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The answer to all your political position questions above are NO I do not favor those. I dont see the Democrat loving AFL-CIO doing anything to stop them either.

Instead of rattling a long list of moral issues that the Democrats promote and question your beliefs, let's just leave it simple...

... "How much Bread and Butter" are 43 Million Unborn Children Worth to you?
On 3/24/2003 5:09:08 PM RV4 wrote:


 The answer to all your political position questions above are NO I do not favor those. I dont see the Democrat loving AFL-CIO doing anything to stop them either.

Instead of rattling a long list of moral issues that the Democrats promote and question your beliefs, let''s just leave it simple...

... "How much Bread and Butter" are 43 Million Unborn Children Worth to you?


And where does Dubya stand on the issue? Wouldnt you think that this issue would be the first thing that Bush and the Republicans would address instead of Tax cuts for the rich? Where are their priorities? Tax cuts for the rich or unborn babies? Mrs Bush has made it clear that she supports abortion on demand.How much you want to bet that by 2004 abortion will still be legal in the US? At best, if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade, it will become a State issue, so pregnant girls will go from one state to the next to get abortions. Most Republicans are going to avoid this issue like the plague. Abortion is a tragedy upon our Nation, but unfortunately our materialistic culture and worship of wealth, regardless of the means through which it was achieved has devalued life, especially those who are the unknown.
OK, so? Partial, three months, 10 weeks, what difference does it make? I remember a news story about a young girl who killed her newborn in a South Jersey Motel room. I thought of how hypocritical our society was because if she had done the same thing a few months earlier it would have been legal. I still say that come 2004 abortion will still be legal.

Using your logic on how bills pass and who gets the credit or blame should we "credit" the Democrats since 16 of them voted for it, thus providing the margin for victory? If those 16 democrats had voted NAY, it would have been 48 -yeas to 49-nays.

It was interesting how the three 2004 Democratic hopefuls sat this out though.

Thanks to Bush and his buddies we will probably be paying less taxes anyway, because we will be making less. Oh, by the way did the Democrats vote down the tax cut or was it the Republicans who defected and voted No that provided the margin for defeat?After all, the Republicans have the majority right?
Spin Spin Spin Spin,

I am getting nauseated from the spinning of the left wing moronic piece of meat.
On 3/25/2003 9:21:12 PM RV4 wrote:

Spin Spin Spin Spin,

I am getting nauseated from the spinning of the left wing moronic piece of meat.


Its funny how when you use the same logic you feel that you are making a valid point but when that same type of thinking is turned around on you its moronic. You know what, you're right!!! So, now you know what we were thinking all these years about you!! What ever happened to "term limits" and all the half witted arguements the "right" used for them. For years I heard "the right" complain about how since Perot got around 20% of the vote, and of course all those votes would have been Republican or so the right argued,that Clinton should not be the President. " He shouldnt be President because most of the people did not vote for him" I distinctly remember hearing. Now we have Bush as President, a man that did not even get the most votes cast out of the three candidates, (how many Republicans do you figure Nader pulled?) had two Supreme Court Justices who had business relations with Bush (Thomas wife, Scalias son)that refused to do the ethically correct thing and remove themselves from the case since they stood to materially gain from the outcome,even O'Connor had made quotes that revealed a personal motivation towards one outcome (she said that she wanted to retire and did not think she could stick another four years)and had a brother who was Governor of a state that systematically removed innocent minorities from the voter registers if their name or social security number was close to that of a felons. Yet there is no cry from the right questioning his legitimacy. Why are these same people who were crying out for term limits and questioning Clintons legitimacy so quiet now on these issues?

What we saw in 2000 was not an election, is was a coup.

How much "bread and butter" is 43 million unborn lives worth to you Bob?

Not to mention God probably answered prayers for a cure for Cancer and Aids but one of your liberals aborted the gift bearer.
Evil Republicans are at it again Bob.

WASHINGTON - Sen. Norm Coleman said Wednesday he plans to introduce legislation that would provide $2.7 billion in airline aid to help the industry cope with the losses from a war with Iraq.
"I got a dog in this hunt," said Coleman, a freshman Minnesota Republican. "I got Northwest Airlines laying off 4,900 people. The ex-mayor in me looks at unfunded mandates."
Coleman stressed in a telephone interview that his bill was not a bailout but rather a package aimed at reimbursing airlines for security related federal regulations. His legislation would direct the federal government to:
_Reimburse airlines for security screenings and fortifying cockpit doors;
_Purchase tickets for Federal Air Marshals, instead of having them ride for free;
_Impose a 1-year moratorium on air carrier and air passenger fees, which would be picked up by the federal government;
_Provide a $100 million limit for airline liability for third-party damages, such as injuries to people in a building or on the ground.
Oh by the way, kudos to Sen Coleman!
See at least I can say it when Republicans do the right thing. Contrary to your assumptions I''ve voted for Republicans on several occasions.
On 3/26/2003 5:16:25 PM RV4 wrote:


 How much "bread and butter" is 43 million unborn lives worth to you Bob?

Not to mention God probably answered prayers for a cure for Cancer and Aids but one of your liberals aborted the gift bearer.


Well your probably right that liberals would have been more likely to conceive such a person, but its more likely that they would have conceived another Bill Clinton. I thought that the far right believed that AIDS was Gods way of getting rid of homosexuals and Africans?
So are you saying that you would give up Democracy for a dictatorship that would outlaw abortion?

Where is all the talk about Term Limits?

Its pretty ironic how you fret for the deaths of the unborn but celibrate the deaths of the born. One minute its the high moral ground of pro-life then pro-War (pro-death). Thou shalt not kill was not confined to the unborn you know. Where in the scriptures is such thinking supported? If you are going to avoid topics by claiming high moral ground then be consistant.

Oh, by the way, the Republicans killed a bill that would have made Toxic polluters responsible for cleaning up their own messes today. How many severely deformed babies will be concieved by parents who were genetically damaged due to the toxins these people left behind (after they moved their manufacturing overseas and laid off American workers)? While the right tells the poor to be accountable for themselves and dont burden society, big business is told the opposite.
"Purchase tickets for Federal Air Marshals, instead of having them ride for free". Is that with 21 days advance purchase or???

Realistically though, will the TSA be paying, if the seat was not sold otherwise. In which case, I think even SWA will be installing two first class seats.
"How much "bread and butter" is 43 million unborn lives worth to you Bob?"

Isnt abortion illegal in Iraq? If thats the case then shouldnt you be on their side?
On 3/28/2003 5:12:20 PM Bob Owens wrote:

"How much "bread and butter" is 43 million unborn lives worth to you Bob?"

Isnt abortion illegal in Iraq? If thats the case then shouldnt you be on their side?

Your arguements are getting weaker and appear with less intellect as time passes. Are you OK Health Wise Bob?