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Oct 17, 2007
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I love how the Co."USAIR" squashes these stories to the media. Tues Oct 30th at night the ATF and FBI raided C-con units below in the Usair breakrooms at PHL looking for stolen weapons. We were told they have GPS systems in the weapons to track them while soldiers go over to IRAQ. They ripped out ceiling tiles in the unit. Today Nov.2nd I was told they found the M-16 behind a locker empty with no ammo. Sounds like Parkers security is doing real well at PHL. Matter a fact it seems like its getting worse. :down:
not to defend Parkers Security but when I used to work ramp for AA in GSO we had flights that went DFW to GSO and onto FAY in the 90's, the return was always FAY to GSO back to DFW and sometimes the flights would carry weapons. (FAY is close to Fort Bragg and was mostly Military traffic, lots of Olive green duffel bags) When that would happen we would not be able to open the cargo bin till a Military officer came down from the aircraft, usually down the aft stairs on the 727 or MD-80, and he stood guard over them till the cargo bin was closed, sounds to me like the Military was lax on guarding the weapons unless their procedures changed.
Tell you the truth. I feel really bad for the security workers parker hired. I looked at one security worker who had holes in both his boots. I examined another workers uniform. It looked like it hasen't been washed in weeks all dirty & wrinkled. Either he was working hard that night <_< or just couldn't afford to wash it. Well I guess if your paid $6.75 an hour, from what he told me, when I asked, you cant blame him. Now today in our workbrain, we got an email stating from managers, to challenge anyone who isnt wearing an badge ID. You have to be crazy to even think of challenging anyone ,while guns are stolen around you. Let PARKERS security team an TSA deal with that. I don't get paid enough.
not to defend Parkers Security but when I used to work ramp for AA in GSO we had flights that went DFW to GSO and onto FAY in the 90's, the return was always FAY to GSO back to DFW and sometimes the flights would carry weapons. (FAY is close to Fort Bragg and was mostly Military traffic, lots of Olive green duffel bags) When that would happen we would not be able to open the cargo bin till a Military officer came down from the aircraft, usually down the aft stairs on the 727 or MD-80, and he stood guard over them till the cargo bin was closed, sounds to me like the Military was lax on guarding the weapons unless their procedures changed.
In PHL its total CHAOS. No procedure required. The only procedure Usair managers require is that you show up at work. That doesn't include being productive.
I love how the Co."USAIR" squashes these stories to the media. Tues Oct 30th at night the ATF and FBI raided C-con at PHL looking for stolen weapons. We were told they have GPS systems in the weapons to track them while soldiers go over to IRAQ. They ripped out all the ceiling tiles in the unit. Today Nov.2nd I was told they found the M-16 behind a locker empty with no ammo. Sounds like Parkers security is doing real well at PHL. Matter a fact it seems like its getting worse. :down:

OM :censored: G! I imagine the baggage area under PHL is like walking through a dark, scary, innercity alley. What kind of security did Parker put in place? Sounds like we need the National Guard in the PHL baggage area. Have they no shame....To take a soldiers weapon...SEND THE GUILTY THUG TRASH TO GITMO! Is it always going to be like this in PHL....Do other airlines have this many problems there? I feel for those good folks that put everything into doing a good job in PHL.....they seem to always get grouped together with the thug trash. To those hard working, honest folks in PHL, keep up the good work. We know your there and we're pulling for you! :up:
They should cut the locks off on all the lockers that have been abandoned for years. They could hold an ATF garage sale! At least they have arms on hand in an emergency!
This is old news and also happens on a regular basis in PHL, no big deal just business as usual
not to defend Parkers Security but when I used to work ramp for AA in GSO we had flights that went DFW to GSO and onto FAY in the 90's, the return was always FAY to GSO back to DFW and sometimes the flights would carry weapons. (FAY is close to Fort Bragg and was mostly Military traffic, lots of Olive green duffel bags) When that would happen we would not be able to open the cargo bin till a Military officer came down from the aircraft, usually down the aft stairs on the 727 or MD-80, and he stood guard over them till the cargo bin was closed, sounds to me like the Military was lax on guarding the weapons unless their procedures changed.

I remember the military escorts. There seemed to be a large group maybe a platoon and a number of foot lockers and trunks. Haven't seen anything like that since the Gulf war. Seems like now it is no more than 6 or so in a group.
This is old news and also happens on a regular basis in PHL, no big deal just business as usual
Old news!!!! Ok I've been in philly @ Usair since 91. This is the first time they found a M-16 in in the hall of our breakroom. Further more I never seen the ATF an FBI raid breakrooms like that. Also they never put GPS in guns 20 years ago. Daily basis?
I was only stowing it there until my four day was over, geez.
Old news!!!! Ok I've been in philly @ Usair since 91. This is the first time they found a M-16 in in the hall of our breakroom. Further more I never seen the ATF an FBI raid breakrooms like that. Also they never put GPS in guns 20 years ago. Daily basis?
maybe now you will finally get some new ceiling tile.

Today Nov.2nd I was told they found the M-16 behind a locker empty with no ammo. Sounds like Parkers security is doing real well at PHL. Matter a fact it seems like its getting worse. :down:

Well, no biggie to DoUgIe. He has to make PHL work.

That's just the way it has to be.
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