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Here's Just How Massive Republicans' Super Tuesday Turnout Was

townpete said:
That was an article about what happen on super tuesday last week, quoted directly from when it was written on March 2nd. Not my words.
Apparently reading comprehension was never your strongest suit.
Apparently writing the truth is not your strong suit.  YOU used the words, Last night, in a post you made today, March 9, 2016.  That makes last night a reference to March 8, 2016.  Nothing in the rest of your post occurred on March 8, 2016.  It all occurred on March 1, 2016.  If you had said LAST WEEK, you would have been correct.
Oh, and please get someone who reads and understands English to read and explain my posts to you.  I NEVER said the statements in the article were incorrect  I was pointing out that on March 9th, you were using the phrase, last night, to then post data that was a week old.  The data is correct,  You seem incapable of using the concept of time.
FWAAA said:
Jim: Pete cut and pasted a story written by that GOP-controlled media machine called NPR. NPR is a division of Murdoch's media empire, isn't it?

The link was at the top of the OP. Like WorldTraveler, Pete doesn't use the UBB Quote feature when he cuts and pastes words written by others. The OP had no Pete-written words in it - it was 100% cut and pasted by Pete of an NPR story.

The point of the article wasn't that Republicans had larger actual numbers of voters than did the Democrats; the point NPR made (rather successfully, IMO) is that in those 11 states on Super Tuesday, the Republican turnout was much higher than it was in 2012 and the Democrats' turnout was quite a bit lower than it as in 2008, the last time the Democrats had a contest for the Presidential nomination.
Is that the same NPR that James O'Keefe exposed as being very left wing that Congress was going to cut funding to that Democrats went ballistic over?
Over 8 million voters turned out for the GOP Super Tuesday contests, while the Democratic turnout was approximately 5.5 million voters. In 2008, the opposite was true. According to data compiled by ABC News, over 8 million voters turned out for the Democratic contests, and over 5 million for the GOP contests.
jimntx said:
Apparently writing the truth is not your strong suit.  YOU used the words, Last night, in a post you made today, March 9, 2016.  That makes last night a reference to March 8, 2016.  Nothing in the rest of your post occurred on March 8, 2016.  It all occurred on March 1, 2016.  If you had said LAST WEEK, you would have been correct.
Oh, and please get someone who reads and understands English to read and explain my posts to you.  I NEVER said the statements in the article were incorrect  I was pointing out that on March 9th, you were using the phrase, last night, to then post data that was a week old.  The data is correct,  You seem incapable of using the concept of time.
I didnt use any words.
Those words were directly quoted from the article written on Wed March 2nd. 

You just made assumptions that were incorrect. But we are used to that.
townpete said:
I didnt use any words.
Those words were directly quoted from the article written on Wed March 2nd. 

You just made assumptions that were incorrect. But we are used to that.
Geez  'Pete,....I can't seem to find a person of color in your Atlanta photo, yet I KNOW there's TONS and TONS of  Brotha's in ATL  !!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Geez  'Pete,....I can't seem to find a person of color in your Atlanta photo, yet I KNOW there's TONS and TONS of  Brotha's in ATL  !!
We also didn't see any "Brothas" or "Sistas" running against the Hildabeast criminal liar or The Bernout. Is the libtard DNC being controlled again by the racists in the KKK? What gives gramps?