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help me understand Republic......

Well at least we can finally agree on something!

And I second that. This is not Midway but he/she left the door open here so I thought I'd just put my 2cents worth in. I do work for Republic as a F/A and am proud to say I do. We do have some worthless f/a's just like any other airline out there including MAINLINE. But the major part of us care and do a great job, including all the mainline furloughed F/A's, who do not want to return to USAIR to sit on reserve and commute. Blame you senior pilot's, F/A's and mangement for selling you out. Apparently you enjoyed being a EXPRESS F/A,,, hence your name EMBFA. I love living in base, I love my airplane, I love my job!! Never would consider applying at your company, too many cry babies. How come you don't get on Southwest's board and whine when they take over YOUR routes and airports.(PIT - BWI) or are you so jr you weren't aware this happened?
And I second that. This is not Midway but he/she left the door open here so I thought I'd just put my 2cents worth in. I do work for Republic as a F/A and am proud to say I do. We do have some worthless f/a's just like any other airline out there including MAINLINE. But the major part of us care and do a great job, including all the mainline furloughed F/A's, who do not want to return to USAIR to sit on reserve and commute. Blame you senior pilot's, F/A's and mangement for selling you out. Apparently you enjoyed being a EXPRESS F/A,,, hence your name EMBFA. I love living in base, I love my airplane, I love my job!! Never would consider applying at your company, too many cry babies. How come you don't get on Southwest's board and whine when they take over YOUR routes and airports.(PIT - BWI) or are you so jr you weren't aware this happened?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Snore... "tell me what to write captain, I hate those real US Airways people! We'll show them! " Keep your 2cents, its not worth blowing your whole paycheck in one place. LOL, comparing OUSOURCING to Southwest... thats pretty lame... let me know if Southwest puts a Flag on thier tail and US Airways starts selling tickets for them. 🙄 I'm glad I don't ever have to post such drivel... honestly, YOU must be feeling like a scab because what are you defending yoursef against?. No one blamed you. No one cares who the F/As for Republic are, lets hope they do a good job. I could care less if they swing from the windowshades and put thier heads in the seatpockets for landing- who cares! Whether they do or don't doesn't change the situation. We just want to see you go. And soon!
Oh and I loved being a MidAtlantic F/A, but that was mainline. Or did you not know that?

Do you think your going to change my mind or anyone elses?
I think you are all crazy.

MidwayMetrolink. You've done this before, why do you bother?

She has a point, you are not going to change anyone's mind. Why bother? Do you think someone at US Airways is going to turn around and say, you're right, it's fantastic that a mainline plane and the jobs it provided have been outsourced to an outside airline to fly as Express? It's just not going to happen.

This is why this type of thing is a terrible idea. As long as Republic is around, low morale and distrust of management will exist at the airline, particularly in the "junior" contingent that will be around the longest. Doug Parker knows this, it's pretty well known that he wanted out of the deal completely and doesn't seem interested in continuing it. He would be very stupid to.

Are people going to make snide comments about the replacement workers? Of course they are. Are they going to be torn to shreds if they are not as good as MidAtlantic was? Of course. Are passengers going to complain if they don't get the exact product they expect from US Airways/US Airways Express? Yes. If I ran Republic, I'd get off my high horse and start blending in and act like the rest of the US Airways Express carriers.

That's the way it's going to be. Crying on the internet because you feel beat up is not going to help, in fact insulting US Airways and it's employees only feeds the fire. The impression is, Republic is a parasite living off of US Airways, took the planes, the routes, and the jobs, and now thier employees are talking #### on the message boards, biting the hand that feeds them? Swift. Are you trying to turn more people against you? Do you know how many people read these boards? Your last post, whether it was you or a Republic F/A, probably just made life ALOT worse for her co-workers, and that's sad.

The best thing you and your co-workers can do is go to work and try to do a good job, keep a low profile and stay out of the politics. The majority of you did know what the story was when you transfered from CHQ or applied and accepted the job. You knew that alot of ill will would come your way and that you would be replacement workers. You knew some would even view you as a scab. You replaced a job at the company US Airways, and you are now working that same exact position as an outside US Airways Express employee. You are the equivalent of Phillipine reservations- you knew this, why complain now? You've undoubtedly boosted either your career or quality of life or you wouldn't have done it, right? But you knew it was at the expense of others and that animosity would be directed towards you and your company. Do you think your going to win the hearts of the employees of US Airways?

EMBFA, I think you are a little crazy. Kind of scared of you. 🙂This guy is a wind-up artist, like you said, he only comes on when Republic talk comes up and then says nasty things about US Airways/MidAtlantic people. Ignore him. Glad you got called back.

I think this thread has run it's course. The question was answered. Republic is a different airline so it has different policies that don't match US Airways, this is true of all of the Express carriers, even the owned subsidiaries. Republic/Chq is more obvious because for whatever reason they choose not to follow the US Airways Express program that all of the others, owned and contract do. This is why you hears different announcements and such.

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