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Healthcare 'get out the vote'

Now They Tell Us: CBO Double Counted Medicare Savings :angry:

The lies never cease to amaze me...

After allowing Democrats for weeks to argue that their Medicare cuts would both help finance the new health care legislation and extend the solvency of Medicare, the Congressional Budget Office explained today that the bill could do one or the other, but not both at the same time.

The new memo, released after Democrats have already secured 60 votes, reads:

The key point is that the savings to the HI (Medicare Hospital Insurance) trust fund under the PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) would be received by the government only once, so they cannot be set aside to pay for future Medicare spending and, at the same time, pay for current spending on other parts of the legislation or on other programs.

To describe the full amount of HI trust fund savings as both improving the government’s ability to pay future Medicare benefits and financing new spending outside of Medicare would essentially double-count a large share of those savings and thus overstate the improvement in the government’s fiscal position.

Sen. Jeff Sessions, after conversing with CBO director Doug Elmendorf, said that without the revenue from the Medicare cuts, the bill would actually increase deficts by nearly $300 billion.

"Either you've weakened the Medicare substantially or you're going to have no money to spend on the new program that's being created," Sessions said. "You cannot spend this money twice."
This ain't about healthccare..its about control....wake up.

I'll ask you kindly to address me with a little respect, as I feel you deserve as well ! ! !

The fact of the matter IS, that the GOP politics of the healthcare issues in this country, have done Absolutely NOTHING over many years to encourage their Insurance company friends(donors) to do something.."anything" with regard to Pre-existing conditions.

I'm interested to see(read) what you might feel is Incorrect about what I've stated.

Pre Existing Conditions !!!
Not Tort reform,......"Pre-existing Conditions" !

Thank you.
I'll ask you kindly to address me with a little respect, as I feel you deserve as well ! ! !

The fact of the matter IS, that the GOP politics of the healthcare issues in this country, have done Absolutely NOTHING over many years to encourage their Insurance company friends(donors) to do something.."anything" with regard to Pre-existing conditions.

I'm interested to see(read) what you might feel is Incorrect about what I've stated.

Pre Existing Conditions !!!
Not Tort reform,......"Pre-existing Conditions" !

Thank you.
Let me guess, you actually believe everything that they are telling you, at the same time they are crafting this bill behind closed doors? :blink:

Girl, your in for a hellava surprise.
Let me guess, you actually believe everything that they are telling you, at the same time they are crafting this bill behind closed doors? :blink:

Girl, your in for a hellava surprise.

Now that's "Transparency" you can "Believe In!" :down:
I'll ask you kindly to address me with a little respect, as I feel you deserve as well ! ! !

The fact of the matter IS, that the GOP politics of the healthcare issues in this country, have done Absolutely NOTHING over many years to encourage their Insurance company friends(donors) to do something.."anything" with regard to Pre-existing conditions.

I'm interested to see(read) what you might feel is Incorrect about what I've stated.

Pre Existing Conditions !!!
Not Tort reform,......"Pre-existing Conditions" !

Thank you.

Kindly open your eyes to the reality that this bill isn't about healthcare, its about control......prove me wrong.

If those dirty dogs from GOP haven't done anything regarding healthcare...then why under Obamacare did the private insurance company stocks just surge? Because of GOP?..... :lol:
I thought your boys hated capitalism and profiteering....Looks like somebody in DC in bed with private HC just like John Dean claimed last week..... 😱

That is with all due respect Madam........................
Kindly open your eyes to the reality that this bill isn't about healthcare, its about control......prove me wrong.

If those dirty dogs from GOP haven't done anything regarding healthcare...then why under Obamacare did the private insurance company stocks just surge? Because of GOP?..... :lol:
I thought your boys hated capitalism and profiteering....Looks like somebody in DC in bed with private HC just like John Dean claimed last week..... 😱

That is with all due respect Madam........................

When no less than avowed Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of VT comes out and states that the bill is a windfall for insurance companies then I think that is a comment worth noting as we move forward in this debate. Thie adminisrearion has bailed out EVERY major industry in this country so why not insurance companies?

We are moving toward a European model of a society over regulated, over taxed and underproductive. Once the Average American discovers exactly what all this means in real terms in their specific lives heads will roll in DC. Term limits will be imposed by John Q Public.

Funny thing I bet most Americans or even posters here don't know the roots of the so called "Health Care Crisis".

I will give you a hint it has to do with:

Government trying to regulate a free market
Trade Unions
The Law of Unintended Consequences.
it's all a made up crisis to create fear in the people to get them to allow government to fix things.........

Fix? or gain further control over the day to day lives of Freedom loving Americans? The fear mongering is out of control. The more a government intrudes into your day to day the less freedom you have no matter how beneficual or well intentioned. For me the "Greater Good" argument is a hollow argument as only I as an individual endowed by my Creator with certain unalienable rights has the ability to decide what's in my best interests

Now for some hitorical perspective.

During WWII, WAGE & PRICE controls were implemented as a perceived benefit to the war effort. (Government meddling in private enterprise)

As a result organized labor was rightfully upset and the "Work Around" was "Hey why don't you guys )the company) pay our health insurance?"

All of this made perfect sense at the time as there was no signifcant role the government played in Health care. Now roughly 50% of healrh care dollars come for the government either through MediCare of Medicaid and other programs. Which proves that the law of unintended consequenses is alive and well.