way?" It can't be the fact that the elimination of the WA is delayed for 7 or 8 years. The WA has been in place for almost 30 years. I doubt very seriously that anyone is going to be fatally impacted economically by another few years of increasingly reduced limitations.

Again, if you want "true competition" at DAL then...
1. Raise the landing fees at DAL so that they are somewhere close to DFW's landing fees.
2. SWA must give up gates to anyone who wants to come in there, or eliminate the 20 gate limit and finish out the other 12 gates in the "Master Plan."
3. SWA, AA and the current Dallas city officials personally indemnify the taxpayers of Dallas from lawsuits stemming from nearby resident lawsuits (from noise) and from the DFW AOA over loss of revenue.
Ok Jim.. I think your positions and analysis are good with regard to this issue,

but this position is rediculous:

1. Raise the landing fees at DAL so that they are somewhere close to DFW's landing fees.

How on earth would anyone be able to require the City to RAISE landing fees?
Ok Jim.. I think your positions and analysis are good with regard to this issue,

but this position is rediculous:

1. Raise the landing fees at DAL so that they are somewhere close to DFW's landing fees.
How on earth would anyone be able to require the City to RAISE landing fees?

Look, we just found out in February of this year that the City Aviation department had been charging SW the same landing fees for over 20 years--$0.35/1000 lbs. landing weight (as opposed to $4.94/1000 lbs at DFW). Don't you wish that your company's costs had remained constant for the past 20 years while you were allowed to raise your prices in line with the actual inflation?

We, the taxpayers, did not find out about this subsidy to SWA until S&P and Moody's downgraded Love Field bonds because the airport was not even breaking even from operational income. The fees have now been raised to a whopping $0.55/1000 lbs.

Now, call me cynical, but do you really think that SW would have been so tenacious in hanging on to Love Field all these years if the landing fees were not so ridiculously out of proportion to DFW? And, they want this new "agreement" to give them almost exclusive use of Love while everyone else "competes" from DFW with landing fees that are almost 10 times higher.

As I have said before...when SW got the courts to force reopening of Love Field "because SW is only involved in intrastate commerce and therefore Federal law should not apply" the city of Dallas should have said, "Fine, but your landing fees will be the same as at DFW." Do you think that SW would have still insisted on using an old, outdated terminal and field for the same price as a new facility?

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